For a uniform classification for orders in the European Union, the CPV codes support. With our CPV code search you save time and money.
- 30173000Label applying machines
- 30179000Label dispensers
- 30170000Labelling machines
- 30174000Label making machines
- 72212972Label making software development services
- 48972000Label making software package
- 30199760Labels
- 39181000Laboratory benching
- 45214610Laboratory building construction work
- 42931100Laboratory centrifuges and accessories
- 39180000Laboratory furniture
- 33793000Laboratory glassware
- 33790000Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware
- 38519500Laboratory microscope replacement bulbs
- 38000000Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
- 38437000Laboratory pipettes and accessories
- 42122500Laboratory pumps and accessories
- 33696500Laboratory reagents
- 71900000Laboratory services
- 42671100Laboratory tool carriers
- 03422000Lac
- 37451400Lacrosse balls
- 37451500Lacrosse sticks
- 15553000Lactose or lactose syrup
- 44423200Ladders
- 15961100Lager
- 15115100Lamb
- 15115000Lamb and mutton
- 44191200Laminated wood
- 42994220Lamination accessories
- 42994230Laminators
- 31532800Lamp arms
- 31532700Lamp covers
- 31223000Lamp-holders
- 34928520Lampposts
- 31532600Lamp reactors
- 31521000Lamps
- 31520000Lamps and light fittings
- 31532400Lamps sockets
- 31532500Lamp starters
- 35311400Lances
- 45251240Landfill-gas electricity generating plant construction work
- 90531000Landfill management services
- 45248400Landing stages construction work
- 70332100Land management services
- 35331400Land mines
- 70122200Land purchase services
- 90722300Land reclamation services
- 45112320Land-reclamation work
- 45112360Land rehabilitation work
- 70320000Land rental or sale services
- 70321000Land rental services
- 70122000Land sale or purchase services
- 70122100Land sale services
- 71420000Landscape architectural services
- 71421000Landscape gardening services
- 90721100Landscape protection services
- 45112700Landscaping work
- 45112740Landscaping work for airports
- 45112714Landscaping work for cemeteries
- 45112712Landscaping work for gardens
- 45112721Landscaping work for golf courses
- 45112710Landscaping work for green areas
- 45112711Landscaping work for parks
- 45112723Landscaping work for playgrounds
- 45112722Landscaping work for riding areas
- 45112730Landscaping work for roads and motorways
- 45112713Landscaping work for roof gardens
- 45112720Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas
- 79972000Language dictionary publishing services
- 45214430Language laboratory construction work
- 31527210Lanterns
- 44613000Large containers
- 33185400Larynx artificial
- 15851230Lasagne
- 31712348Laser diodes
- 30232110Laser printers
- 38636100Lasers
- 03116300Latex products
- 42621000Lathes
- 42620000Lathes, boring and milling machine tools
- 44212263Lattice masts
- 45242110Launchway construction work
- 18935000Laundry bags
- 98311000Laundry-collection services
- 98311100Laundry-management services
- 98311200Laundry-operation services
- 39291000Laundry supplies
- 42716000Laundry washing, dry-cleaning and drying machines
- 44411740Lavatory bowls
- 44411750Lavatory cisterns
- 44411720Lavatory covers
- 44411710Lavatory seats
- 44411700Lavatory seats, covers, bowls and cisterns
- 75231100Law-courts-related administrative services
- 16311000Lawnmowers
- 16150000Lawn or sports-ground rollers
- 16311100Lawn, park or sports-ground mowers
- 33613000Laxatives
- 45432112Laying of paving
- 45432111Laying work of flexible floor coverings
- 14712000Lead
- 31431000Lead-acid accumulators
- 31421000Lead batteries
- 09132200Leaded petrol
- 24212630Lead hydroxide
- 14612500Lead ores
- 24212300Lead oxide
- 15331140Leaf and cabbage vegetables
- 22140000Leaflets
- 03221300Leaf vegetables
- 71631430Leak-testing services
- 19100000Leather
- 19000000Leather and textile fabrics, plastic and rubber materials
- 19170000Leather articles used in machinery or mechanical appliances
- 19120000Leather of bovine or equine animals
- 19141000Leather of other animals
- 19140000Leather of other animals, composite leather and other leather
- 19130000Leather of sheep, goats or pigs
- 19600000Leather, textile, rubber and plastic waste
- 19610000Leather waste
- 45212340Lecture hall construction work
- 45214420Lecture theatre construction work
- 44421710Left-luggage lockers
- 79140000Legal advisory and information services
- 79110000Legal advisory and representation services
- 79111000Legal advisory services
- 79130000Legal documentation and certification services
- 66513100Legal expenses insurance services
- 66513000Legal insurance and all-risk insurance services
- 79112000Legal representation services
- 79100000Legal services
- 75111200Legislative services
- 45212110Leisure centre construction work
- 37416000Leisure equipment
- 15321300Lemon juice
- 15332232Lemon marmalade
- 03222210Lemons
- 03212211Lentils
- 30195300Letter boards or accessories
- 44422000Letterboxes
- 30199210Letter cards
- 30194500Lettering aids
- 30175000Lettering equipment
- 30197310Letter openers
- 30197300Letter openers, staplers and hole punches
- 70130000Letting services of own property
- 55250000Letting services of short-stay furnished accommodation
- 03221310Lettuce
- 45234140Level crossing construction works
- 38422000Level-measuring equipment
- 66516000Liability insurance services
- 92510000Library and archive services
