For a uniform classification for orders in the European Union, the CPV codes support. With our CPV code search you save time and money.
- 18815400Waders
- 39711350Waffle irons
- 18235400Waistcoats
- 37412310Wakeboards, kneeboards or boogieboards
- 32237000Walkie-talkies
- 33141720Walking aids
- 39295400Walking sticks
- 42512200Wall air-conditioning machines
- 37535290Wall and rope climbing equipment
- 37535291Wall climbing equipment
- 39254120Wall clocks
- 45432200Wall-covering and wall-papering work
- 45432210Wall-covering work
- 18923200Wallets
- 31524200Wall light fittings
- 31524210Wall lights
- 39191100Wallpaper
- 39190000Wallpaper and other coverings
- 45432220Wall-papering work
- 30199791Wall planners
- 45431200Wall-tiling work
- 39143121Wardrobes
- 42965100Warehouse management system
- 45213221Warehouse stores construction work
- 63122000Warehousing services
- 31521310Warning lights
- 35510000Warships
- 35500000Warships and associated parts
- 44411300Washbasins
- 39713210Washer/dryers
- 44532200Washers
- 98310000Washing and dry-cleaning services
- 42716110Washing equipment
- 42716100Washing installation
- 42716120Washing machines
- 39831000Washing preparations
- 79723000Waste analysis services
- 34928480Waste and rubbish containers and bins
- 45222110Waste disposal site construction work
- 44616200Waste drums
- 42320000Waste incinerators
- 90533000Waste-tip management services
- 45232470Waste transfer station
- 45222100Waste-treatment plant construction work
- 45259100Wastewater-plant repair and maintenance work
- 45232431Wastewater pumping station
- 45252127Wastewater treatment plant construction work
- 18521000Watches
- 19160000Watch straps
- 44621210Water boilers
- 18925100Water-bottle holders
- 18925000Water-bottle holders and holsters
- 35221000Water cannons
- 39221140Water canteens
- 44613210Water chambers
- 44613500Water containers
- 31141000Water coolers
- 65121000Water demineralisation services
- 65122000Water desalination services
- 45253310Water-distillation plants construction work
- 65110000Water distribution
- 65100000Water distribution and related services
- 71351820Water divining services
- 42912310Water filtration apparatus
- 39715000Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment
- 15981300Water in solid form
- 39370000Water installations
- 45232151Water-main refurbishment construction work
- 44161200Water mains
- 38421100Water meters
- 44812220Water paints
- 45332200Water plumbing work
- 18221100Waterproof capes
- 18221000Waterproof clothing
- 18811000Waterproof footwear
- 45261420Waterproofing work
- 42122130Water pumps
- 45252210Water purification plant construction work
- 42912330Water-purifying apparatus
- 45242000Waterside leisure facilities construction work
- 37412100Water skis
- 39137000Water softeners
- 65123000Water softening services
- 37412000Water-sports equipment
- 45242100Water-sports facilities construction work
- 44611500Water tanks
- 34144212Water-tender vehicles
- 44212233Water towers
- 60600000Water transport services
- 24962000Water-treatment chemicals
- 45252120Water-treatment plant construction work
- 45232430Water-treatment work
- 63721300Waterway operation services
- 45247120Waterways except canals
- 45262220Water-well drilling
- 42112210Water wheels
- 03142400Waxes
- 35300000Weapons, ammunition and associated parts
- 90523100Weapons and ammunition disposal services
- 66515300Weather and financial loss insurance services
- 71351600Weather-forecasting services
- 18220000Weatherproof clothing
- 66515400Weather-related insurance services
- 38127000Weather stations
- 42713000Weaving machines
- 19212500Webbing
- 19212510Webbing straps
- 30237240Web camera
- 72212224Web page editing software development services
- 48224000Web page editing software package
- 72414000Web search engine providers
- 48825000Web servers
- 72212222Web server software development services
- 48222000Web server software package
- 77312000Weed-clearance services
- 77312100Weed-killing services
- 45221117Weighbridge construction work
- 63712500Weighbridge services
- 42923100Weighing machinery
- 42923000Weighing machinery and scales
- 37442000Weight and resistance training equipment
- 37442400Weight benches or racks
- 42958000Weights for weighing machines
- 45247220Weir construction work
- 45262680Welding
- 44315100Welding accessories
- 42662000Welding equipment
- 44315200Welding materials
- 85311300Welfare services for children and young people
- 85311100Welfare services for the elderly
- 85311200Welfare services for the handicapped
- 85312400Welfare services not delivered through residential institutions
- 34114300Welfare vehicles
- 76410000Well-casing and tubing services
- 76411400Well-casing completion services
- 76411100Well-casing crew services
- 76411300Well-casing milling services
- 76411200Well-casing planning services
- 76411000Well-casing services
