Technical Services for the conversion of existing Dominican Church to a New Library For Drogheda. Technical Services for the conversion of existing Dominican Church to a New Library For Drogheda.
Bei der geplanten Baumaßnahme CAMPUS DOK handelt es sich um ein umfassendes Sanierungs- und Neubauprojekt für den Campus der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität der Bundeswehr (HSU) auf dem Gelände der Douaumont-Kaserne (DOK) in Hamburg. Die Liegenschaft hat eine Größe von ca. 261.000 m², der Liegenschaftsentwicklungsbereich des konkreten Projekts umfasst ca. 205.000 m². Im …
Le marché a pour objet la réalisation des prestations d'expertises immobilières aux fins de valorisation d'immeubles HLM anciens en bloc en vue de leur revente aux locataires Le marché a pour objet la réalisation des prestations d'expertises immobilières aux fins de valorisation d'immeubles HLM anciens en bloc en vue de …
Establishment of Multiparty Frameworks for Integrated Design Team (IDT) Services for Údarás na Gaeltachta in the following Lots: - Lot 5: Architect Led IDT for County Donegal - Lot 6: Engineer (Civil and Structural) / Project Manager Led IDT for County Donegal Tender candidates will be required to form a …
St. Brigid’s National School is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. Your attention is drawn to the attached Project Brief and particularly the proposed Schedule of Accommodation and the options outlined in the Brief. In summary, the project will comprise: • 2 Classroom SEN …
Long term plan for the Norwegian Armed Forces (LTP), the current plan for the Norwegian Defence Promise – For Norway's security. The long term plan for the defence sector 2025-2036, Prop. 87 S (2023-2024) was unanimously approved in the Norwegian Parliament 11.06.2024. This framework agreement is for the procurement of …
Multi-Party Framework Agreement for HSE DT Services Framework 2025 – FW03: Non-Acute Healthcare Capital Work's - Project Value €1M - €15M excl. VAT Dublin South East and Wicklow. This framework will include the following design team disciplines (Lots): Lot 1: Architect (AR) as Principal Service Provider with the following Specialists …
Le marché a pour objet la réalisation des prestations d'expertises immobilières aux fins de valorisation d'immeubles HLM anciens en bloc en vue de leur revente aux locataires Le marché a pour objet la réalisation des prestations d'expertises immobilières aux fins de valorisation d'immeubles HLM anciens en bloc en vue de …
IMT013/2024 Professional Services in connection with the Management, Supervision and works certification for works tender CT3029/2024 IMT013/2024 Professional Services in connection with the Management, Supervision and works certification for works tender CT3029/2024
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest „Budowa łącznika drogowego pomiędzy Drogą Krajową nr 94 a Euroterminalem i stacją PKP LHS w Sławkowie dla rozwoju transportu intermodalnego” w systemie zaprojektuj i wybuduj. Do Wykonawcy będzie należało: 1) wykonanie wszelkich niezbędnych opracowań projektowych, uzyskania w imieniu i na rzecz Zamawiającego koniecznych opinii i warunków technicznych, …