For a uniform classification for orders in the European Union, the CPV codes support. With our CPV code search you save time and money.
- 15541000Table cheese
- 39513100Tablecloths
- 37461000Table games and equipment
- 03222341Table grapes
- 39241110Table knives
- 39513000Table linen
- 39513200Table napkins
- 39121200Tables
- 39120000Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases
- 30213200Tablet computer
- 37461510Table tennis balls
- 37461520Table tennis paddles
- 42931120Tabletop centrifuges
- 39221200Tableware
- 15931200Table wine
- 38561110Tachometers
- 30197120Tacks
- 35622500Tactical anti-ballistic missiles
- 35712000Tactical command, control and communication systems
- 35622000Tactical missiles
- 35121600Tags
- 98393000Tailoring services
- 37316300Tambourines
- 43240000Tamping machines
- 03222240Tangerines
- 90913000Tank and reservoir cleaning services
- 90913100Tank-cleaning services
- 35611700Tanker aircrafts
- 34133100Tankers
- 34512800Tanker ships
- 34223340Tanker trailers
- 44611000Tanks
- 44600000Tanks, reservoirs and containers; central-heating radiators and boilers
- 44610000Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels
- 24222000Tanning extracts
- 24220000Tanning extracts, dyeing extracts, tannins and colouring matter
- 24225000Tanning preparations
- 24223000Tannins
- 14754000Tantalum
- 30176000Tape embosser
- 30233160Tape streamers
- 15624000Tapioca
- 42132200Tap parts
- 44411100Taps
- 42131000Taps, cocks and valves
- 42130000Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances
- 37460000Target and table games and equipments
- 37462000Target games and equipment
- 35210000Targets for shooting practice
- 14213200Tarmac
- 39522110Tarpaulins
- 39522100Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds
- 39522000Tarpaulins, sails for boats, sailboards or land craft, awnings, sunblinds, tents and camping goods
- 14213300Tar sands
- 33711450Tattoos
- 79221000Tax consultancy services
- 38561120Taxi meters
- 60120000Taxi services
- 45235310Taxiway construction work
- 45235311Taxiway pavement construction work
- 72212412Tax preparation software development services
- 48412000Tax preparation software package
- 79222000Tax-return preparation services
- 15863000Tea
- 15864100Teabags
- 03131200Tea bushes
- 39162100Teaching equipment
- 39162110Teaching supplies
- 37451920Team handball school sets
- 39514200Tea towels
- 33681000Teats, nipple shields and similar articles for babies
- 14742000Technetium
- 71621000Technical analysis or consultancy services
- 80210000Technical and vocational secondary education services
- 71356200Technical assistance services
- 92312213Technical author services
- 71631200Technical automobile inspection services
- 71631300Technical building-inspection services
- 45214320Technical college construction work
- 72611000Technical computer support services
- 71356100Technical control services
- 71630000Technical inspection and testing services
- 71631000Technical inspection services
- 71631400Technical inspection services of engineering structures
- 22473000Technical manuals
- 30192126Technical pens
- 71356400Technical planning services
- 22121000Technical publications
- 80211000Technical secondary education services
- 71356000Technical services
- 71356300Technical support services
- 71600000Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services
- 71632000Technical testing services
- 80531200Technical training services
- 33141820Teeth
- 71316000Telecommunication consultancy services
- 32521000Telecommunications cable
- 32520000Telecommunications cable and equipment
- 32522000Telecommunications equipment
- 32500000Telecommunications equipment and supplies
- 64220000Telecommunication services except telephone and data transmission services
- 32523000Telecommunications facilities
- 50332000Telecommunications-infrastructure maintenance services
- 32412100Telecommunications network
- 64200000Telecommunications services
- 32524000Telecommunications system
- 64224000Teleconferencing services
