Your search for Vegetables
Number of alerts found: 40

Acord cadru de furnizare alimente, vesela de unica utilizare si ambalaje pentru alimente

Achizitionarea de diverse produse alimentare, prin încheierea de Acorduri cadru de furnizare, pentru prepararea hranei pacientilor in functie de regimul alimentar recomandat de medicul curant. Nota: Autoritatea contractanta va raspunde in mod clar si complet tuturor solicitarilor de clarificari/informatiilor suplimentare in a 11-a zi inaintea datei limita de depunere a …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 15110000 Meat, 15131700 Meat preparations, 03142500 Eggs, 15511000 Milk, 15500000 Dairy products, 15550000 Assorted dairy products, 15211000 Fish fillets, 03221000 Vegetables, 03222000 Fruit and nuts, 03222200 Citrus fruit, 15331170 Frozen vegetables, 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 03221320 Salad leaves, 15871260 Sauces, 15800000 Miscellaneous food products, 15821200 Sweet biscuits, 15613310 Prepared breakfast cereals, 15896000 Deep-frozen products, 15811000 Bread products, 39222100 Disposable catering supplies
Place of execution:
Acord cadru de furnizare alimente, vesela de unica utilizare si ambalaje pentru alimente
Awarding body:
Spitalul Municipal de Urgenta Roman
Award number:
March 12, 2025, 3:35 a.m.
Competition - Framework agreement for the delivery of food products for institutional households

Tenderers are hereby invited to a competition for the delivery of food products to institutional households in Ringebu, Sør-Fron and Nord-Fron municipalities. The competition is divided into four sub-contracts: Sub-contract 1: Potatoes, fruits, vegetables (fresh) Sub-contract 2: Groceries, canned goods, frozen goods, meat, bread Part contract 3: Milk, milk productsDelkontrakt …

CPV: 15110000 Meat, 15100000 Animal products, meat and meat products, 15111000 Bovine meat, 15112000 Poultry, 15113000 Pork, 15119000 Various meats, 15130000 Meat products, 15200000 Prepared and preserved fish, 15210000 Fish fillets, fish livers and roe, 15220000 Frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat, 15240000 Canned or tinned fish and other prepared or preserved fish, 15250000 Seafood, 15310000 Potatoes and potato products, 15330000 Processed fruit and vegetables, 15400000 Animal or vegetable oils and fats, 15500000 Dairy products, 15510000 Milk and cream, 15530000 Butter, 15550000 Assorted dairy products, 15600000 Grain mill products, starches and starch products, 15810000 Bread products, fresh pastry goods and cakes, 15811000 Bread products, 15811100 Bread, 15812000 Pastry goods and cakes, 03200000 Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts, 03220000 Vegetables, fruits and nuts, 03221000 Vegetables, 03221300 Leaf vegetables, 03221400 Cabbage vegetables, 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 15331100 Fresh or frozen vegetables, 15331130 Beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables
April 8, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Competition - Framework agreement for the delivery of food products for institutional households
Awarding body:
Ringebu Kommune
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 6:36 a.m.
Framework agreement - Processed vegetables and potatoes (Reserved contract cf. the Public Procurement Regulations § 16-9)

This is a competition for the delivery of processed vegetables and potatoes for the Kitchen service department c/o Bråvann. This is a competition for the delivery of processed vegetables and potatoes for the Kitchen service department c/o Bråvann.

CPV: 15331000 Processed vegetables, 03110000 Crops, products of market gardening and horticulture, 03221000 Vegetables, 03221200 Fruit vegetables, 03221400 Cabbage vegetables, 15313000 Processed potatoes, 15330000 Processed fruit and vegetables, 15331110 Processed root vegetables, 15331120 Processed tuber vegetables, 15331142 Processed cabbage, 15894000 Processed food products
April 7, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Framework agreement - Processed vegetables and potatoes (Reserved contract cf. the Public Procurement Regulations § 16-9)
Awarding body:
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 6 a.m.
Dostawy warzyw i owoców świeżych

