Your search for Land rental or sale services
Number of alerts found: 7

Húsnæðisöflun og lóð fyrir leikskóla fyrir Reykjavíkurborg

The City of Reykjavík is seeking to lease 800-2,000 m² of premises in Reykjavík for a kindergarten. Premises are sought in all neighborhoods of the city. It is intended to lease premises that are ready for use within 6-18 months from the signing of the lease agreement. It is desirable …

CPV: 70100000 Real estate services with own property, 70321000 Land rental services, 70320000 Land rental or sale services
Place of execution:
Húsnæðisöflun og lóð fyrir leikskóla fyrir Reykjavíkurborg
Awarding body:
Reykjavik Procurement Office
Award number:
March 11, 2025, 2:07 a.m.
locazione di terreni agricoli di proprietà dell’Istituto Vegni da destinare alla realizzazione di un impianto Agrivoltaico in località MONSIGLIOLO, COMUNE DI CORTONA (AR)

procedura aperta svolta in modalità telematica per la locazione di terreni agricoli di proprietà dell’Istituto Vegni da destinare alla realizzazione di un impianto Agrivoltaico in località MONSIGLIOLO, COMUNE DI CORTONA (AR) ai sensi del D. 36/2023. PROCEDURA APERTA SVOLTA IN MODALITA’ TELEMATICA PER LA LOCAZIONE DI TERRENI AGRICOLI DI …

CPV: 70320000 Land rental or sale services
April 10, 2025, 1 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
locazione di terreni agricoli di proprietà dell’Istituto Vegni da destinare alla realizzazione di un impianto Agrivoltaico in località MONSIGLIOLO, COMUNE DI CORTONA (AR)
Awarding body:
Award number:
lotto unico
March 11, 2025, 12:51 a.m.
Gronduitgifte accu opslag

Het betreft een gronduitgifte in erfpacht ten behoeve van een accu-opslag voor TDVG B.V. TDVG B.V. is onderdeel van de holding van de TU Delft en verhuurt ruimten aan startups van TU Delft die veel gebruik maken van lithium accu’s. Vanwege veiligheid wil TDVG dat de accu’s niet meer in …

CPV: 70320000 Land rental or sale services
Place of execution:
Gronduitgifte accu opslag
Awarding body:
Technische Universiteit Delft
Award number:
March 4, 2025, 2:44 a.m.
25/005 Provision of Real Estate and Rates Services to Uisce Éireann

UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise to understand the structure of the market and specialist competencies/capabilities available in this area of Real Estate and Rates Services throughout the Repuplic of Ireland. UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise to understand the structure of the market and specialist competencies/capabilities available …

CPV: 70000000 Real estate services, 70122110 Vacant-land sale services, 70122200 Land purchase services, 70122210 Vacant-land purchase services, 70123000 Sale of real estate, 70123200 Sale of non-residential estate, 70130000 Letting services of own property, 70200000 Renting or leasing services of own property, 70210000 Residential property renting or leasing services, 70220000 Non-residential property renting or leasing services, 70300000 Real estate agency services on a fee or contract basis, 70100000 Real estate services with own property, 70310000 Building rental or sale services, 70320000 Land rental or sale services, 70321000 Land rental services, 70322000 Vacant-land rental or sale services, 70111000 Development of residential real estate, 70110000 Development services of real estate, 70120000 Buying and selling of real estate, 70121000 Building sale or purchase services, 70121100 Building sale services, 70121200 Building purchase services, 70122000 Land sale or purchase services, 70122100 Land sale services
Place of execution:
25/005 Provision of Real Estate and Rates Services to Uisce Éireann
Awarding body:
Uisce Éireann
Award number:
Feb. 28, 2025, 2:02 a.m.
Köln, Otto-Langen-Quartier - Verkauf von Grundstücken auf dem ehemaligen Gießereigelände der Klöckner-Humbold-Deutz AG

Grundstücksverkauf in Anlehnung an § 18 VgV Wettbewerblicher Dialog des Otto-Langen-Quartier, Köln-Mülheim. Ein lebendiges, zukunftsgerechtes und gemeinwohlorientiertes Stadtquartier, in dem die Geschichte des Ortes erlebbar bleibt, ist die Vision für das Otto-Langen-Quartier in Köln-Mülheim. Um daraus Realität werden zu lassen, startet nun das Verkaufsverfahren inklusive Qualitätswettbewerb für die 4,5 Hektargroße …

CPV: 70122100 Land sale services, 70120000 Buying and selling of real estate, 71200000 Architectural and related services, 71221000 Architectural services for buildings, 71242000 Project and design preparation, estimation of costs, 70320000 Land rental or sale services
Place of execution:
Köln, Otto-Langen-Quartier - Verkauf von Grundstücken auf dem ehemaligen Gießereigelände der Klöckner-Humbold-Deutz AG
Awarding body:
Award number:
Feb. 18, 2025, 6:16 a.m.
Transitiegebouw Universiteit Utrecht

Hierbij nodigen wij u graag uit om deel te nemen aan de Europese aanbesteding voor het ontwikkelen van het Transitiegebouw. Dit houdt in dat de opdrachtnemer voor eigen risico en rekening het Transitiegebouw zal ontwikkelen, financieren, realiseren en exploiteren op een, door de Universiteit Utrecht (hierna: UU) uit te geven, …

CPV: 70320000 Land rental or sale services, 45214610 Laboratory building construction work, 70310000 Building rental or sale services, 80490000 Operation of an educational centre
Place of execution:
Transitiegebouw Universiteit Utrecht
Awarding body:
Universiteit Utrecht
Award number:
Feb. 13, 2025, 6:46 a.m.
Markterkundung ÖGK - Standortentwicklung Wienerberg

Die Österreichische Gesundheitskasse (kurz „die AG“ oder „ÖGK“) leitet mit dieser Bekanntmachung eine vorherige Erkundung des Marktes gemäß § 24 BVergG 2018 („Markterkundung“) ein. Die ÖGK plant aus heutiger Sicht frühestens im Q4/2025 ein (oder mehrere) Vergabeverfahren mit vorheriger Bekanntmachung nach den Bestimmungen des BVergG 2018 zur Vergabe von Leistungen …

CPV: 45000000 Construction work, 70110000 Development services of real estate, 70120000 Buying and selling of real estate, 70122000 Land sale or purchase services, 70200000 Renting or leasing services of own property, 70320000 Land rental or sale services, 71541000 Construction project management services
Place of execution:
Markterkundung ÖGK - Standortentwicklung Wienerberg
Awarding body:
Österreichische Gesundheitskasse
Award number:
Feb. 1, 2025, 10:48 a.m.