For examination of fishing grounds, the Directorate of Fisheries wants to hire a fishing vessel that is rigged and suitable for effective and appropriate execution of expeditions, including catch, catch measurements and monitoring of activity in fishing grounds. The vessel that is hired shall conduct a survey of fishing grounds …
The Directorate of Fisheries would like to hire fishing vessels that are rigged and suitable for effective and appropriate execution of expeditions, including catch and catch measurements. The vessel that is hired will be administered and managed by the Directorate of Fisheries ́s naval service. The vessel must be representative …
La empresa VAERSA tiene adjudicada por la Conselleria de Medio Ambiente, Infraestructuras y Territorio, el encargo denominado “ACTUACIONES MEDIOAMBIENTALES DE CONSERVACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO EN LA RED VALENCIANA DE ESPACIOS NATURALES PROTEGIDOS”. Los trabajos vinculados al medio marino que se realizan en el encargo de “ACTUACIONES MEDIOAMBIENTALES DE CONSERVACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO …
The Directorate of Fisheries would like to hire a factory/freeze trawler with a cod trawler north of 62° N. The vessel must be rigged with double trawling (two identical trawls) for fishing for cod, haddock and uer. Be rigged and equipped to be able to fish with floating trawls. All …