Akumulatory, komory galwaniczne i baterie galwaniczne
Qualification System for Battery Storage Systems (BSS)
EnBW is looking for suppliers for battery storage systems (Lithium-ion, Sodium-ion). A distinction is made between power and/or capacity classes (0.5-20; >20 MW/system or 0.5-20; >20 MWh/system). Suitability for main place of execution: Germany, release-authorised: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG as well as all affiliated companies according to §15 ff AktG …
Germany-Karlsruhe: Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries
2023/S 137-436654
Qualification system – utilities
Section I: Contracting entity
Postal address: Durlacher Allee 93
Town: Karlsruhe
NUTS code: DE12 Karlsruhe
Postal code: 76131
Country: Germany
E-mail: d.frommert@enbw.com
Telephone: +49 15154738383
Internet address(es):
Main address: www.enbw.com
Section II: Object
Qualification System for Battery Storage Systems (BSS)
EnBW is looking for suppliers for battery storage systems (Lithium-ion, Sodium-ion). A distinction is made between power and/or capacity classes (0.5-20; >20 MW/system or 0.5-20; >20 MWh/system). Suitability for main place of execution: Germany, release-authorised: EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG as well as all affiliated companies according to §15 ff AktG (German Stock Corporation Act)
We intend to divide the awarding process into lots.
The lots are divided as follows:
Lot 1: DC battery system incl. system BMS + housing (rack, container, etc.) + air conditioning + fire protection system + UL 38.3 UN ECE Manual of Tests and Criteria, chapter 38.3 (test protocol necessary), CE conformity, Compliance with new Battery Regulation (EU), DIN EN 62619
Lot 2: AC system (inverter + transformer (MV) + switch gear) + EMS (control) + prototype cert. VDE-AR-N 4110 + 4120 + optional 4130
Lot 3: incl. system BMS + enclosure (rack, container, etc.) + air conditioning + fire protection system + AC system (inverter + transformer (MV) + switchgear) + EMS (control system) + optional auxiliary power supply + prototype certification. VDE-AR-N 4110 + 4120 + optional 4130 + UL 38.3 UN ECE Manual of Tests and Criteria, chapter 38.3 (test protocol necessary), CE conformity, Compliance with new Battery Regulation (EU), DIN EN 62619
The lots are subdivided into different power classes
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
I. Quality control/acceptance/FAT of the system at the manufacturer possible through whom? (DL (SGS, TÜV etc.) or EnBW)II. Indicate how you track sustainability issues (environmental, social, supply chain) (e.g. EcoVadis, own system, etc.)
By self-declaration.
III. Specify your sales contact in Europe
By self-declaration.
IV. Declaration on mandatory grounds for exclusion pursuant to Section 123 GWB (Act against Restraints of Competition)V. Declaration on optional grounds for exclusion pursuant to Section 124 GWB (Act against Restraints of Competition)
By self-declaration.
VI. Indication of the applicant by proof through entry in the supplier system of EnBW
By registration in the procurement tool.
VII. Obligation to pay taxes, duties or social security contributionsVIII. Declaration on sanctions and terrorism listsIX. Self-declaration on Russia sanctions pursuant to Regulation (EU) 833/2014 Art. 5kX. Self-declaration in relation to section 21 of the German Undeclared Work Act (SchwarzArbG), sections 21, 23 subsections 1 and 2 of the Law on Posting of Workers (AEntG), section 98 c of the Residence Act (AufenthG), sections 19, 21 subsections 1 and 2 of the German Minimum Wage Act (MiLoG)
By self-declaration.
XI. Fulfilment of the legal obligations to register in official registers
By self-declaration and register excerpt.
XII. Annual turnover of the last 3 completed financial years of the company/ applicant groupXIII. Annual turnover of the last 3 completed business years of the company/ the applicant group for comparable servicesv
By self-declaration.
XIV. Proof of the existence of liability insurance
By current liability insurance declaration.
XV. Number of employees in the last 3 years
By self-declaration.
XVI. Specify standard Incoterms
By self-declaration.
XVII. Lot 1a - Capacity class 0.5-20MWha. Min 3 references within the last 3 years in the German market in the power classes 0.5-20 MWh; proof of reference, (minimum information: capacity, customer, year, name of solar park/wind park/site, location in Germany, number of racks/container)b. Aver. annual turnover of the last 3 completed financial years. of at least x EURc. Annual production in MWhd. (On-site) auditing at the applicant's premises within max. 6 months
Proof of references acc. to conditions to be fulfilled.
