Upphandlingen avser konsultstöd/processstöd vid framtagande av kompetenskrav, utbildningsplaner och validering. Kompetenskrav och kvalifikationer Utbildnings- och kursplaner Validering
Υποστήριξη της Δ/νσης Συγκοινωνιακών Έργων του ΟΑΚ ΑΕ σε τεχνικά θέματα για το έτος 2025 ΤΜΗΜΑ 2: ΔΕΚΑΜΗΝΟ 2025 ΤΜΗΜΑ 2: ΔΕΚΑΜΗΝΟ 2025
Announcement of upcoming procurement Pre-FEED services for Nordic Hydrogen Route Pipeline (NHR H2-Pipeline) Upphandling förundersökning Announcement of upcoming procurement Pre-FEED services for Nordic Hydrogen Route Pipeline (NHR H2-Pipeline) Upphandling förundersökning
PFT intends to enter into a framework agreement with KPMG for consultancy services for ID-professional competence. The contract period is 2 + 1 + 1 years. ID-professional competence is knowledge on the two main processes of issuance (mainly passports and ID cards) and checks before and after issuing and border …
Mācību programmas par vienlīdzīgu iespēju un nediskriminācijas jautājumiem satura izstrāde, pilnveidošana un digitālas rokasgrāmatas nozaru politikas veidotājiem izstrāde Mācību programmas par vienlīdzīgu iespēju un nediskriminācijas jautājumiem satura izstrāde, pilnveidošana un digitālas rokasgrāmatas nozaru politikas veidotājiem izstrāde
The Directorate of Fisheries shall procure consultancy services for the operation and development of fiskeridir.no and intranet. The websites are the Directorate of Fisheries ́s most important external and internal communication channels. The Directorate of Fisheries currently uses the Enonic XP publication system and the analysis tool Matomo. The Directorate …
En cumplimiento de los principios de necesidad, idoneidad y eficiencia establecidos en el artículo 28 de la LCSP la naturaleza y extensión de las necesidades que pretenden cubrirse mediante la celebración del presente contrato, se encuadran dentro del ámbito de las funciones y competencias atribuidas a este Centro Directivo determinándose …
Bufdir published a prior information notice announcing plans to announce a competition for the procurement of a guidance team for municipal child welfare. Unfortunately this competition will not be announced as originally planned, so that the tenderers can ignore the prior information notice. Bufdir published a prior information notice announcing …
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Road Traffic Central East (hoods called the Contracting Authority) would like to enter into a framework agreement for assistance with the maintenance of signal plans, as well as the preparation and entry of signal plans on new installations, in STS (Siemens traffic management system) with …
Según documentos que rigen la presente contratación Según documentos que rigen la presente contratación