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WSMQ 005/081/2025 - Quotation request for the Supply and Delivery of Three (3) Manual Palletizers with Integrated Weighing Scale at the Thermal Treatment Facility Marsa, Malta
Quotation request for the Supply and Delivery of Three (3) Manual Palletizers with Integrated Weighing Scale at the Thermal Treatment Facility Marsa, Malta Quotation request for the Supply and Delivery of Three (3) Manual Palletizers with Integrated Weighing Scale at the Thermal Treatment Facility Marsa, Malta
CPV: 42923000 Weighing machinery and scales, 42923100 Weighing machinery, 42998000 Pallet-picking system
Furnizare echipamente PC02 Auto 2
Achiziționarea acestor produse este necesară în cadrul următoarelor laboratoare: Laborator Service auto, Stație ITP, Atelier lăcătușerie și montaj, Laborator de Chimie combustibili si protecția mediului, Laborator de motoare cu ardere internă, prin implementarea proiectului „PERFORMANȚĂ ÎN FORMAREA PROFESIONALĂ PRIN PARTENERIATUL CU MEDIUL ECONOMIC PENTRU DEZVOLTAREA RUTEI COMPLETE DE ÎNVĂȚĂMÂNT DUAL …
CPV: 42413000 Jacks and vehicle hoists, 51100000 Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment, 71630000 Technical inspection and testing services, 79632000 Personnel-training services, 42923100 Weighing machinery, 34312000 Engine parts
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