For a uniform classification for orders in the European Union, the CPV codes support. With our CPV code search you save time and money.
- 33692600Galenical solutions
- 14762000Gallium
- 18816000Galoshes
- 45442210Galvanizing works
- 92350000Gambling and betting services
- 37540000Gambling machines
- 92351000Gambling services
- 15119300Game
- 37524700Game accessories
- 37524900Game kits
- 77510000Game-propagation services
- 37524000Games
- 37500000Games and toys; fairground amusements
- 33111620Gamma cameras
- 38945000Gamma counters
- 33151100Gamma therapy devices
- 15131210Gammon
- 34954000Gantries
- 44221240Garage doors
- 39142000Garden furniture
- 44511200Gardening forks
- 03221221Garden peas
- 18300000Garments
- 35815000Garments for anti-ballistic protection
- 35113410Garments for biological or chemical protection
- 38432100Gas-analysis apparatus
- 50531200Gas appliance maintenance services
- 39721410Gas appliances
- 38432210Gas chromatographs
- 42123100Gas compressors
- 31161200Gas cooling systems
- 42131170Gas-cylinder outlet valves
- 44612100Gas cylinders
- 38431100Gas-detection apparatus
- 38543000Gas-detection equipment
- 42924710Gas-dispersing apparatus
- 65210000Gas distribution
- 45231223Gas distribution ancillary work
- 65200000Gas distribution and related services
- 44161110Gas-distribution network
- 09120000Gaseous fuels
- 24112300Gaseous inorganic oxygen compounds
- 24100000Gases
- 42514320Gas filters
- 45333000Gas-fitting installation work
- 39225400Gas fuels for lighters
- 42980000Gas generators
- 35312000Gas guns
- 39721411Gas heaters
- 45231222Gasholder works
- 42113320Gas-injection module
- 34312500Gaskets
- 35814000Gas masks
- 45333200Gas meter installation work
- 39340000Gas network equipment
- 09134000Gas oils
- 44161100Gas pipelines
- 39341000Gas pressure equipment
- 45255800Gas-production plant construction work
- 39721200Gas refrigerators
- 45333100Gas regulation equipment installation work
- 63121110Gas storage services
- 45231221Gas supply mains construction work
- 44612200Gas tanks
- 45255300Gas terminal construction work
- 38545000Gas-testing kits
- 33157000Gas-therapy and respiratory devices
- 85121250Gastroenterologist and geriatric services
- 85121251Gastroenterologist services
- 42112300Gas turbines
- 90715110Gasworks site investigation
- 44221300Gates
- 42131230Gate valves
- 48219100Gateway software package
- 18424500Gauntlets
- 34321200Gearboxes
- 09211400Gear oils
- 42141300Gears and gearing
- 42140000Gears, gearing and driving elements
- 15112110Geese
- 38341400Geiger counters
- 24958400Gel ampoules for stemming explosives
- 24911000Gelatines
- 33651000General anti-infectives for systemic use and vaccines
- 33650000General anti-infectives for systemic use, vaccines, antineoplastic and immunodulating agents
- 72212770General, compression and print utility software development services
- 48770000General, compression and print utility software package
- 45231100General construction work for pipelines
- 66516400General liability insurance services
- 79411000General management consultancy services
- 92217000General Mobile Radio Services/Family Radio Services (GMRS/FRS)
- 92215000General Mobile Radio Services (GMRS)
- 64212500General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) services
- 75131100General personnel services for the government
- 85121100General-practitioner services
- 75110000General public services
- 31221200General purpose relays
- 34223310General-purpose trailers
- 72212771General utility software development services
- 48771000General utility software package
- 31121000Generating sets
- 31121100Generating sets with compression-ignition engines
- 31121200Generating sets with spark-ignition engines
- 31161300Generator rotors
- 31120000Generators
- 31122000Generator units
- 90721400Genetic resources protection services
- 38221000Geographic information systems (GIS or equivalent)
- 71351200Geological and geophysical consultancy services
- 38200000Geological and geophysical instruments
- 38210000Geological compasses
- 71351220Geological consultancy services
- 71351913Geological exploration services
- 71351000Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services
- 38220000Geological prospecting apparatus
- 71351730Geological prospecting services
- 71351900Geology, oceanography and hydrology services
- 71351910Geology services
- 71351210Geophysical consultancy services
- 71351710Geophysical prospecting services
- 71351720Geophysical surveys of archaeological sites
- 71332000Geotechnical engineering services
- 45251141Geothermal power station construction work
- 85121252Geriatric services
