MotorGenerator – SE Integrator

The subject of this tender is to supply two new synchronous MotorGenerators (MG) capable of operating at variable speeds, each of which will be fed by a full-size frequency converter. Overall, this involves the modernization of two existing ternary units (TG1 and TG2) to enable variable speed operation with the …

CPV: 31100000 Elektryczne silniki, generatory i transformatory, 31120000 Generatory, 31122000 Jednostki prądotwórcze, 31161000 Części silników elektrycznych i prądnic, 31161300 Wirniki prądnic, 45220000 Roboty inżynieryjne i budowlane, 71320000 Usługi inżynieryjne w zakresie projektowania
Miejsce wykonania:
MotorGenerator – SE Integrator
Miejsce udzielenia zamówienia:
Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
Numer nagrody:

1. Kupujúci

1.1 Kupujúci

Úradný názov : Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
Typ kupujúceho podľa právnych predpisov : Subjekt s osobitnými alebo výlučnými právami
Činnosť obstarávateľa : Činnosti súvisiace s elektrickou energiou

2. Postup

2.1 Postup

Názov : MotorGenerator – SE Integrator
Opis : The subject of this tender is to supply two new synchronous MotorGenerators (MG) capable of operating at variable speeds, each of which will be fed by a full-size frequency converter. Overall, this involves the modernization of two existing ternary units (TG1 and TG2) to enable variable speed operation with the implementation of a full-size frequency converter and a variable speed synchronous MotorGenerator. The benefit of such modernization lies in the ability to enable pump power control range and to extend the range of turbine power control.
Identifikátor postupu : 7d4ef2d2-132a-4b63-a065-cd4da14c9e4d
Interný identifikátor : 2024/14907
Druh postupu : Súťažný dialóg
Postup je zrýchlený : nie
Odôvodnenie zrýchleného postupu :
Hlavné prvky postupu :

2.1.1 Účel

Druh zmluvy : Dodávky
Doplňujúci druh zmluvy : Služby
Doplňujúci druh zmluvy : Práce
Hlavná klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31120000 Generátory
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31100000 Elektromotory, generátory a transformátory
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31122000 Generátorové jednotky
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31161000 Časti elektromotorov a generátorov
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31161300 Rotory generátorov
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 45220000 Inžinierske práce a stavebné práce
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 71320000 Inžinierske projektovanie

2.1.2 Miesto plnenia

Poštová adresa : Pumped storage hydro power plant Čierny Váh Pumped storage hydro power plant Čierny Váh
Mesto : Liptovský Hrádok
PSČ : 033 01
Nižšia územná jednotka krajiny (NUTS) : Žilinský kraj ( SK031 )
Krajina : Slovensko

2.1.3 Hodnota

Predpokladaná hodnota bez DPH : 40 000 000 Euro

2.1.4 Všeobecné informácie

Právny základ :
Smernica 2014/25/EÚ

2.1.5 Podmienky verejného obstarávania

Podmienky predkladania :
Maximálny počet častí, za ktoré môže jeden uchádzač predložiť ponuky : 1