XVIII. Lot 1b - Capacity class >20 MWha. Min 3 references within the last 3 years in the German market in the power classes >= 20 MWh or 2 references within the last 3 years worldwide >= 200 MWh; proof of reference, (minimum information: capacity, customer, year, name of solar park/wind park/site, location in Germany, number of racks/container)b. Aver. annual turnover of the last 3 completed financial years. of at least x EURc. Annual production in MWhd. (On-site) auditing at the applicant's premises within max. 6 months
Proof of references acc. to conditions to be fulfilled.
XIX. Lot 2a - Power class 0.5-20MWa. Min 3 references within the last 3 years in the German market in the power classes 0.5-20 MW; proof of reference, (minimum information: power, customer, year, name of solar park/wind park/site, location in Germany, number of inverters and transformers)b. Aver. annual turnover of the last 3 completed financial years. of at least x EURc. Annual production in MWd. (On-site) auditing at the applicant's premises within max. 6 months
Proof of references acc. to conditions to be fulfilled.
XX. Lot 2b - Power class >20 MWa. Min 3 references within the last 3 years in the German market in the power classes >= 20 MW or 2 references within the last 3 years worldwide >= 200 MW; proof of reference, (minimum information: power, customer, year, name of solar park/wind park/site, location in Germany, number of inverters and transformers)b. Aver. annual turnover of the last 3 completed financial years. of at least x EURc. Annual production in MWd. (On-site) auditing at the applicant's premises within max. 6 months
Proof of references acc. to conditions to be fulfilled.
XXI. Lot 3a - Capacity class 0.5-20MWha. Min 3 references within the last 3 years in the German market in the power classes 0.5-20 MWh; proof of reference, (minimum information: power class, customer, year, name of solar park/wind park/site, location in Germany, number of inverters and transformers)b. Aver. annual turnover of the last 3 completed financial years. of at least x EURc. Annual production in MWhd. (On-site) auditing at the applicant's premises within max. 6 months
Proof of references acc. to conditions to be fulfilled.
XXII. Lot 3b - Capacity class >20 MWha. Min 3 references within the last 3 years in the German market in the power classes >= 20 MWh or 2 references within the last 3 years worldwide >= 200 MWh; proof of reference, (minimum information: power and capacity, customer, year, name of solar park/wind park/site, location in Germany, number of inverters and transformers)b. Aver. annual turnover of the last 3 completed financial years. Of at least x EURc. Annual production in MWhd. (On-site) auditing at the applicant's premises within max. 6 months
Proof of references acc. to conditions to be fulfilled.
Please note that each applicant must meet criteria I through XVI. Criteria XVII to XXII only need to be met if you wish to offer battery storage in the performance class of these lots. ***Requirements that economic operators must fulfil with regard to their qualifications:General note regarding all information within the scope of the qualification - EnBW reserves the right to check all information (e.g. in the case of reference providers, and exclusion in the case of incorrect information).
Section IV: Procedure
Section VI: Complementary information
After registration in the system, please contact the contact person mentioned in I.1 with the qualification number (header of the publication" as well as the name of the qualification system Qualification system (under II.1.1), so that the required qualification requirements can be forwarded to you.
Postal address: Durlacher Alle 100
Town: Karlsruhe
Postal code: 76137
Country: Germany
Telephone: +49 721/926-4049
Fax: +49 721/926-3985
Postal address: Durlacher Alle 100
Town: Karlsruhe
Postal code: 76137
Country: Germany
Telephone: +49 721/926-4049
Fax: +49 721/926-3985
According to Section 160 (1) GWB, the public procurement chamber initiates a review only on request.
An application may, inter alia, be inadmissible if the candidate has not complained in due time of the alleged infringement of public procurement rules. Infringements recognized in the award procedure must be notified to the tendering company within ten calendar days (§ 160 (3) no. 1 GWB).
Infringements of procurement rules, which are recognizable on the basis of the notice, must be notified at the latest by the end of the participation period (§ 160 (3) no. 2 GWB). Infringements that can only be identified in the tender documents must be notified at the latest by the end of the offer period (§ 160 (3) no. 3 GWB). Furthermore, the petition for review is inadmissible if more than 15
calendar days have elapsed after receipt of the notification of the issuing undertaking to refuse to remedy a complaint (sec. 160 (3) no. 4 GWB)
Postal address: Durlacher Alle 100
Town: Karlsruhe
Postal code: 76137
Country: Germany
Telephone: +49 721/926-4049
Fax: +49 721/926-3985