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Tender_48256_Accordo Quadro per la fornitura, con consegna, di valvole per
sistemi di teleriscaldamento per Iren Energia S.p.A.
Descrizione: Tender_48256_Accordo Quadro per la fornitura, con consegna, di valvole per sistemi di riscaldamento per Iren Energia S.p.A.: - Lotto 1: valvole a sfera imperniata; - Lotto 2: valvole a sfera flottante; - Lotto 3: valvole a farfalla. Tender_48256_Accordo Quadro per la fornitura, con consegna, di valvole per sistemi di …
CPV: 42131200 Valves defined by construction
2024038962 DPS Valves for surface vessels
This is a dynamic procurement scheme for procuring valves with the accompanying components and parts for the operation and maintenance of the Norwegian Armed Forces' vessels. This is a dynamic procurement scheme for procuring valves with the accompanying components and parts for the operation and maintenance of the Norwegian Armed …
CPV: 42130000 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances, 34312500 Gaskets, 35520000 Parts for warships, 35521000 Hull and mechanical spare parts for warships, 42131100 Valves defined by function, 42131200 Valves defined by construction, 44425200 Rubber seals, 50241000 Repair and maintenance services of ships, 50241100 Vessel repair services, 50512000 Repair and maintenance services of valves
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