- 92500000Library, archives, museums and other cultural services
- 30238000Library automation equipment
- 22113000Library books
- 45212330Library construction work
- 39155100Library equipment
- 39155000Library furniture
- 79995000Library management services
- 48161000Library management system
- 92511000Library services
- 72212160Library software development services
- 48160000Library software package
- 72212218License management software development services
- 48218000License management software package
- 44618340Lids
- 39525700Life belts
- 34521400Lifeboats
- 45216124Lifeboat station construction work
- 66511000Life insurance services
- 39525300Life jackets
- 66710000Life reinsurance services
- 45313000Lift and escalator installation work
- 42410000Lifting and handling equipment
- 42400000Lifting and handling equipment and parts
- 33192600Lifting equipment for health care sector
- 42418000Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery
- 42415100Lifting trucks
- 45313100Lift installation work
- 50750000Lift-maintenance services
- 42416100Lifts
- 42416000Lifts, skip hoists, hoists, escalators and moving walkways
- 33141126Ligatures
- 35411200Light battle tanks
- 31531000Light bulbs
- 39311000Light catering equipment
- 44618100Light containers
- 44618000Light containers, corks, tops for containers, vats and lids
- 34351000Light-duty tyres
- 31712341Light-emitting diodes
- 39225000Lighters, articles of combustible materials, pyrotechnics, matches and liquid or liquefied gas fuels
- 35321000Light firearms
- 45216128Lighthouse construction work
- 63724400Lighthouse services
- 31500000Lighting equipment and electric lamps
- 34995000Lighting for aircraft guidance and illumination
- 34994100Lighting for river guidance and illumination
- 34994000Lighting for ship guidance and illumination
- 31527260Lighting systems
- 31216000Lightning arrestors
- 45312311Lightning-conductor installation work
- 31216200Lightning conductors
- 31216100Lightning-protection equipment
- 45312310Lightning-protection works
- 09211810Light oils
- 30237430Light pens
- 63724110Lightship positioning services
- 63724200Lightship services
- 31518220Light stick
- 34136100Light vans
- 34513750Light vessels
- 09112100Lignite
- 09112000Lignite and peat
- 44921200Lime
- 03222250Limes
- 44921300Limestone
- 44921000Limestone and gypsum
- 44920000Limestone, gypsum and chalk
- 31214190Limit switches
- 31643100Linear accelerators
- 30237360Linear Tape-Open (LTO) cartridges
- 43132400Line equipment
- 19231000Linen
- 19230000Linen fabrics
- 42717100Linen folding equipment
- 42717000Linen ironing and folding equipment
- 76421000Liner cementing services
- 43612200Liner hanger equipment
- 43132500Liner hangers
- 76211000Liner-hanger services
- 19245000Lining fabrics
- 76211100Lining services
- 44112230Linoleum
- 33711440Lip balm
- 09122210Liquefied butane gas
- 44612000Liquefied-gas containers
- 09133000Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
- 09122110Liquefied propane gas
- 15911200Liqueurs
- 24113100Liquid air
- 24413100Liquid ammonia
- 24113000Liquid and compressed air
- 38640000Liquid crystal devices
- 31171000Liquid dielectric transformers
- 42122420Liquid elevators
- 42912000Liquid filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus
- 15431110Liquid margarine
- 24111800Liquid nitrogen
- 09211720Liquid paraffin
- 09211610Liquids for hydraulic purposes
- 24311522Liquid soda
- 22461100List holders
- 30193500Literature rack
- 14784000Lithium
- 31434000Lithium accumulators
- 79822400Lithographic services
- 33153000Lithotripter
- 90511300Litter collection services
- 03121100Live plants, bulbs, roots, cuttings and slips
- 03324000Live poultry
- 15131300Liver preparations
- 03322000Livestock
- 39143300Living-room furniture
- 34950000Loadbearing equipment
- 71327000Load-bearing structure design services
- 42418910Loading equipment
- 42418900Loading or handling machinery
- 66190000Loan brokerage services
- 32410000Local area network
- 72710000Local area network services
- 64211100Local telephone services
- 44421720Lockers
- 44212383Lock gates
- 44521100Locks
- 44520000Locks, keys and hinges
- 98395000Locksmith services
- 34611000Locomotives
- 45234170Locomotive-substations construction works
- 34612100Locomotive tenders
- 34612000Locomotive tenders and cable cars
- 77210000Logging services
- 03418000Logs
- 09324000Long-distance heating
- 64211200Long distance telephone services
- 15614100Long-grain rice
- 33121000Long term ambulatory recording system
- 66519500Loss adjustment services
- 37524810Lottery formulary
- 30198000Lottery machines
- 92351100Lottery operating services
- 37524800Lotto games
- 32342000Loudspeakers
- 39156000Lounge and reception-area furniture
- 42512520Louvres
- 31321200Low- and medium-voltage cable
- 37442300Lower and upper body resistance machines
- 37442310Lower body resistance machines
- 34121400Low-floor buses
- 44161600Low-pressure pipeline
- 44163150Low-pressure pipes
- 09135110Low-sulphur combustible oils
- 31321210Low-voltage cable
- 45315600Low-voltage installation work
- 24951100Lubricants
- 09211000Lubricating oils and lubricating agents
- 42113150Lubricating oil systems
- 09210000Lubricating preparations
- 42122170Lubricating pumps
- 09211900Lubricating traction oils
- 18920000Luggage
- 18900000Luggage, saddlery, sacks and bags
- 30199762Luggage tags
- 34622500Luggage vans and special-purpose vans
- 30199770Luncheon vouchers
- 14752000Lutetium