For a uniform classification for orders in the European Union, the CPV codes support. With our CPV code search you save time and money.
- 03311240Haddock
- 33141500Haematological consumables
- 38434570Haematology analysers
- 33181100Haemodialysis devices
- 33181300Haemodialysis individual monitor
- 33181400Haemodialysis multiposition
- 14753000Hafnium
- 39712100Hair clippers
- 98320000Hairdressing and beauty treatment services
- 39712200Hairdressing appliances
- 98321000Hairdressing services
- 39712210Hair dryers
- 33711600Hair preparations and articles
- 03311230Hake
- 24311200Halogen
- 31512200Halogen bulbs, bi-pin
- 31512300Halogen bulbs, dichroic
- 31512100Halogen bulbs, linear
- 15131410Ham
- 15895100Hamburgers
- 44512300Hammers
- 33740000Hand and nails care products
- 18939000Handbags
- 37451900Handballs
- 33741000Hand care products
- 33741100Hand cleaner
- 35230000Handcuffs
- 39712300Hand-drying apparatus
- 35321100Hand guns
- 42652000Hand-held electromechanical tools
- 38330000Hand-held instruments for measuring length
- 37800000Handicraft and art supplies
- 37810000Handicraft supplies
- 18421000Handkerchiefs
- 22992000Hand-made paper or paperboard
- 33741200Hand or body lotions
- 33741300Hand sanitizer
- 44511510Handsaw blades
- 44511500Hand saws
- 32252100Hands-free mobile telephones
- 32252110Hands-free mobile telephones (wireless)
- 32251100Hands-free set
- 44511000Hand tools
- 63734000Hangar services
- 34721100Hang-gliders
- 39132300Hanging files
- 30193300Hanging organisers
- 30195800Hanging rails or holders
- 45241000Harbour construction works
- 42414110Harbour cranes
- 34931000Harbour equipment
- 50246000Harbour equipment maintenance services
- 15544000Hard cheese
- 09111210Hard coal
- 30233132Hard-disk drives
- 18444200Hard hats
- 44316400Hardware
- 72100000Hardware consultancy services
- 72120000Hardware disaster-recovery consultancy services
- 51611100Hardware installation services
- 72228000Hardware integration consultancy services
- 72110000Hardware selection consultancy services
- 03418100Hardwood
- 15119200Hare meat
- 03325200Hares
- 37314600Harmonicas
- 37313500Harps
- 37313100Harpsichords
- 16120000Harrows, scarifiers, cultivators, weeders or hoes
- 16340000Harvesting and threshing machinery
- 16300000Harvesting machinery
- 18441000Hats
- 18440000Hats and headgear
- 16320000Haymaking machinery
- 71317000Hazard protection and control consultancy services
- 18443100Headbands
- 18443300Headgear
- 18443000Headgear and headgear accessories
- 32342100Headphones
- 80560000Health and first-aid training services
- 71317210Health and safety consultancy services
- 71317200Health and safety services
- 85000000Health and social work services
- 66512200Health insurance services
- 85100000Health services
- 80561000Health training services
- 33185000Hearing aids
- 42511100Heat-exchange units
- 42510000Heat-exchange units, air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment, and filtering machinery
- 42511000Heat-exchange units and machinery for liquefying air or other gases
- 42943700Heating circulators
- 71314310Heating engineering services for buildings
- 39715200Heating equipment
- 44115220Heating materials
- 09135100Heating oil
- 44163121Heating pipes
- 45251200Heating plant construction work
- 45259300Heating-plant repair and maintenance work
- 38436310Heating plates
- 38436320Heating plates for flasks
- 71321200Heating-system design services
- 45331000Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
- 45232141Heating works
- 42511110Heat pumps
- 44622100Heat-recovery equipment
- 44622000Heat-recovery systems
- 22993200Heat-sensitive paper or paperboard
- 45232142Heat-transfer station construction work
- 34140000Heavy-duty motor vehicles
- 34352000Heavy-duty tyres
- 60651400Heavy-lift ship services
- 24315100Heavy water, other isotopes and their compounds
- 42962400Hectographs
- 77342000Hedge trimming
- 18843000Heels
- 42122120Helicopter refuelling package
- 34711500Helicopters
- 34710000Helicopters, aeroplanes, spacecraft and other powered aircraft
- 34711000Helicopters and aeroplanes
- 24111300Helium
- 35813100Helmet covers
- 18444110Helmets
- 72253000Helpdesk and support services
- 72253100Helpdesk services
- 33141550Heparin
- 33651680Hepatitis B vaccines
- 15865000Herbal infusions
- 24453000Herbicides
- 15872300Herbs
- 15872000Herbs and spices
- 03311300Herring
- 24311440Hexafluorosilicic acid
- 80300000Higher education services
- 42924740High-pressure cleaning apparatus
- 44161500High-pressure pipeline
- 42943600High-temperature circulators
- 19722000High-tenacity yarn
- 31321300High-voltage cable
- 45315400High voltage installation work
- 45233139Highway maintenance work
- 34929000Highway materials
- 63712200Highway operation services
- 71311210Highways consultancy services
- 71311220Highways engineering services
- 63712210Highway toll services
- 44523100Hinges
- 44523000Hinges, mountings and fittings
