Ziel dieser Ausschreibung ist der Abschluss einer Mehrfachrahmenvereinbarung mit maximal sechs Wirtschaftsteilnehmern über die Erbringung qualitativ hochwertiger bewertungsbezogener Dienstleistungen. Diese Wirtschaftsteilnehmer sollten über ein hohes Maß an Fachwissen in Bezug auf Bewertungsmethoden und Instrumente verfügen. Die Bieter müssen nachweisen können, dass sie komplexe Bewertungen durchgeführt haben und in der Lage …
Young people who are out of work and education are a heterogeneous group with different needs and prerequisites. Persons in this group who are registered in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, with a need for work orientated assistance, often need services from different sectors. Research shows that coordination across …
Zaaknr. 31202882 voor het over het jaar 2025 uitvoeren van berekeningen, en en rapporteren over de hydrologische effecten van aangedragen uitvoeringsmaatregelen voor de bepaling van de uiteindelijke voorkeur aan maatregelen ten behoeve van een evenwichtig zoetwatersysteem, alsmede waarbij zoetwatertekorten worden voorkomen in de zoetwaterregio's en Rijkswateren in Nederland 1. voorbereiden …
The aim of this assignment is to gain knowledge on status and development in total competence in the NAV office. The employees ́ competence and the need for increased competence in the NAV office are topics that have been highlighted and highlighted in several reviews, evaluations, research and inspections, cf. …
El trabajo principal para el que se solicita asistencia consiste en el apoyo técnico para la realización de auditorías e inspecciones de la AESF a las EEM y a las EEFM, incluyendo a los centros empleados por organizaciones y entidades encargadas de la ejecución del mantenimiento de vehículos ferroviarios, que …
In summary, the Services comprise: Development of Ireland’s Heating and Cooling Comprehensive Assessment 2025, as defined by the European Energy Efficiency Directive EU/2023/1791, accompanied by the Renewable Energy and Waste Heat Potential Assessment as defined by the Renewable Energy Directive, RED III EU 2023/2413, and an analysis of coupling renewable …
SFSI is a consortium of public bodies that are responsible for the agriculture (including aquaculture) and food sectors in Ireland. Covering diverse technical and skills domains, SFSI is charged with developing long-term relationships internationally based on the transfer of Irish knowledge, expertise and technologies, in support the development of safe, …
About the procurement Stimulab project New Roads to municipal settlement and neighbourhood development will explore the connection and practices between municipal settlement, the area's tolerability and sustainability in neighbourhoods. The municipality currently chooses "quick" systems that are assessed appropriately to solve the current housing need, but which, in a longer …
The project "Cross language effective communication (TEK)" aims at improving the first contact with the police for users without Norwegian or English knowledge. We anticipate that this involves the use of language technology to ensure that all users, regardless of their language background, have equal access to the police ́s …
Zaaknr. 31186224 voor het gedurende vier (4) jaar adviseren over en onderzoeken van de nautische veiligheid met betrekking tot de rijkswateren (binnenwateren, Noordzee en Caribische zee) en om te groeien naar proactief veiligheidsbeleid Het over 4 jaar opleveren van tenminste 1 rapportage landelijke nautische veiligheid, tenminste 6 en ten hoogste …