SFSI is a consortium of public bodies that are responsible for the agriculture (including aquaculture) and food sectors in Ireland. Covering diverse technical and skills domains, SFSI is charged with developing long-term relationships internationally based on the transfer of Irish knowledge, expertise and technologies, in support the development of safe, …
About the procurement Stimulab project New Roads to municipal settlement and neighbourhood development will explore the connection and practices between municipal settlement, the area's tolerability and sustainability in neighbourhoods. The municipality currently chooses "quick" systems that are assessed appropriately to solve the current housing need, but which, in a longer …
The project "Cross language effective communication (TEK)" aims at improving the first contact with the police for users without Norwegian or English knowledge. We anticipate that this involves the use of language technology to ensure that all users, regardless of their language background, have equal access to the police ́s …
Zaaknr. 31186224 voor het gedurende vier (4) jaar adviseren over en onderzoeken van de nautische veiligheid met betrekking tot de rijkswateren (binnenwateren, Noordzee en Caribische zee) en om te groeien naar proactief veiligheidsbeleid Het over 4 jaar opleveren van tenminste 1 rapportage landelijke nautische veiligheid, tenminste 6 en ten hoogste …
prestations de gestion, de conseil et de contrôle de l’intégrité éthique des activités de recherche prestations de gestion, de conseil et de contrôle de l’intégrité éthique des activités de recherche
Eine fundierte empirische Bildungsforschung ist notwendig, um das Bildungssystem weiter zu entwickeln und die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu sichern. Um diese zu befördern, hat das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) das Rahmenprogramm empirische Bildungsforschung (https://www.empirische-bildungsforschung-bmbf.de) aufgelegt, welches derzeit den größten Teil der Forschungsförderung im Bildungsbereich bündelt. Das Rahmenprogramm trug bisher …
Vinnova att genomföra en upphandling avseende ett supportkontor. Supportkontorets huvudsakliga uppgift att stödja svenska små och medelstora företag att söka bidrag från EU:s olika forsknings- och innovationsprogram. Syftet med den externa remissen är att intressenter får möjlighet att ge inspel på den föregående upphandlingens kravspecifikation. Länk till befintlig supportkontor: https://eusme.se/ …
The detection rate in the police has fallen within several important issues. The aim of the research project is to contribute research-based knowledge on the reasons for variations and changes in the detection percentage on the prioritised cases, as defined in the Attorney General's annual circular letter on targets and …
The purpose of this tender procedure is to receive the service of drafting and/or updating COI (Country of Origin Information) products in line with the EUAA COI Report Methodology and the Writing and Referencing guide for COI reports (2023). The COI products should support decision and policy making by providing …
This study shall provide technical explanatory considerations, detailed technical annexes, advice and recommendations, as well as testing and validation methodologies and procedures for navigation, communications and connectivity for MASS. This study shall provide technical explanatory considerations, detailed technical annexes, advice and recommendations, as well as testing and validation methodologies and …