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Number of alerts found: 2

The Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing, Barbering and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Equipment in Eight (8) Lots to Cork Education and Training Board

This competition relates to a number of framework agreements (8 in total) for The Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing, Barbering and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Equipment to designated Cork College of FET campuses as required. This competition relates to a number of framework agreements (8 in total) for The …

CPV: 33711200 Make-up preparations, 33711300 Manicure or pedicure preparations, 33711400 Beauty products, 33711410 Cotton buds, 33711420 Makeup kits, 33711430 Disposable personal wipes, 33711440 Lip balm, 33711500 Skin-care products, 33711600 Hair preparations and articles, 33711610 Shampoos, 33711620 Combs, 33711630 Wigs, 33711640 Vanity kits, 33720000 Razors and manicure or pedicure sets, 33721000 Razors, 33721100 Razor blades, 33721200 Shavers, 33722000 Manicure or pedicure sets, 33722100 Manicure sets, 33722110 Manicure implements, 33722200 Pedicure sets, 33722210 Pedicure implements, 33722300 Barrettes, 33740000 Hand and nails care products, 33741000 Hand care products, 33741100 Hand cleaner, 33741200 Hand or body lotions, 33741300 Hand sanitizer, 33742000 Nail care products, 33742100 Nail clippers, 33742200 Nail polish, 39100000 Furniture, 39200000 Furnishing
Place of execution:
The Supply and Delivery of Hairdressing, Barbering and Beauty Salon Class Consumables and Equipment in Eight (8) Lots to Cork Education and Training Board
Awarding body:
Cork Education and Training Board
Award number:
Jan. 25, 2025, 7:38 a.m.
Udbud af parykker, toupeer og påsat hår

Udbuddet vedrører indkøb og levering af parykker, toupéer og påsat hår til borgere med bevilling efter servicelovens § 112, samt enhver anden lovgivning eller serviceniveau som ordregiver måtte lægge til grund for bevillingen. For nærmere beskrivelse af de udbudte produkter og varegrupper, herunder de krav varerne skal opfylde, henvises til …

CPV: 33711630 Wigs
Place of execution:
Udbud af parykker, toupeer og påsat hår
Awarding body:
Rebild Kommune - Udbud og Indkøb (Tovholder)
Award number:
Jan. 18, 2025, 3:30 a.m.