2.1.6 Dôvody na vylúčenie

Korupcia : a) Criminal record status To be met: neither they, nor their statutory body, nor a member of the statutory body, nor a member of the supervisory body, nor a proxy have been finally convicted of a criminal offence of corruption, an offence against the financial interests of the European Communities, an offence of money laundering, an offence of establishment, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a criminal group, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a terrorist group, the offence of terrorism and certain forms of participation in terrorism, the offence of trafficking of human beings, an offence the substance of which is related to business or the offence of bid rigging in public procurement and public auctions; Proving by: i. Submitting an extract from the criminal record not older than three months for: - The Candidate (or any member of the Group of Candidates), - statutory body, - member of the supervisory body. - a proxy ii. Submitting an affidavit or a declaration: - another person, if this person has the right to act on their behalf, rights associated with decision-making or control in the economic entity that wishes to participate in public procurement. A person according to previous clause is considered to be a person who has a decisive influence on the activities of the Candidate, their strategic goals, or significant decisions through ownership rights, financial share, or rules by which the Candidate is governed, whereby the decisive influence is understood if another person a) owns the majority of shares, or the majority business share in the Candidate, b) has the majority of voting rights in the Candidate, c) has the right to appoint or dismiss the majority of members of the statutory body or supervisory body of the Candidate, or d) has the right to exercise decisive influence based on an agreement concluded with the Candidate or based on the articles of association, founding charter, or statutes, if permitted by the law of the state by which this person is governed.
Účasť v zločineckej organizácii : a) Criminal record status To be met: neither they, nor their statutory body, nor a member of the statutory body, nor a member of the supervisory body, nor a proxy have been finally convicted of a criminal offence of corruption, an offence against the financial interests of the European Communities, an offence of money laundering, an offence of establishment, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a criminal group, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a terrorist group, the offence of terrorism and certain forms of participation in terrorism, the offence of trafficking of human beings, an offence the substance of which is related to business or the offence of bid rigging in public procurement and public auctions; Proving by: i. Submitting an extract from the criminal record not older than three months for: - The Candidate (or any member of the Group of Candidates), - statutory body, - member of the supervisory body. - a proxy ii. Submitting an affidavit or a declaration: - another person, if this person has the right to act on their behalf, rights associated with decision-making or control in the economic entity that wishes to participate in public procurement. A person according to previous clause is considered to be a person who has a decisive influence on the activities of the Candidate, their strategic goals, or significant decisions through ownership rights, financial share, or rules by which the Candidate is governed, whereby the decisive influence is understood if another person a) owns the majority of shares, or the majority business share in the Candidate, b) has the majority of voting rights in the Candidate, c) has the right to appoint or dismiss the majority of members of the statutory body or supervisory body of the Candidate, or d) has the right to exercise decisive influence based on an agreement concluded with the Candidate or based on the articles of association, founding charter, or statutes, if permitted by the law of the state by which this person is governed.
Pranie špinavých peňazí alebo financovanie terorizmu : a) Criminal record status To be met: neither they, nor their statutory body, nor a member of the statutory body, nor a member of the supervisory body, nor a proxy have been finally convicted of a criminal offence of corruption, an offence against the financial interests of the European Communities, an offence of money laundering, an offence of establishment, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a criminal group, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a terrorist group, the offence of terrorism and certain forms of participation in terrorism, the offence of trafficking of human beings, an offence the substance of which is related to business or the offence of bid rigging in public procurement and public auctions; Proving by: i. Submitting an extract from the criminal record not older than three months for: - The Candidate (or any member of the Group of Candidates), - statutory body, - member of the supervisory body. - a proxy ii. Submitting an affidavit or a declaration: - another person, if this person has the right to act on their behalf, rights associated with decision-making or control in the economic entity that wishes to participate in public procurement. A person according to previous clause is considered to be a person who has a decisive influence on the activities of the Candidate, their strategic goals, or significant decisions through ownership rights, financial share, or rules by which the Candidate is governed, whereby the decisive influence is understood if another person a) owns the majority of shares, or the majority business share in the Candidate, b) has the majority of voting rights in the Candidate, c) has the right to appoint or dismiss the majority of members of the statutory body or supervisory body of the Candidate, or d) has the right to exercise decisive influence based on an agreement concluded with the Candidate or based on the articles of association, founding charter, or statutes, if permitted by the law of the state by which this person is governed.
Podvod : a) Criminal record status To be met: neither they, nor their statutory body, nor a member of the statutory body, nor a member of the supervisory body, nor a proxy have been finally convicted of a criminal offence of corruption, an offence against the financial interests of the European Communities, an offence of money laundering, an offence of establishment, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a criminal group, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a terrorist group, the offence of terrorism and certain forms of participation in terrorism, the offence of trafficking of human beings, an offence the substance of which is related to business or the offence of bid rigging in public procurement and public auctions; Proving by: i. Submitting an extract from the criminal record not older than three months for: - The Candidate (or any member of the Group of Candidates), - statutory body, - member of the supervisory body. - a proxy ii. Submitting an affidavit or a declaration: - another person, if this person has the right to act on their behalf, rights associated with decision-making or control in the economic entity that wishes to participate in public procurement. A person according to previous clause is considered to be a person who has a decisive influence on the activities of the Candidate, their strategic goals, or significant decisions through ownership rights, financial share, or rules by which the Candidate is governed, whereby the decisive influence is understood if another person a) owns the majority of shares, or the majority business share in the Candidate, b) has the majority of voting rights in the Candidate, c) has the right to appoint or dismiss the majority of members of the statutory body or supervisory body of the Candidate, or d) has the right to exercise decisive influence based on an agreement concluded with the Candidate or based on the articles of association, founding charter, or statutes, if permitted by the law of the state by which this person is governed.
Detská práca a iné formy obchodovania s ľuďmi : a) Criminal record status To be met: neither they, nor their statutory body, nor a member of the statutory body, nor a member of the supervisory body, nor a proxy have been finally convicted of a criminal offence of corruption, an offence against the financial interests of the European Communities, an offence of money laundering, an offence of establishment, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a criminal group, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a terrorist group, the offence of terrorism and certain forms of participation in terrorism, the offence of trafficking of human beings, an offence the substance of which is related to business or the offence of bid rigging in public procurement and public auctions; Proving by: i. Submitting an extract from the criminal record not older than three months for: - The Candidate (or any member of the Group of Candidates), - statutory body, - member of the supervisory body. - a proxy ii. Submitting an affidavit or a declaration: - another person, if this person has the right to act on their behalf, rights associated with decision-making or control in the economic entity that wishes to participate in public procurement. A person according to previous clause is considered to be a person who has a decisive influence on the activities of the Candidate, their strategic goals, or significant decisions through ownership rights, financial share, or rules by which the Candidate is governed, whereby the decisive influence is understood if another person a) owns the majority of shares, or the majority business share in the Candidate, b) has the majority of voting rights in the Candidate, c) has the right to appoint or dismiss the majority of members of the statutory body or supervisory body of the Candidate, or d) has the right to exercise decisive influence based on an agreement concluded with the Candidate or based on the articles of association, founding charter, or statutes, if permitted by the law of the state by which this person is governed.
