Your search for Vehicle hoists
Number of alerts found: 3

Beschaffung von mehreren Unterflurdrehanlagen

Beschaffung von mehreren Unterflurdrehanlagen Die ÖBB-Technische Services GmbH plant am Standort Wien Jedlersdorf die Beschaffung einer Tandemunterflurradsatzdrehmaschine (T-UFD). Die T-UFD wird in einer neu errichteten Werkshalle installiert. Des Weiteren wird eine Singleunterflurdrehmaschine (S-UFD) im Austausch der bestehenden Anlage, in der ÖBB -Technische Service Standort Salzburg, benötigt. ÖBB-Technische Services GmbH wird …

CPV: 42113190 Turning gear, 51210000 Installation services of measuring equipment, 50000000 Repair and maintenance services, 42413500 Vehicle hoists
Place of execution:
Beschaffung von mehreren Unterflurdrehanlagen
Awarding body:
ÖBB-Technische Services-Gesellschaft mbH
Award number:
Provia ID 126389 - Beschaffung von mehreren Unterflurdrehanlagen
Nov. 26, 2024, 12:48 a.m.
RFT 221082 - 3228 - MPFA for the hire of machines/vehicles without drivers for up to 4 years (12 months initially with option of proceeding with one-year increments x3).

RFT 221082 - 3228 - MPFA for the hire of machines/vehicles without drivers for up to 4 years (12 months initially with option of proceeding with one-year increments x3). Grass mowers and related machinery Tractor, Flails and related machinery Waste Management & Transport Trucks/ Vehicles Excavators and other related machinery …

CPV: 34114000 Specialist vehicles, 16700000 Tractors, 34138000 Road tractor units, 34140000 Heavy-duty motor vehicles, 42415200 Works trucks, 42415210 Works trucks fitted with handling equipment, 34144900 Electric vehicles, 42413500 Vehicle hoists, 42414000 Cranes, mobile lifting frames and works trucks fitted with a crane, 43250000 Front-end shovel loaders, 43251000 Front-end shovel loaders with backhoe, 16310000 Mowers, 43252000 Front-end shovel loaders without backhoe, 43260000 Mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders, and mining machinery, 43261000 Mechanical shovels, 43261100 Mechanical shovel loaders, 34921100 Road sweepers, 34223300 Trailers, 34223310 General-purpose trailers, 34136000 Vans, 34136100 Light vans, 34136200 Panel vans, 16311000 Lawnmowers, 34100000 Motor vehicles, 16311100 Lawn, park or sports-ground mowers, 45259000 Repair and maintenance of plant, 50111000 Fleet management, repair and maintenance services, 50111100 Vehicle-fleet management services, 43200000 Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts, 43262000 Excavating machinery, 43262100 Mechanical excavators
Place of execution:
RFT 221082 - 3228 - MPFA for the hire of machines/vehicles without drivers for up to 4 years (12 months initially with option of proceeding with one-year increments x3).
Awarding body:
South Dublin County Council
Award number:
RFT 3228
Nov. 19, 2024, 5:04 a.m.
TMG6053/OSV0: Contrato de Suministro, instalación de una línea de gatos de levante y plataforma de acceso a cubierta de las unidades del Metropolitano de Granada.

Contrato de Suministro, instalación de una línea de gatos de levante y plataforma de acceso a cubierta de las unidades del Metropolitano de Granada. Contrato de Suministro, instalación de una línea de gatos de levante y plataforma de acceso a cubierta de las unidades del Metropolitano de Granada.

CPV: 42413500 Vehicle hoists
Place of execution:
TMG6053/OSV0: Contrato de Suministro, instalación de una línea de gatos de levante y plataforma de acceso a cubierta de las unidades del Metropolitano de Granada.
Awarding body:
Agencia de Obra Pública de la Junta de Andalucía
Award number:
Dec. 26, 2023, midnight