Respond are establishing multi-disciplinary Frameworks to support their ambitions of delivering high quality housing developments. As part of their remit to develop cost rental, social and affordable units throughout Ireland, Respond wish to procure the services for future projects to develop design, secure statutory approvals and procure and oversee the …
В настоящата обществена поръчка се включват дейности с обект „услуга“ по смисъла на чл. 3, ал. 1, т. 3 от ЗОП. Предметът на поръчката е: „Огледи на хидротехнически съоръжения със специализирана техника“, реф. № 24РП-819А150. В обема на настоящата обществена поръчка се включва изпълнение на следните видове дейности: - Оглед …
Under a partnership agreement with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) and Fáilte Ireland, the Office of Public Works (OPW) now wish to engage an integrated team of professional service providers to work with the OPW to: • Phase 1 Initial Contract: Investigate and assess the options …
Multi-party framework for the provision of Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services for the delivery of Prefabricated Modular Volumetric Short to Medium Term Residential Accommodation, primarily for International Protection applicants or emergency accommodation on State Lands. Initial Contract: The framework agreement will include an initial contract, details of which cannot …
Multi-party framework for the provision of Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services for the delivery of Prefabricated Modular Volumetric Short to Medium Term Residential Accommodation, primarily for International Protection applicants or emergency accommodation on State Lands. Initial Contract: The framework agreement will include an initial contract, details of which cannot …
The Design and Craft Council Ireland has identified the need to engage the services of an Architect Led Multi-Disciplinary Design Team for the Management and Delivery of the Renovation re-modelling, construction, design fit out and handover stages of a redevelopment project to restore and restructure the former Bank of Ireland …
Предметът на обществената поръчка включва: обследване на конструктивната сигурност и изготвяне на работен проект за ремонт на водна кула за ГНД на ВЕЦ „Пасарел“. Разработката трябва да акцентира върху следните позиции: Обследване на конструкцията горна водна камера (надводна част) на водна кула на ВЕЦ „Пасарел“ с взимане на образци от …
Storfjord municipality is implementing a competition with the aim of entering into a contract with tenderers within the disciplines of engineering design and architecture. Storfjord municipality is implementing a competition with the aim of entering into a contract with tenderers within the disciplines of engineering design and architecture.
Transport Infrastructure Ireland (the "Contracting Authority") has a requirement acting as a central purchasing body for framework agreements ( single supplier Framework Lot 1 and multi supplier framework agreement Lot 2 (each a “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of Commercial, Claims Advisor and Professional Services for the development …
Bei der geplanten Baumaßnahme CAMPUS DOK handelt es sich um ein umfassendes Sanierungs- und Neubauprojekt für den Campus der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität der Bundeswehr (HSU) auf dem Gelände der Douaumont-Kaserne (DOK) in Hamburg. Die Liegenschaft hat eine Größe von ca. 261.000 m², der Liegenschaftsentwicklungsbereich des konkreten Projekts umfasst ca. 205.000 m². Im …