IWA is seeking tenders to support our existing and future ICT network infrastructure implementation. IWA locations may require structured cabling and network components to be repaired, upgraded or deployed. Location size, layout, cabling and equipment requirements differ per site. IWA locations can range in size. IWA locations can range from …
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Customer) would like to enter into a contract for a Security Operations Center (SOC) service. The service shall contribute to strengthening the security and monitoring of our IT infrastructure through proactive monitoring, identifying, analysing and handling security threats. The procurement involves a 24 hour service …
The project "Cross language effective communication (TEK)" aims at improving the first contact with the police for users without Norwegian or English knowledge. We anticipate that this involves the use of language technology to ensure that all users, regardless of their language background, have equal access to the police ́s …
Zweck dieses Beschaffungsverfahrens ist die Erhöhung der Obergrenze der nach dem offenen Verfahren vergebenen Rahmenverträge EMA/2019/18/IT, Auftragsbekanntmachung 2019/S 248-611281 für die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen auf Zeit- und Mittelbasis, angegebener Zeit und Mittel oder Festpreisbasis, die es der Agentur ermöglichen, Ressourcen zu erwerben, die nicht direkt von der Agentur im Bereich …
The Contracting Authority invites tenders (“Tenders”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement (the “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the “Services”). A broad and diverse range of Business, Management and ICT Consultancy service requirements of …
Sandnes municipality, hereafter called the Contracting Authority, invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme (DPS scheme) for consultancy, assistance and/or project management within digitalisation and IT within concept development, technology consultancy, automation, integrations, enterprise architecture and project management. The scheme shall include …
The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir) shall establish a dynamic purchasing system to cover the Directorate ́s need for consultancy services within project and process management. The need for consultancy services is i.a. connected to managing the Altinn system, but there is also a need for consultancy support for assignments and …
Dit is een dynamische aankoopsysteem voor de afdeling communicatie van het CBR, inzake 11 categorieën diensten
Tämän dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän (DPS) kohteena ovat tiedonhallinnan ja digitaalisen turvallisuuden asiantuntijapalvelut Hansel Oy:n asiakkaille. DPS:n kohde on kuvattu tarkemmin osallistumispyynnössä ja sen liitteissä, erityisesti liitteessä "Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän kohde".