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Overeenkomst Gekleurde Rookhandgranaten
Overeenkomst voor diverse rook handgranaten (G940 - green/ G188 - White/ G173 - Yellow/ G950 - red) Overeenkomst voor diverse rook handgranaten (G940 - green/ G188 - White/ G173 - Yellow/ G950 - red)
CPV: 35300000 Weapons, ammunition and associated parts, 35331300 Grenades
The Swedish Armed Forces need to procure KASTÖVNHGR 09D and 23D. These hand grenades are completely inert practice products. They mimic the Splitterhandgranat 23D and the TRYCKHANDGRANAT 09D in shape and weight, but are painted in a different colour and contain no energetic materials. They are used during training so …
CPV: 35000000 Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment, 35300000 Weapons, ammunition and associated parts, 35330000 Ammunition, 35331300 Grenades, 35340000 Parts of firearms and ammunition, 35820000 Support equipment, 80620000 Training and simulation in firearms and ammunition
Handheld OC-grenade for indoor use
Procurement of handheld OC-grenade for indoor use. Procurement of handheld OC-grenade for indoor use.
CPV: 35000000 Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment, 35200000 Police equipment, 35330000 Ammunition, 35331300 Grenades
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