- 45234250Teleferic construction work
- 64216140Telegraph services
- 64226000Telematics services
- 32441300Telematics system
- 32441200Telemetry and control equipment
- 32440000Telemetry and terminal equipment
- 38291000Telemetry apparatus
- 32441000Telemetry equipment
- 32441100Telemetry surveillance system
- 64210000Telephone and data transmission services
- 32332200Telephone-answering machines
- 79510000Telephone-answering services
- 44212322Telephone booths
- 32551500Telephone cables
- 32551000Telephone cables and associated equipment
- 32551100Telephone connections
- 32550000Telephone equipment
- 32551200Telephone exchanges
- 32551300Telephone headsets
- 32551400Telephone network
- 32429000Telephone network equipment
- 50334110Telephone network maintenance services
- 79511000Telephone operator services
- 32552100Telephone sets
- 32552160Telephones for hearing-impaired
- 32552150Telephones for visually-impaired
- 79311210Telephone survey services
- 32543000Telephone switchboards
- 64214200Telephone switchboard services
- 32552330Telephone switching apparatus
- 32552300Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus
- 32552200Teleprinters
- 92226000Teleprogrammation
- 38635000Telescopes
- 38633000Telescopic sights
- 32552500Teletext apparatus
- 64216300Teletext services
- 45312320Television aerial installation work
- 32324400Television aerials
- 32320000Television and audio-visual equipment
- 64228000Television and radio broadcast transmission services
- 32300000Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus
- 64228100Television broadcast transmission services
- 32240000Television cameras
- 31711411Television camera tubes
- 32324300Television equipment
- 44212262Television masts
- 92221000Television production services
- 32321000Television projection equipment
- 32324000Televisions
- 92220000Television services
- 32224000Television transmission apparatus
- 32220000Television transmission apparatus without reception apparatus
- 64222000Teleworking services
- 32552520Telex equipment
- 64216130Telex services
- 38931000Temperature humidity testers
- 38126300Temperature or humidity surface observing apparatus
- 42131130Temperature regulators
- 30194700Templates
- 75313100Temporary disablement benefits
- 98513300Temporary staff for households
- 37452710Tennis balls
- 37452720Tennis court equipment
- 37452700Tennis equipment
- 37452730Tennis racquets
- 37461500Tennis tables
- 37452740Tennis training aids
- 33123100Tensiometer
- 33163000Tent for medical use
- 37414300Tent repair kits
- 39522530Tents
- 32442100Terminal boards
- 32442200Terminal boxes
- 32442300Terminal emulators
- 32442000Terminal equipment
- 31224500Terminals
- 32442400Termination blocks
- 45112440Terracing of hillsides
- 45112441Terracing work
- 19242000Terry towelling
- 73430000Test and evaluation
- 73432000Test and evaluation of firearms and ammunition
- 73435000Test and evaluation of military aircrafts, missiles and spacecrafts
- 73436000Test and evaluation of military electronic systems
- 73433000Test and evaluation of military vehicles
- 73431000Test and evaluation of security equipment
- 73434000Test and evaluation of warships
- 34328100Test benches
- 34328000Test benches, vehicle conversion kits and seat belts
- 45122000Test boring work
- 45120000Test drilling and boring work
- 45121000Test drilling work
- 76211110Test pit lining services
- 42671110Test tube racks for baths
- 33192500Test tubes
- 38436160Test tube stand for shakers
- 37452810Tether balls
- 37452800Tether balls and poles
- 37452820Tether poles
- 24321310Tetrachloroethylene
- 22112000Textbooks
- 39500000Textile articles
- 39563500Textile articles for technical uses
- 39561132Textile badges
- 18936000Textile bags
- 39515420Textile blinds
- 39522500Textile camping goods
- 98312000Textile-cleaning services
- 39563520Textile conveyor belts
- 19200000Textile fabrics and related items
- 42718000Textile-finishing machinery
- 39563510Textile hosepiping
- 39510000Textile household articles