Teroristické trestné činy alebo trestné činy spojené s teroristickými činnosťami : a) Criminal record status To be met: neither they, nor their statutory body, nor a member of the statutory body, nor a member of the supervisory body, nor a proxy have been finally convicted of a criminal offence of corruption, an offence against the financial interests of the European Communities, an offence of money laundering, an offence of establishment, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a criminal group, the offence of establishing, organizing or supporting a terrorist group, the offence of terrorism and certain forms of participation in terrorism, the offence of trafficking of human beings, an offence the substance of which is related to business or the offence of bid rigging in public procurement and public auctions; Proving by: i. Submitting an extract from the criminal record not older than three months for: - The Candidate (or any member of the Group of Candidates), - statutory body, - member of the supervisory body. - a proxy ii. Submitting an affidavit or a declaration: - another person, if this person has the right to act on their behalf, rights associated with decision-making or control in the economic entity that wishes to participate in public procurement. A person according to previous clause is considered to be a person who has a decisive influence on the activities of the Candidate, their strategic goals, or significant decisions through ownership rights, financial share, or rules by which the Candidate is governed, whereby the decisive influence is understood if another person a) owns the majority of shares, or the majority business share in the Candidate, b) has the majority of voting rights in the Candidate, c) has the right to appoint or dismiss the majority of members of the statutory body or supervisory body of the Candidate, or d) has the right to exercise decisive influence based on an agreement concluded with the Candidate or based on the articles of association, founding charter, or statutes, if permitted by the law of the state by which this person is governed.
Platenie príspevkov na sociálne zabezpečenie : b) Social insurance and health insurance status To be met: has no registered arrears of social insurance premiums and the health insurance company does not register overdue claims against them under special regulations in the Slovak Republic and in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence Proving by: i. Submitting a certificate from the Social Insurance Agency in the Slovak Republic not older than three months ; +421 906 173 145 ii. Submitting a certificate from the Social Insurance Agency in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence not older than three months; if the State does not issue such document an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided iii. Submitting a certificate from the health insurance company in the Slovak Republic not older than three months it is necessary to obtain the mentioned documents from all health insurance companies in the given country. In Slovakia, there are three health insurance companies. To obtain certificates from the individual health insurance companies, please contact the following email addresses: • - ; +421 2 2081 1811 • - ; +421 220 824 912 • - ; +421 850 850 850; iv. Submitting a certificate from the health insurance company in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence not older than three months; it is necessary to obtain the mentioned documents from all health insurance companies in the given country. If the State does not issue such a document, an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided.
Platba daní : c) Tax and Customs confirmation status To be met: does not have any registered tax arrears to the tax authority and the customs authority according to special regulations in the Slovak Republic and in the state of their registered address, place of business or habitual residence Proving by: i. Submitting a certificate from the locally competent Tax office in the Slovak Republic not older than three months – Tax authority – Tax authority contact ii. Submitting a certificate from the locally competent Customs office in Slovak republic not older than three months – Customs office – Customs office contact iii. Submitting a certificate from the locally competent Tax office in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence not older than three months. If the State does not issue such a document, an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided iv. Submitting a certificate from the locally competent Customs office in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence not older than three months. If the State does not issue such a document, an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided.
Podobná situácia ako úpadok podľa vnútroštátneho práva : d) Bankruptcy status, Restructuring status and Liquidation status confirmation To be met: is not bankrupt, nor restructured, nor in liquidation or nor has had bankruptcy proceedings against them discontinued for lack of assets or bankruptcy annulled for lack of assets; Proving by: i. submitting a certificate from the competent court or other relevant register in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence, not older than three months. If the State does not issue such a document, an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided.
Konkurz : d) Bankruptcy status, Restructuring status and Liquidation status confirmation To be met: is not bankrupt, nor restructured, nor in liquidation or nor has had bankruptcy proceedings against them discontinued for lack of assets or bankruptcy annulled for lack of assets; Proving by: i. submitting a certificate from the competent court or other relevant register in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence, not older than three months. If the State does not issue such a document, an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided.
Dohoda s veriteľmi : d) Bankruptcy status, Restructuring status and Liquidation status confirmation To be met: is not bankrupt, nor restructured, nor in liquidation or nor has had bankruptcy proceedings against them discontinued for lack of assets or bankruptcy annulled for lack of assets; Proving by: i. submitting a certificate from the competent court or other relevant register in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence, not older than three months. If the State does not issue such a document, an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided.
Platobná neschopnosť : d) Bankruptcy status, Restructuring status and Liquidation status confirmation To be met: is not bankrupt, nor restructured, nor in liquidation or nor has had bankruptcy proceedings against them discontinued for lack of assets or bankruptcy annulled for lack of assets; Proving by: i. submitting a certificate from the competent court or other relevant register in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence, not older than three months. If the State does not issue such a document, an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided.
Aktíva spravované likvidátorom : d) Bankruptcy status, Restructuring status and Liquidation status confirmation To be met: is not bankrupt, nor restructured, nor in liquidation or nor has had bankruptcy proceedings against them discontinued for lack of assets or bankruptcy annulled for lack of assets; Proving by: i. submitting a certificate from the competent court or other relevant register in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence, not older than three months. If the State does not issue such a document, an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided.
Pozastavené podnikateľské činnosti : d) Bankruptcy status, Restructuring status and Liquidation status confirmation To be met: is not bankrupt, nor restructured, nor in liquidation or nor has had bankruptcy proceedings against them discontinued for lack of assets or bankruptcy annulled for lack of assets; Proving by: i. submitting a certificate from the competent court or other relevant register in the State of the registered address, place of business or habitual residence, not older than three months. If the State does not issue such a document, an affidavit according to the regulations valid in the state of its registered office, place of business, or usual residence can be provided.
Čisto vnútroštátne dôvody vylúčenia : e) Authorization to do business To be met: is authorized to supply goods, provide works, or supply services, which are related to the subject, Proving by: i. submitting a document proving the authorization to supply goods, carry out construction work, or provide services corresponding to the subject of the contract. f) Public procurement participation status To be met: has not been imposed a ban on participation in public procurement confirmed by a final decision in the Slovak Republic and in the state of their registered seat, place of business, or usual residence. Proving by: i. submitting an affidavit for status in the Slovak Republic ii. submitting an affidavit for status in the state of their registered seat, place of business, or usual residence