- 77111000Hire of agricultural machinery with operator
- 60424100Hire of aircraft with crew
- 60424000Hire of air transport equipment with crew
- 60653000Hire of boats with crew
- 60172000Hire of buses and coaches with driver
- 45500000Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator
- 45510000Hire of cranes with operator
- 45520000Hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
- 60424110Hire of fixed-wing aircraft with crew
- 60180000Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver
- 60424120Hire of helicopters with crew
- 60182000Hire of industrial vehicles with driver
- 60651200Hire of inland waterway vessels with crew
- 77112000Hire of mowers or agricultural equipment with operator
- 60171000Hire of passenger cars with driver
- 60170000Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver
- 60651100Hire of sea-going vessels with crew
- 60181000Hire of trucks with driver
- 60183000Hire of vans with driver
- 60651000Hire of vessels with crew
- 60650000Hire of water transport equipment with crew
- 45212314Historical monument or memorial construction work
- 39711420Hobs
- 37411210Hockey pucks
- 37411230Hockey sticks
- 44511330Hoes
- 42416300Hoists
- 30197330Hole punches
- 55240000Holiday centre and holiday home services
- 55241000Holiday centre services
- 55242000Holiday home services
- 18925200Holsters
- 85142400Home delivery of incontinence products
- 85312200Homedelivery of provisions
- 85121271Home for the psychologically disturbed services
- 98513310Home-help services
- 85141210Home medical treatment services
- 85142200Homeopathic services
- 15881000Homogenised food preparations
- 15831600Honey
- 18443330Hoods
- 39265000Hooks and eyes
- 42612100Horizontal-spindle machining centre
- 39254000Horology
- 15118000Horse, ass, mule or hinny meat
- 34223320Horsebox trailers
- 15118100Horsemeat
- 34911000Horse or hand-drawn carts and other non-mechanically-propelled vehicles
- 34910000Horse or hand-drawn carts, other non-mechanically-propelled vehicles, baggage carts and miscellaneous spare parts
- 80513000Horse riding school services
- 03322300Horses
- 03120000Horticultural and nursery products
- 03121000Horticultural products
- 77300000Horticultural services
- 44165100Hoses
- 44165000Hoses, risers and sleeves
- 85110000Hospital and related services
- 85112100Hospital-bedding services
- 33192120Hospital beds
- 85111900Hospital dialysis services
- 45215140Hospital facilities construction work
- 39518000Hospital linen
- 15894220Hospital meals
- 33198000Hospital paper articles
- 85111000Hospital services
- 85112000Hospital support services
- 45212412Hostel construction work
- 55110000Hotel accommodation services
- 45212411Hotel construction work
- 39313000Hotel equipment
- 55120000Hotel meeting and conference services
- 55000000Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services
- 55100000Hotel services
- 39711430Hotplates
- 09321000Hot water
- 42161000Hot-water boilers
- 39711122Household freezers
- 90511200Household-refuse collection services
- 90513100Household-refuse disposal services
- 98341110Housekeeping services
- 45211300Houses construction work
- 70333000Housing services
- 35322500Howitzer
- 35521000Hull and mechanical spare parts for warships
- 33141570Human blood
- 33141560Human organs
- 79414000Human resources management consultancy services
- 38930000Humidity and moisture measuring instruments
- 37413200Hunting products
- 77600000Hunting services
- 37453600Hurdles
- 15611000Husked rice
- 42512300HVAC packages
- 42131160Hydrants
- 24213000Hydrated lime
- 43328100Hydraulic equipment
- 24951300Hydraulic fluids
- 43328000Hydraulic installations
- 42413200Hydraulic jacks
- 42121100Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders
- 42121000Hydraulic or pneumatic power engines and motors
- 34952000Hydraulic-platforms hoists
- 42121200Hydraulic power engines
- 42121400Hydraulic power motors
- 42122210Hydraulic power packs
- 42636100Hydraulic presses
- 42112200Hydraulic turbines
- 42132120Hydraulic valve actuators
- 24311130Hydrides
- 24321000Hydrocarbons
- 42912120Hydrocyclone machinery
- 45251120Hydro-electric plant construction work
- 24111600Hydrogen
- 24111000Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen
- 15423000Hydrogenated or esterified oils or fats
- 24311470Hydrogen chloride
- 24311400Hydrogen chloride, inorganic acids, silicon dioxide and sulphur dioxide
- 24315300Hydrogen peroxide
- 24313111Hydrogen sulphide
- 38292000Hydrographic instruments
- 71354400Hydrographic services
- 71353100Hydrographic surveying services
- 71351612Hydrometeorology services
- 38411000Hydrometers
- 24311500Hydroxides as basic inorganic chemicals
- 24212600Hydroxides for dyes and pigments
- 38910000Hygiene monitoring and testing equipment
- 85142300Hygiene services
- 33791000Hygienic glassware
- 38414000Hygrometers
- 33157500Hyperbaric chambers
- 24312200Hypochlorites and chlorates