- 98312100Textile-impregnation services
- 39561131Textile labels
- 39561130Textile labels and badges
- 39541200Textile nets
- 42712000Textile spinning machines
- 39561120Textile tape
- 39563100Textile wadding
- 39563000Textile wadding, yarns, fabrics and articles for technical uses
- 39192000Textile wall coverings
- 19620000Textile waste
- 19400000Textile yarn and thread
- 19430000Textile yarn and thread of natural fibres
- 14764000Thallium
- 45212322Theatre construction work
- 48814300Theatre management system
- 39111200Theatre seats
- 92312110Theatrical producer entertainment services
- 92312100Theatrical producers', singer groups', bands' and orchestras' entertainment services
- 30199763Theft protection labels
- 45212120Theme park construction work
- 38294000Theodolites
- 33192150Therapy beds
- 44111520Thermal insulating material
- 45321000Thermal insulation work
- 45251140Thermal power plant construction work
- 38436410Thermal regulators for mechanical shakers with heating plates
- 38417000Thermocouples
- 30197641Thermographic paper
- 22993300Thermographic paper or paperboard
- 33111640Thermographs
- 38412000Thermometers
- 42943000Thermostatic baths and accessories
- 15892400Thickeners
- 39227200Thimbles
- 44832200Thinners
- 14613200Thorium ores
- 44531000Threaded fasteners
- 42622000Threading or tapping machines
- 44221500Thresholds
- 37462300Throwing targets
- 31712332Thyristors
- 33642300Thyroid therapy medicinal products
- 30144200Ticket-issuing machines
- 45212180Ticket offices construction work
- 42991230Ticket printers
- 22459000Tickets
- 30123100Ticket-validation machines
- 19212100Ticking
- 43611700Tieback equipment
- 18423000Ties
- 18316000Tights
- 44111700Tiles
- 45431000Tiling work
- 03419000Timber
- 77211100Timber harvesting services
- 77220000Timber-impregnation services
- 03419100Timber products
- 44232000Timber roof trusses
- 72212450Time accounting or human resources software development services
- 48450000Time accounting or human resources software package
- 35125200Time control system or working time recorder
- 35123300Timekeeping system
- 38720000Time recorders
- 38710000Time registers
- 38700000Time registers and the like; parking meters
- 31221600Time relays
- 70340000Time-sharing services
- 38750000Time switches
- 30199790Timetables
- 14714000Tin
- 14612700Tin ores
- 34223370Tipper trailers
- 34134200Tipper trucks
- 14724000Titanium
- 24211300Titanium oxide
- 45233127T-junction construction work
- 24612200TNT
- 15821110Toasted bread
- 15821100Toasted bread products
- 15821000Toasted bread products and pastry goods
- 15992000Tobacco
- 15991000Tobacco goods
- 15993000Tobacconist supplies
- 15990000Tobacco, tobacco goods and supplies
- 31214170Toggle switches
- 39514000Toilet and kitchen linen
- 39224310Toilet brushes
- 18929000Toilet cases
- 39831600Toilet cleaners
- 33761000Toilet paper
- 33760000Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes
- 42968300Toilet-roll dispenser system
- 33711100Toilet waters
- 38731000Token meters
- 32411000Token-ring network
- 39235000Tokens
- 79941000Toll-collection services
- 34927000Toll equipment
- 24321222Toluene
- 03221240Tomatoes
- 15322100Tomato juice
- 15871230Tomato ketchup
- 15331425Tomato purée
- 15331428Tomato sauce
- 33115000Tomography devices
- 30125100Toner cartridges
- 30125130Toner for data-processing and research and documentation centres
- 30125110Toner for laser printers/fax machines
- 30125120Toner for photocopiers
- 44512930Tool carriers
- 44514100Tool handles
- 44514000Tool handles and tool parts
- 42671000Tool holders
- 44512940Tool kits
- 44514200Tool parts
- 44510000Tools
- 44500000Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs
- 33711710Toothbrushes
- 33711720Toothpaste
- 33711730Toothpicks
- 71351800Topographical and water divining services
- 71351810Topographical services
- 71351811Topographical surveys of archaeological sites
- 38295000Topography equipment
- 44618330Tops for containers
- 45255121Topside facilities construction work