- 15872500Ginger
- 44212240Girders
- 33698200Glands and their extracts
- 14820000Glass
- 39299100Glass ampoules
- 44113500Glass beads
- 34922110Glass beads for road marking
- 31671100Glass envelopes
- 31671000Glass envelopes and cathode-ray tubes
- 39254130Glass for clocks
- 33734200Glass for spectacles
- 18521100Glass for watches
- 44211500Glasshouses
- 37823300Glassine paper
- 39299300Glass mirrors
- 39299000Glassware
- 45441000Glazing work
- 34721000Gliders
- 38112100Global navigation and positioning systems (GPS or equivalent)
- 31532300Globe lamps
- 39298600Globes
- 42131240Globe valves
- 18424000Gloves
- 15622110Glucose
- 15622100Glucose and glucose products
- 15622000Glucose and glucose products; fructose and fructose products
- 33692700Glucose solutions
- 15622120Glucose syrup
- 24910000Glues
- 24964000Glycerol
- 15117000Goat meat
- 19132000Goat- or kid-skin leather
- 03322200Goats
- 03331200Goats' milk
- 33735000Goggles
- 14523200Gold
- 18513200Goldsmiths' wares
- 37470000Golf and bowling equipments
- 37471100Golf bags
- 37471200Golf balls
- 37471500Golf club head covers
- 37471300Golf clubs
- 37471000Golf equipment
- 37471600Golf gloves
- 37471900Golf putting partner
- 37471800Golfscopes
- 37471400Golf tees
- 44423300Goods-handling equipment
- 42416120Goods lifts
- 18937100Goods-packing bags
- 18937000Goods-packing sacks
- 44420000Goods used in construction
- 34512500Goods vessels
- 03222312Gooseberries
- 75320000Government employee pension schemes
- 75131000Government services
- 43220000Graders and levellers
- 45233126Grade-separated junction construction work
- 90690000Graffiti removal services
- 38921000Grain analysers
- 15610000Grain mill products
- 15600000Grain mill products, starches and starch products
- 03211900Grain products
- 44912100Granite
- 14212000Granules, chippings, stone powder, pebbles, gravel, broken and crushed stone, stone mixtures, sand-gravel mixtures and other aggregates
- 03222230Grapefruit
- 15321200Grapefruit juice
- 15321500Grape juice
- 15931500Grape must
- 03222340Grapes
- 30237134Graphic accelerator cards
- 48984000Graphical user interface (GUI) tools
- 79822500Graphic design services
- 31682230Graphic display panels
- 48962000Graphics card drivers
- 72212322Graphics software development services
- 48322000Graphics software package
- 30237450Graphics tablets
- 42962300Graphics workstations
- 79722000Graphology services
- 77314100Grassing services
- 15543300Grated cheese
- 15543000Grated, powdered, blue-veined and other cheese
- 45112410Grave-digging work
- 14212120Gravel
- 14210000Gravel, sand, crushed stone and aggregates
- 38280000Gravimeters
- 38240000Gravity geophysical instruments
- 15893300Gravy mixes
- 39831230Grease digesters
- 37823100Greaseproof paper
- 37823000Greaseproof paper and other paper items
- 24951000Greases and lubricants
- 03221212Green beans
- 15863100Green tea
- 22320000Greeting cards
- 35331300Grenades
- 44316300Grilles
- 42214110Grills
- 43414000Grinding machines
- 14811300Grinding wheels
- 14811200Grindstones
- 37442700Grip strengtheners
- 34144440Gritter vehicles
- 45111240Ground-drainage work
- 34741500Ground flying trainer
- 71351500Ground investigation services
- 45111250Ground investigation work
- 15411130Groundnut oil
- 15613100Ground oats
- 43325100Grounds-maintenance equipment
- 77314000Grounds maintenance services
- 45111230Ground-stabilisation work
- 90733800Groundwater pollution drainage services
- 90733700Groundwater pollution monitoring or control services
- 90733900Groundwater pollution treatment or rehabilitation
- 66522000Group pension services
- 44831400Grout
- 45262340Grouting work
- 44425400Grout packers
- 32252000GSM telephones
- 34928320Guardrails
- 79713000Guard services
- 85312300Guidance and counselling services
- 85312310Guidance services
- 37313300Guitars
- 90640000Gully cleaning and emptying services
- 90641000Gully cleaning services
- 34144410Gully emptiers
- 90642000Gully emptying services
- 30199400Gummed or adhesive paper
- 03420000Gums
- 37413240Gun barrel
- 35341100Gunmetal pipe fittings
- 45261320Guttering work
- 45212222Gymnasium construction work
- 37420000Gymnasium equipment
- 37421000Gymnasium mats
- 37422100Gymnastic bars
- 37422000Gymnastic bars or beams
- 37422200Gymnastic beams
- 37423300Gymnastic climbing accessories
- 37423200Gymnastic rings
- 37423100Gymnastic ropes
- 37423000Gymnastic ropes or rings or climbing accessories
- 37425000Gymnastic trampolines
- 37424000Gymnastic vaulting equipment
- 33641100Gynaecological anti-infectives and antiseptics
- 85111300Gynaecological hospital services
- 85121210Gyneacologic or obstetric services
- 44921100Gypsum