Your search for Hydraulic or pneumatic power engines and motors
Number of alerts found: 3

Hochfrequenzverstärkersystem - PR592825 - 2290 -W

PR592825 - 2290 -W Hochfrequenzverstärkersystem Das Verstärkersystem wird für die Anfälligkeitsprüfung elektronischer Geräte gegenüber HF-Störsignalen im Hochleistungselektromagnetik-Labor (HPEM) am Fraunhofer INT eingesetzt. Es wird in verschiedenen Testumgebungen (Hallkammer, TEM-Zelle, schalltoter Raum, BCI) an verschiedenen Stellen im Labor eingesetzt.

CPV: 42121000 Hydraulic or pneumatic power engines and motors
Place of execution:
Hochfrequenzverstärkersystem - PR592825 - 2290 -W
Awarding body:
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Einkauf und Gerätewirtschaft C2
Award number:
PR592825 - 2290 -W
Nov. 19, 2024, 3:47 a.m.
(24292) Pressurised air booster

NTNU is an international oriented university with headquarters in Trondheim and campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund. NTNU has a main profile in science and technology, a variety of programmes of professional study, and great academic breadth that also includes the humanities, social sciences, economics, medicine, health sciences, educational science, architecture, …

CPV: 42000000 Industrial machinery, 42120000 Pumps and compressors, 42121000 Hydraulic or pneumatic power engines and motors, 42121100 Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, 42121200 Hydraulic power engines, 42121300 Pneumatic power engines, 42121400 Hydraulic power motors, 42121500 Pneumatic power motors, 42123000 Compressors, 42123400 Air compressors, 42123410 Mounted air compressors, 42123610 Compressed-air package
Dec. 17, 2024, 11 a.m.
Deadline type:
Submitting a bid
Place of execution:
(24292) Pressurised air booster
Awarding body:
Award number:
Nov. 14, 2024, 6:44 a.m.
Suministro de dos posicionadores embarcables para Harrier AV8B+

Suministro de dos posicionadores embarcables para Harrier AV8B+ Suministro de dos posicionadores embarcables para Harrier AV8B+

CPV: 42121000 Hydraulic or pneumatic power engines and motors
Place of execution:
Suministro de dos posicionadores embarcables para Harrier AV8B+
Awarding body:
Intendente de Rota
Award number:
Oct. 24, 2024, 5:33 a.m.