- 14212410Topsoil
- 45112210Topsoil-stripping work
- 31521320Torches
- 35332100Torpedoes
- 92352100Totalisator operating services
- 30231320Touch screen monitors
- 63514000Tourist guide services
- 63513000Tourist information services
- 18511600Tourmaline stone
- 35322300Towed artillery
- 39514100Towels
- 42414150Tower cranes
- 44212230Towers
- 44212200Towers, lattice masts, derricks and pylons
- 63727000Towing and pushing services of ships
- 63727100Towing services
- 18813300Town footwear
- 18812300Town footwear with rubber or plastic uppers
- 90731500Toxic gas detection services
- 90743100Toxic substances monitoring services
- 90721500Toxic substances protection services
- 90743200Toxic substances rehabilitation services
- 90523000Toxic waste disposal services except radioactive waste and contaminated soil
- 33693100Toxins
- 37525000Toy balloons and balls
- 37521000Toy musical instruments
- 37526000Toy pails
- 37520000Toys
- 37527100Toy trains
- 37527000Toy trains and vehicles
- 37527200Toy vehicles
- 37528000Toy weapons
- 37823200Tracing paper
- 79714100Tracing system services
- 34945000Track-alignment machinery
- 30237440Trackballs
- 45234116Track construction works
- 43500000Track-laying vehicles
- 34941200Track rails
- 37453000Track sports equipment
- 18412100Tracksuits
- 16730000Traction motors
- 33192310Traction or suspension devices for medical beds
- 34390000Tractor accessories
- 16700000Tractors
- 22460000Trade-advertising material, commercial catalogues and manuals
- 45233150Traffic-calming works
- 63712700Traffic control services
- 34972000Traffic-flow measuring system
- 34996100Traffic lights
- 34970000Traffic-monitoring equipment
- 63712710Traffic monitoring services
- 50232200Traffic-signal maintenance services
- 34223300Trailers
- 34223000Trailers and semi-trailers
- 34220000Trailers, semi-trailers and mobile containers
- 39162200Training aids and devices
- 35611500Training aircrafts
- 72212930Training and entertainment software development services
- 48930000Training and entertainment software package
- 80650000Training and simulation in aircrafts, missiles and spacecrafts
- 80620000Training and simulation in firearms and ammunition
- 80660000Training and simulation in military electronic systems
- 80630000Training and simulation in military vehicles
- 80610000Training and simulation in security equipment
- 80640000Training and simulation in warships
- 80520000Training facilities
- 45214800Training facilities building
- 92111100Training-film and video-tape production
- 80521000Training programme services
- 80522000Training seminars
- 80500000Training services
- 80600000Training services in defence and security materials
- 18822000Training shoes
- 34152000Training simulators
- 72212931Training software development services
- 48931000Training software package
- 98336000Training, workout or aerobic services
- 63711100Train monitoring services
- 34943000Train-monitoring system
- 34941300Tramline
- 45234126Tramline construction works
- 45234127Tramway depot construction work
- 34622100Tramway passenger coaches
- 45234128Tramway platforms construction work
- 45234121Tramway works
- 72212217Transaction-processing software development services
- 48217000Transaction-processing software package
- 48219400Transaction server software package
- 90731200Transboundary air pollution management or control services
- 90733600Transboundary water pollution management or control services
- 31711110Transceivers
- 31711120Transducers
- 22313000Transfers
- 31170000Transformers
- 45232221Transformer substation
- 33192330Transfusion pods
- 31712354Transistor chips
- 31712350Transistors
- 79530000Translation services
- 32200000Transmission apparatus for radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, radio broadcasting and television
- 42141100Transmission, cam- and crank- shafts
- 38511200Transmission electron microscope
- 42141110Transmission shafts
- 37823400Transparent or translucent paper
- 63520000Transport agency services