- 76420000Well-cementing services
- 43121300Well-completion equipment
- 76490000Well-completion services
- 76430000Well-drilling and production services
- 76431100Well-drilling control services
- 76431300Well-drilling laydown services
- 43121000Well-drilling machinery
- 76431200Well-drilling pickup services
- 76431600Well-drilling rig monitor services
- 76431000Well-drilling services
- 76431500Well-drilling supervision services
- 76473000Well equipment testing services
- 76471000Well fracture testing services
- 43612600Wellhead control system
- 43612700Wellhead equipment
- 43121100Wellhead running tools
- 43612400Wellheads
- 43121400Well-intervention equipment
- 76440000Well-logging services
- 76450000Well-management services
- 98334000Wellness services
- 76491000Well-plugging services
- 76492000Well-positioning services
- 45255110Wells construction work
- 76472000Well site inspection or testing services
- 76211120Well site pit lining services
- 76460000Well-support services
- 43121500Well-testing equipment
- 76470000Well-testing services
- 37412260Wetsuits
- 45241500Wharf construction work
- 03211100Wheat
- 15612100Wheat flour
- 34631400Wheel axles and tyres and other parts of locomotives or rolling stock
- 34324100Wheel-balancing equipment
- 33193221Wheelchair cushions
- 33193222Wheelchair frames
- 33193120Wheelchairs
- 33193223Wheelchair seats
- 33193225Wheelchair tyres
- 33193224Wheelchair wheels
- 44613600Wheeled containers
- 34144710Wheeled loaders
- 37522000Wheeled toys
- 34324000Wheels, parts and accessories
- 15554000Whey
- 15512900Whipping cream
- 18913000Whips
- 37312500Whistle
- 03311600Whitebait
- 30195911Whiteboard accessories
- 30195912Whiteboard easels
- 30195910Whiteboards
- 30195900Whiteboards and magnetic boards
- 09211710White oils
- 09211700White oils and liquid paraffin
- 09222100White spirit
- 15831200White sugar
- 03311500Whiting
- 15612110Wholemeal flour
- 03432100Wickerwork
- 32430000Wide area network
- 72720000Wide area network services
- 38518100Wide field microscopes
- 38518000Wide field, stereo or dissecting light microscopes
- 33711630Wigs
- 92534000Wildlife preservation services
- 42141410Winches
- 42412120Winches for use underground
- 31121300Wind-energy generators
- 31121340Wind farm
- 37314000Wind instruments
- 18213000Wind jackets
- 31121310Windmills
- 42512100Window air-conditioning machines
- 90911300Window-cleaning services
- 44221110Window frames
- 44221100Windows
- 44221000Windows, doors and related items
- 45251160Wind-power installation works
- 50112120Windscreen replacement services
- 38126400Wind surface observing apparatus
- 37412320Windsurfing equipment
- 31121330Wind turbine generators
- 31121320Wind turbines
- 39145000Wine cellar fixtures
- 03222342Wine grapes
- 15932000Wine lees
- 15930000Wines
- 37411000Winter equipments
- 44113910Winter-maintenance materials
- 34143000Winter-maintenance vehicles
- 45212223Winter-sports facilities construction work
- 33141118Wipes
- 44333000Wire
- 44313200Wire cloth
- 33141410Wire-cutter and bistoury
- 33141400Wire-cutter and bistoury; surgical gloves
- 44512400Wire grips
- 64212400Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) services
- 32510000Wireless telecommunications system
- 44313100Wire-mesh fencing
- 44310000Wire products
- 44315000Wire rods
- 44423340Wire-rope accessories for handling goods
- 31611000Wiring sets
- 03410000Wood
- 24327200Wood charcoal
- 34928210Wooden posts
- 45251142Wood-fired power station construction work
- 45432114Wood flooring work
- 09111400Wood fuels
- 03461000Wood pulp
- 44531100Wood screws
- 90715240Wood treatment plant site investigation
- 03416000Wood waste
- 45422100Woodwork
- 43810000Woodworking equipment
- 19281000Wool
- 03332000Wool and animal hair
- 19220000Woollen fabrics
- 19432000Wool yarn
- 30110000Word-processing machines
- 79552000Word-processing services
- 72212317Word-processing software development services
- 48317000Word-processing software package
- 30111000Word processors
- 39151200Work benches
- 98342000Work environment services
- 18141000Work gloves
- 45200000Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
- 43800000Workshop equipment
- 45213252Workshops construction work
- 92311000Works of art
- 45232150Works related to water-distribution pipelines
- 30214000Workstations
- 42415200Works trucks
- 42415210Works trucks fitted with handling equipment
- 30194900Work surface protection covers
- 39141200Worktops
- 18140000Workwear accessories
- 72413000World wide web (www) site design services
- 72415000World wide web (www) site operation host services
- 39531200Woven carpeting
- 19210000Woven fabrics
- 19212000Woven fabrics of cotton
- 39563300Woven fabrics of metal thread
- 42921330Wrapping machines
- 18522000Wristwatches
- 92312211Writing agency services
- 39292400Writing instruments
- 30197620Writing paper
- 39292200Writing slates