Predmetom geotechnického monitoringu (ďalej len "GTM") je úsek rýchlostnej cesty R3 Tvrdošín - Nižná nad Oravou, na ktorom momentálne prebiehajú prvý rok stavebné práce. Realizácia GTM počas výstavby je nevyhnutná z dôvodu, že slúži ako podklad pre kontrolu bezpečného návrhu diela, eventuálne v prípade mimoriadnych udalostí ako včasný varovný mechanizmus …
Servicio de asesoramiento hidrogeológico y de mantenimiento especializado y vigilancia de estaciones de bombeo, captaciones, depósitos, instalaciones de telecontrol, almacenes, oficinas y otras instalaciones gestionadas por Aguas de Benahavís, S.A. en el municipio de Benahavís (Málaga) Servicio de asesoramiento hidrogeológico y de mantenimiento especializado y vigilancia de estaciones de bombeo, …
Alver municipality invites tenderers to an open tender contest for consultancy services within ARK and consultancy engineering services. The procurement will be administered in the denial of service area for Property Management. Alver municipality invites tenderers to an open tender contest for consultancy services within ARK and consultancy engineering services. …
The contracting authority annually executes several major and minor investment and maintenance projects based on the at any given time applicable action and finance plan, mainly as an execution contract or builder developed turnkey contract. The Contracting Authority intends to enter into framework agreements for consultancy services for engineering design …
The purpose of this process is to obtain competitive bids for the acquisition of a combined magnetic, electromagnetic (EM) and gamma-ray spectrometric data survey in Innlandet County, Norway as specified in the Scope of Services and Technical Specifications . Other areas with similar demographic and topographic challenges may be added …
Upphandlingen omfattar Teknisk konsult: miljö- och geotekniska undersökningar. Ramavtal med max fem (5) leverantörer kommer att tecknas. Upphandlingen kommer att resultera i ramavtal för successiva avrop av det samlade behovet under avtalstiden. Upphandlingen omfattar Teknisk konsult: miljö- och geotekniska undersökningar. Ramavtal med max fem (5) leverantörer kommer att tecknas. Upphandlingen …
Die Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (nachfolgend als LMBV bezeichnet) ist als Rechtsnachfolger des ehemaligen Kalibergwerkes Bischofferode gemäß Bundesberggesetz (BBergG) zum sicheren Abschluss der bergbaulichen Tätigkeiten verpflichtet. Für die derzeit noch unabgedeckte Rückstandshalde Bischofferode wurden in der Vergangenheit Möglichkeiten zur vollständigen Abdeckung untersucht und geprüft. Die Abdeckung soll schrittweise in …
Geochemistry support services for the Tellus programme including data QA/QC, Data Management, Sample Management and technical guidance. Geochemistry support services for the Tellus programme including data QA/QC, Data Management, Sample Management and technical guidance.
Malvik municipality plans to replace three stretches with asbestos cement water pipelines in Naustkleiva, with new PVC pipelines of 100 mm or 160 mm diameter. The first stretch is 101 metres along a private road, the second is 10 metres under a private road, and the third stretch is 204 …
2024A0333 - Etudes géotechniques et ouvrages d'art Lot n°1: GEOTECHNIQUE - Littoral Est/ Menton Roya Bévéra - Lot Est Lot n°2: GEOTECHNIQUE - Littoral Ouest Cannes / Littoral Ouest Antibes - Lot Ouest Lot n°3: GEOTECHNIQUE - Préalpes Ouest/ Cians Var - Lot Montagne Lot n°4: OUVRAGE D'ART - Littoral …