- 90521420Transportation of intermediate level nuclear waste
- 90521410Transportation of low level nuclear waste
- 60620000Transport by water of mail
- 63524000Transport document preparation services
- 34000000Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
- 33952000Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
- 77211200Transport of logs within the forest
- 90521400Transport of radioactive waste
- 60000000Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- 71311200Transport systems consultancy services
- 34980000Transport tickets
- 77610000Trapping services
- 37462400Trapshooting equipment
- 63510000Travel agency and similar services
- 63500000Travel agency, tour operator and tourist assistance services
- 45313210Travelator installation work
- 18931000Travel bags
- 42414210Travelling crane
- 39511200Travelling rugs
- 63516000Travel management services
- 63515000Travel services
- 42414220Traversing bridge
- 44911200Travertine
- 39221160Trays
- 44513000Treadle-operated tools
- 37441100Treadmills
- 66600000Treasury services
- 90513500Treatment and disposal of foul liquids
- 90440000Treatment services of cesspools
- 90450000Treatment services of septic tanks
- 77211300Tree-clearing services
- 77211400Tree-cutting services
- 77211500Tree-maintenance services
- 03450000Tree-nursery products
- 77341000Tree pruning
- 77340000Tree pruning and hedge trimming
- 03452000Trees
- 77211600Tree seeding
- 45216250Trench defences construction work
- 45112100Trench-digging work
- 45262212Trench sheeting work
- 31712334Triacs
- 30194820Triangles
- 34622300Trolleybuses
- 34911100Trolleys
- 37312200Trombones
- 39298700Trophies
- 03222110Tropical fruit
- 03222100Tropical fruit and nuts
- 03412000Tropical wood
- 18234000Trousers
- 50114200Truck maintenance services
- 50114100Truck repair services
- 15331138Truffles
- 37312100Trumpets
- 45233124Trunk road construction work
- 18924000Trunks
- 66160000Trust and custody services
- 66161000Trust services
- 18331000T-shirts
- 18330000T-shirts and shirts
- 30194810T-squares
- 30194800T-squares and triangles
- 31532100Tube lamps
- 03221120Tuber vegetables
- 44164310Tubes and fittings
- 44164200Tubing
- 76480000Tubing services
- 44164300Tubular goods
- 39531300Tufted carpeting
- 34513200Tug boats
- 39561000Tulle, lace, narrow-woven fabrics, trimmings and embroidery
- 03311400Tuna
- 14755000Tungsten
- 31512000Tungsten halogen filament lamps
- 37322500Tuning bars
- 37322100Tuning pins
- 31712345Tunnel diodes
- 34993100Tunnel lighting
- 43123000Tunnelling machinery
- 45221247Tunnelling works
- 45221248Tunnel linings construction work
- 63712320Tunnel operation services
- 63712321Tunnel toll services
- 42995100Tunnel washer
- 76330000Turbine drilling services
- 42112400Turbine equipment
- 31124200Turbine generator control apparatus
- 31124100Turbine generator sets
- 42112000Turbine installations
- 42112410Turbine instruments
- 09211300Turbine lube oils
- 31121331Turbine rotors
- 42110000Turbines and motors
- 45315200Turbine works
- 31158300Turbocharger
- 42123500Turbo-compressors
- 31128000Turbogenerator
- 34731200Turbojets
- 34731300Turbopropellers
- 15112120Turkeys
- 98331000Turkish bath services
- 42113190Turning gear
- 03221114Turnips
- 34223350Turntable-ladder trailers
- 34144211Turntable-ladder trucks
- 32331000Turntables
- 80590000Tutorial services
- 39541140Twine
- 39541100Twine, cordage and rope
- 42991220Typesetting machinery
- 79822300Typesetting services
- 30192310Typewriter ribbons
- 30150000Typewriters
- 33651650Typhus vaccines
- 79551000Typing services
- 79550000Typing, word-processing and desktop publishing services
- 19513100Tyre-cord fabric
- 19511100Tyre flaps
- 50116510Tyre-remoulding services
- 50116500Tyre repair services, including fitting and balancing
- 34731800Tyres for aircraft
- 34432100Tyres for bicycles
- 34352200Tyres for buses
- 34350000Tyres for heavy/light-duty vehicles
- 34351100Tyres for motor cars
- 34411200Tyres for motorcycles
- 34352100Tyres for trucks
- 19511300Tyre treads