1. Przedmiotem zamówienia są sukcesywne dostawy warzyw i owoców świeżych do Szkoły Policji w Pile w orientacyjnej ilości 84 920 kg. 2. Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia i pełny wykaz asortymentu będącego przedmiotem dostaw oraz maksymalna ilość zamawianych produktów zostały podane w Specyfikacji asortymentowo-ilościowej, która stanowi załącznik nr 2 do SWZ. …

CPV: 03200000 Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts, 03221000 Vegetables, 03222000 Fruit and nuts
Place of execution:
Dostawy warzyw i owoców świeżych
Awarding body:
Szkoła Policji w Pile
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 5:46 a.m.
Suministro de abonos y sustratos sólidos, fitosanitarios ecológicos y hortalizas y suministro de elementos diversos de ferretería, necesarios para el funcionamiento de los programas educativos gestionados por el Servicio de Educación Ambiental y el plan de arbolado urbano y programas ganaderos gestionados por el Servicio de Desarrollo Rural, del Área de Transición Ecológica y Ciudadanía

Suministro de abonos y sustratos sólidos, fitosanitarios ecológicos y hortalizas y suministro de elementos diversos de ferretería, necesarios para el funcionamiento de los programas educativos gestionados por el Servicio de Educación Ambiental, y el plan de arbolado urbano y programas ganaderos gestionados por el Servicio de Desarrollo Rural, del Área …

CPV: 24400000 Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds, 03221000 Vegetables, 24450000 Agro-chemical products, 44316400 Hardware
Place of execution:
Suministro de abonos y sustratos sólidos, fitosanitarios ecológicos y hortalizas y suministro de elementos diversos de ferretería, necesarios para el funcionamiento de los programas educativos gestionados por el Servicio de Educación Ambiental y el plan de arbolado urbano y programas ganaderos gestionados por el Servicio de Desarrollo Rural, del Área de Transición Ecológica y Ciudadanía
Awarding body:
Diputación Provincial de Cádiz
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 5:14 a.m.
POTRAVINY (2025/2026)

Predmetom zákazky sú potraviny, ktoré sú rozdelené na časti: Základné a dlhodobo skladovateľné potraviny; Mrazené potraviny a výrobky; Mlieko a mliečne výrobky; Živočíšne výrobky, mäso a mäsové výrobky; Pekárenské výrobky; Ovocie, zelenina a zemiaky; Čerstvé slepačie vajcia, ktoré sú bližšie špecifikované v súťažných podkladoch. Predmetom zákazky sú potraviny, ktoré sú …

CPV: 15000000 Food, beverages, tobacco and related products, 15800000 Miscellaneous food products, 15331400 Preserved and/or canned vegetables, 15332200 Jams and marmalades; fruit jellies; fruit or nut purée and pastes, 15400000 Animal or vegetable oils and fats, 15600000 Grain mill products, starches and starch products, 15820000 Rusks and biscuits; preserved pastry goods and cakes, 15840000 Cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery, 15850000 Pasta products, 15860000 Coffee, tea and related products, 15870000 Condiments and seasonings, 15897200 Canned goods, 03212200 Dried leguminous vegetables and pulses, 60000000 Transport services (excl. Waste transport), 15896000 Deep-frozen products, 15220000 Frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat, 15131500 Poultry products, 15311000 Frozen potatoes, 15331170 Frozen vegetables, 15500000 Dairy products, 15511000 Milk, 15530000 Butter, 15550000 Assorted dairy products, 15551000 Yoghurt and other fermented milk products, 15100000 Animal products, meat and meat products, 15110000 Meat, 15113000 Pork, 15130000 Meat products, 15131130 Sausages, 15111100 Beef, 15810000 Bread products, fresh pastry goods and cakes, 15612500 Bakery products, 15811100 Bread, 15811200 Rolls, 15812100 Pastry goods, 03220000 Vegetables, fruits and nuts, 03221000 Vegetables, 03222000 Fruit and nuts, 03212100 Potatoes, 03142500 Eggs
April 7, 2025, 10 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
POTRAVINY (2025/2026)
Awarding body:
Psychiatrická nemocnica Profesora Matulaya Kremnica
Award number:
March 7, 2025, 5:01 a.m.

