For a uniform classification for orders in the European Union, the CPV codes support. With our CPV code search you save time and money.
- 70122210Vacant-land purchase services
- 70322000Vacant-land rental or sale services
- 70122110Vacant-land sale services
- 33651600Vaccines
- 33651690Vaccines for veterinary medicine
- 39713430Vacuum cleaners
- 39221150Vacuum flasks
- 42942200Vacuum ovens
- 42122450Vacuum pumps
- 32547000Vacuum switchboards
- 39515300Valances
- 64216210Value-added information services
- 42132100Valve actuators
- 42132300Valve parts
- 31711400Valves and tubes
- 42131200Valves defined by construction
- 42131100Valves defined by function
- 71632100Valve-testing services
- 31711430Valve tubes
- 14725000Vanadium
- 33711640Vanity kits
- 34136000Vans
- 34924000Variable message signs
- 31711152Variable or adjustable capacitors
- 24960000Various chemical products
- 15119000Various meats
- 33690000Various medicinal products
- 30190000Various office equipment and supplies
- 44167000Various pipe fittings
- 80410000Various school services
- 45233200Various surface works
- 44820000Varnishes
- 33184200Vascular prostheses
- 33622400Vasoprotectives
- 44618500Vats
- 37453500Vaulting poles
- 15111200Veal
- 15894100Vegan packs
- 15333000Vegetable by-products
- 24327100Vegetable derivatives for dyeing
- 15892200Vegetable extracts
- 15412200Vegetable fats
- 15612300Vegetable flour and meal
- 15322000Vegetable juices
- 15411100Vegetable oils
- 03221000Vegetables
- 15892100Vegetable saps
- 15892000Vegetable saps, extracts, peptic substances and thickeners
- 03111700Vegetable seeds
- 03220000Vegetables, fruits and nuts
- 15891900Vegetable soups
- 15331500Vegetables preserved in vinegar
- 19436000Vegetable textile-fibre yarn
- 15424000Vegetable waxes
- 42512400Vehicle air conditioners
- 34210000Vehicle bodies
- 34211300Vehicle bodies for goods vehicles
- 34200000Vehicle bodies, trailers or semi-trailers
- 50117000Vehicle conversion and reconditioning services
- 34328200Vehicle conversion kits
- 30144300Vehicle-counting machines
- 50111100Vehicle-fleet management services
- 50111110Vehicle-fleet-support services
- 42413500Vehicle hoists
- 34326200Vehicle jacks
- 34326000Vehicle jacks, clutches and associated parts
- 42961300Vehicle location system
- 34913500Vehicle locks
- 42414400Vehicle-mounted cranes
- 34312300Vehicle radiators
- 63712600Vehicle refuelling services
- 34144510Vehicles for refuse
- 34144500Vehicles for refuse and sewage
- 34144200Vehicles for the emergency services
- 50118110Vehicle towing-away services
- 15894500Vending-machine ingredients
- 42933000Vending machines
- 33141300Venepuncture, blood sampling devices
- 39515430Venetian blinds
- 33141327Vented needles
- 39714000Ventilating or recycling hoods
- 45331200Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
- 71321400Ventilation consultancy services
- 39563530Ventilation ducting
- 42520000Ventilation equipment
- 45331210Ventilation installation work
- 39714100Ventilators
- 33182230Ventricle
- 45233229Verge maintenance work
- 71328000Verification of load-bearing structure design services
- 15951000Vermouth
- 72212790Version checker software development services
- 48790000Version checker software package
- 39515440Vertical blinds
- 42612200Vertical-spindle machining centre
- 66514150Vessel insurance services
- 63726500Vessel laying-up services
- 66516300Vessel liability insurance services
- 63725300Vessel refloating services
- 63726100Vessel registration services
- 50241100Vessel repair services
- 63725100Vessel-salvaging services
- 63726300Vessel storage services
- 34931500Vessel traffic control equipment
- 18318400Vests
- 85200000Veterinary services
- 45221120Viaduct construction work
- 37316700Vibraphones
- 38434400Vibration analysers
- 38519320Video attachments for microscopes
- 32333200Video camcorders
- 32354600Video cassettes
- 32232000Video-conferencing equipment
- 72212515Video conferencing software development services
- 48515000Video conferencing software package
- 32351100Video-editing equipment
- 32323300Video equipment
- 32354500Video films
- 37532000Video games
- 35123500Video identification systems
- 32323000Video monitors
- 32323400Video-playback equipment
- 32333400Video players
- 38652120Video projectors
- 32333100Video recorders
- 32333000Video recording or reproducing apparatus
- 32333300Video-reproducing apparatus
- 32222000Video-signal coding machines
- 32323500Video-surveillance system
- 92121000Video-tape distribution services
- 92140000Video-tape projection services
- 32354700Video tapes
- 32552510Videotext terminals
- 32223000Video transmission apparatus
- 32324500Video tuners
- 15871100Vinegar and vinegar substitutes
- 15871110Vinegar or equivalent
- 15871000Vinegar; sauces; mixed condiments; mustard flour and meal; prepared mustard
- 37313400Violins
- 37313800Violoncellos
- 72212522Virtual keyboard software development services
- 48522000Virtual keyboard software package
- 72212760Virus protection software development services
- 48760000Virus protection software package
- 38425200Viscosimeters
- 18443500Visors
- 33616000Vitamins
- 44162400Vitrified clay manholes
- 45214310Vocational college construction work
- 85312510Vocational rehabilitation services
- 80212000Vocational secondary education services
- 80530000Vocational training services
- 32344110Voice-logging system
- 32342440Voice-mail system
- 72212314Voice recognition software development services
- 48314000Voice recognition software package
- 32342450Voice recorders
- 37452910Volleyball gymnasium standards
- 37452900Volleyballs
- 37452920Volleyball storage for balls or nets
- 31161900Voltage-control systems
- 31215000Voltage limiters
- 31172000Voltage transformers
- 38341320Voltmeters
- 66512210Voluntary health insurance services