5. Iepirkuma priekšmets ir metodiskā materiāla izstrāde, mācību programmas izstrāde un mācību īstenošana 2024. - 2026. gadā šādiem darba devējiem: biedrības, nodibinājumi, mikrouzņēmumi, mazie un vidējie uzņēmumi un to darbiniekiem par iekļaujošas darba vides veidošanu, dažādības vadību un diskriminācijas mazināšanu darba vietā, kā arī par darba samaksas atšķirību starp sievietēm …
Based on the Hammersborg Declaration's mention of the districts and the local democracy, the city council has initiated work in assessing the division of tasks between the districts and the municipality centrally. The first phase of the work was carried out in the first half of 2024. The procurement will …
Vinnova att genomföra en upphandling avseende ett supportkontor. Supportkontorets huvudsakliga uppgift att stödja svenska små och medelstora företag att söka bidrag från EU:s olika forsknings- och innovationsprogram. Syftet med den externa remissen är att intressenter får möjlighet att ge inspel på den föregående upphandlingens kravspecifikation. Länk till befintlig supportkontor: https://eusme.se/ …
The detection rate in the police has fallen within several important issues. The aim of the research project is to contribute research-based knowledge on the reasons for variations and changes in the detection percentage on the prioritised cases, as defined in the Attorney General's annual circular letter on targets and …
As described in the Multi-annual indicative programme (MIP) 2021-2027, and in the context of Global Gateway, the NDICI Cooperation Facility will support the preparation and improve the quality of programming through support to the identification, formulation, implementation, audit and evaluation of actions under the MIP or under other financial instruments …
Rauma municipality would like to enter into a framework agreement with a tenderer for consultancy services within business development. In case 87/22, Rauma municipal council has made the following decision: "A total tender for business development and contact, HoppID, case handling for the Power Fund, the Attractiveness Project and moving …
De afdeling Financiën en Control staat voor een aanzienlijke veranderopgave. De huidige processen en werkwijzen zijn verouderd en niet toekomstbestendig. De veranderopgave raakt alle facetten van onze bedrijfsvoering en beïnvloedt de werkwijze, organisatie, functies en werkzaamheden van de afdeling Financiën en Control. We willen inefficiënties aanpakken en processen verbeteren. De …
The services will support the implementation of the Global Gateway Strategy through a Team Europe approach. This requires bringing together funding and expertise from the EU, its Member States and their development financing institutions and export credit agencies alongside contributions from the European private sector through Team Europe Initiatives and …
As part of the bilateral cooperation between Burkina Faso and the Federal Republic of Germany, the "Project to support internally displaced persons and strengthen the resilience of host communities" began operations in October 2021. It aims to build the capacity of partner communes and state and non-state actors to improve …
ID-professional competence is knowledge on the two main processes of issuance (mainly passports and ID cards) and checks before and after issuing and border control of identity and ID evidence. The issuing process requires knowledge of the Passport and ID Card Act, the regulations, the systems that produce ID evidence …