HΜετά την δημοπράτηση της υπ άριθμ. 34/2023 μελέτης, τα τμήματα 2,3 και 4 του διαγωνισμού επέβησαν άγονα. Με την υπ ‘αριθμ 123/2024 απόφαση της ΔΕ αποφασίστηκε η επαναδημοπράτηση των άγονων τμημάτων με τροποποίηση των όρων της διακήρυξη. Η παρούσα μελέτη αφορά την προμήθεια τροφίμων σίτισης (ε’δη ιχθυοπωλείου, είδη παντοπωλείου και …

CPV: 15800000 Miscellaneous food products, 03221000 Vegetables, 03222000 Fruit and nuts, 03311000 Fish
April 7, 2025, 3 p.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Award number:
March 6, 2025, 1:58 a.m.
FCT091C Fresh Fruit and Vegetables to the Health Service Executive Mid-West and South Regions

The supply and delivery of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables as detailed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the RFT. The supply and delivery of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables as detailed in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the RFT. The supply and delivery of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables as …

CPV: 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 03221114 Turnips, 03221120 Tuber vegetables, 03221200 Fruit vegetables, 03221212 Green beans, 03222117 Avocados, 03222118 Kiwi fruit, 03222220 Oranges, 03222300 Non-tropical fruit, 03222313 Strawberries, 03222322 Pears, 15331130 Beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables, 03221220 Peas, 03221230 Peppers, 03221240 Tomatoes, 03221250 Courgettes, 03221260 Mushrooms, 03221270 Cucumbers, 03221300 Leaf vegetables, 03221310 Lettuce, 03221410 Cabbage, 03221420 Cauliflower, 15331140 Leaf and cabbage vegetables, 03221430 Broccoli, 03221440 Brussels sprouts, 03222110 Tropical fruit, 03222111 Bananas, 03222112 Pineapples, 03222210 Lemons, 03222250 Limes, 03222310 Berry fruit, 03222321 Apples, 03222334 Plums, 03212100 Potatoes, 03222340 Grapes, 15872500 Ginger, 03220000 Vegetables, fruits and nuts, 03221000 Vegetables, 03221110 Root vegetables, 03221100 Root and tuber vegetables, 03221112 Carrots, 03221113 Onions
Place of execution:
FCT091C Fresh Fruit and Vegetables to the Health Service Executive Mid-West and South Regions
Awarding body:
Health Service Executive
Award number:
March 6, 2025, 1:52 a.m.

Accord cadre de fourniture passé en appel d'offres ouvert selon les dispositions des articles L2124-2 et R2124-2 1° du code de la commande publique Accord-cadre à bons de commande avec minimum et maximum mono-attributaire de fournitures pour les lots 1 à 16 et 18 à 23 en application des articles …

CPV: 15800000 Miscellaneous food products, 15110000 Meat, 15112000 Poultry, 15131120 Sausage products, 15111100 Beef, 15113000 Pork, 03221112 Carrots, 03222321 Apples, 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 03212100 Potatoes, 03221000 Vegetables, 15540000 Cheese products, 15511000 Milk, 15500000 Dairy products, 15551000 Yoghurt and other fermented milk products, 15833100 Desserts, 15811100 Bread, 15941000 Cider, 15910000 Distilled alcoholic beverages, 15896000 Deep-frozen products, 03310000 Fish, crustaceans and aquatic products, 03142100 Natural honey, 03222000 Fruit and nuts
Place of execution:
Awarding body:
Commune de La Hague
Award number:
March 6, 2025, 1:46 a.m.
Udbud på levering af frisk frugt og friske grøntsager samt økologiske forkogte kartofler til Madservice Aalborg

Aalborg Kommune udbyder en kontrakt for delt på to delaftaler på levering af frisk frugt og friske grøntsager samt økologisk forkogte kartofler. På delaftale 1 skal der leveres frisk frugt og friske grøntsager På delaftale 2 skal der leveres økologiske forkogte kartofler anslået kilo 51.000

CPV: 15300000 Fruit, vegetables and related products, 15313000 Processed potatoes, 03221000 Vegetables
April 7, 2025, noon
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
Udbud på levering af frisk frugt og friske grøntsager samt økologiske forkogte kartofler til Madservice Aalborg
Awarding body:
Aalborg kommune
Award number:
March 6, 2025, 12:25 a.m.