Denna upphandling omfattar köp av engångsmaterial för Kök och servering enligt beskrivning i Prisbilaga engångsmaterial och Mall för upphandlingskontrakt. De verksamheter som främst kommer att avropa från detta avtal är: Kök och RestaurangVårdavdelningarFolkhögskolorHälsohem Det beräknade värdet för denna upphandling är 6 MSEK för hela avtalsperioden, inklusive optionsår. Planerad start 2024-11-01. …
The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) hereby invites interested tenderers to apply to be qualified for a dynamic purchasing system for bedding packages. The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) hereby invites interested tenderers to apply to be qualified for a dynamic purchasing system for bedding packages.
The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) hereby invites interested tenderers to apply to be qualified for a dynamic procurement scheme for kitchen packages. This is a renewed announcement of dynamic procurement scheme for kitchen packages, with the following changes: the scheme is not exclusive, possibility of awarding a framework agreement …
The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration invites interested suppliers to apply to be qualified for a dynamic purchasing system for kitchen packages. Click here: The framework agreement will comply with the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration's requirement for kitchen packages in a normal situation for arrivals, and possibly for a stand-by …