Ziel des Vergabeverfahrens ist der Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung mit (maximal) drei RahmenvereinbarungspartnerInnen je Los betreffend Penetrationstests in 2 Losen: - Los 1: Infrastruktur und Application Security Testing Only - Los 2: Infrastruktur und Application Security Testing inklusive Lösungsworkshops Der Leistungsgegenstand des Los 1 umfasst neben den allgemeinen Leistungen (sh. Teil …
Perkamos VEPIS modernizavimo ir VEPIS posistemės - eKultūros portalo sukūrimo techninės priežiūros paslaugos Perkamos VEPIS modernizavimo ir VEPIS posistemės - eKultūros portalo sukūrimo techninės priežiūros paslaugos
Předmětem plnění veřejné zakázky (dále také „VZ“) je zajištění podkladů pro realizaci projektu „Nová elektronická spisová služba pro Finanční správu České republiky“ (dále také „Projekt eSSL“), která bude splňovat požadavek na řádnou atestaci elektronické spisové služby (dále také „eSSL“) ve smyslu § 69b až § 69e zákona č. 499/2004 Sb., …
The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with security and quality management. Further details are given in the qualification documentation. The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with security and quality management. Further details are given in the qualification documentation.
The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with further development of the architecture work in cooperation with the business side and the technical director for architecture. Contribute with decision basis that supports the IT department ́s strategy and methodology. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation. The dynamic purchasing …
The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with testing and test management. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation. The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with testing and test management. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation.
This scheme shall cover assistance, advice and project management within analyses and reviews. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation. This scheme shall cover assistance, advice and project management within analyses and reviews. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation.
About the procurement Exit point for the Stimulab project, Finnmark county's commitment is Digi2030. The commitment is organised with an internal focus Digi2030 FFK – which focuses on internal digitalisation in the county and an external focus, Digi2030 Finnmark, which aims for a digitalisation lift for municipalities and businesses in …
Ziel des Vergabeverfahrens ist der Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung mit (maximal) drei RahmenvereinbarungspartnerInnen je Los betreffend Penetrationstests in 2 Losen: - Los 1: Infrastruktur und Application Security Testing Only - Los 2: Infrastruktur und Application Security Testing inklusive Lösungsworkshops Der Leistungsgegenstand des Los 1 umfasst neben den allgemeinen Leistungen (sh. Teil …
The dynamic purchasing system includes system development. Further details on roles within system development, scrum masts, test development and system development methodology are given in the attached qualification documentation. The dynamic purchasing system includes system development. Further details on roles within system development, scrum masts, test development and system development …