The agreement shall cover the need for the transport, roads and parks and water and sewage activities. As a starting point, the framework agreement will not apply for deliveries to Svelvik municipality due to geographical distances. However, exceptions can occur. The agreement shall cover the need for the transport, roads …
Drammen municipality, c/o transport, roads and parks, is the contracting authority for this procurement. The municipality ́s organisation number is 921 234 554. Other entities under Drammen municipality shall also be able to use this contract if needed. Drammen municipality, c/o transport, roads and parks, is the contracting authority for …
Předmětem veřejné zakázky je uzavření rámcové kupní smlouva s jedním dodavatelem na dodávku přibližně 2.300 tun drceného kameniva frakce 4/8 (předpokládá se odběr 700 tun) a frakce 8/16 (předpokládá se odběr 1.600 tun) na posyp komunikací v zimním období 2024-2025 v rámci spádové oblasti střediska Frýdek-Místek, přičemž doprava bude realizována …
Cílem tohoto zadávacího řízení je zavedení dynamického nákupního systému (DNS), ve kterém budou následně zadávány jednotlivé veřejné zakázky na dodávky kameniva a souvisejících produktů určených na opravy komunikací a obsypy kanalizačních šachet, přičemž místem plnění dodávek je areál zadavatele na adrese: Zlín - Louky, Záhumení V 321, PSČ 763 02, …
Hå municipality shall enter into a two year framework agreement with an option for 1+1 year, for the purchase and delivery of gravel masses for construction works in the municipality. The framework agreement also includes receipt of excess masses. Hå municipality shall enter into a two year framework agreement with …
The scheme shall cover Trøndelag county ́s need for crushed stone and gravel in operational contracts etc. The scheme shall cover Trøndelag county ́s need for crushed stone and gravel in operational contracts etc.
The scheme shall cover Trøndelag county ́s need for crushed stone and gravel in operational contracts etc. The scheme shall cover Trøndelag county ́s need for crushed stone and gravel in operational contracts etc.
The objective of this QSQ is to qualify Applicants onto the Qualifications Systems for the following, the supply and delivery of aggregates (e.g. stone, concrete, bituminous material, etc.) to Uisce Éireann sites, including Local Authority Depots, and non-specific site locations (i.e. to facilitate call out to facilitate emergency repairs, and …
The objective of this QSQ is to qualify Applicants onto the Qualifications Systems for the following, the supply and delivery of aggregates (e.g. stone, concrete, bituminous material, etc.) to Uisce Éireann sites, including Local Authority Depots, and non-specific site locations (i.e. to facilitate call out to facilitate emergency repairs, and …