5. Časť

5.1 Technické ID šarže : LOT-0001

Názov : MotorGenerator – SE Integrator
Opis : The subject of this tender is to supply two new synchronous MotorGenerators (MG) capable of operating at variable speeds, each of which will be fed by a full-size frequency converter. Overall, this involves the modernization of two existing ternary units (TG1 and TG2) to enable variable speed operation with the implementation of a full-size frequency converter and a variable speed synchronous MotorGenerator. The benefit of such modernization lies in the ability to enable pump power control range and to extend the range of turbine power control.
Interný identifikátor : 2024/14907

5.1.1 Účel

Druh zmluvy : Dodávky
Doplňujúci druh zmluvy : Služby
Doplňujúci druh zmluvy : Práce
Hlavná klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31120000 Generátory
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31100000 Elektromotory, generátory a transformátory
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31122000 Generátorové jednotky
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31161000 Časti elektromotorov a generátorov
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 31161300 Rotory generátorov
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 45220000 Inžinierske práce a stavebné práce
Doplňujúca klasifikácia ( cpv ): 71320000 Inžinierske projektovanie

5.1.2 Miesto plnenia

Poštová adresa : Pumped storage hydro power plant Čierny Váh Pumped storage hydro power plant Čierny Váh
Mesto : Liptovský Hrádok
PSČ : 033 01
Nižšia územná jednotka krajiny (NUTS) : Žilinský kraj ( SK031 )
Krajina : Slovensko
Doplňujúce informácie :

5.1.4 Obnovenie

Maximálny počet obnovení : 0
Kupujúci si vyhradzuje právo zadať dodávateľovi ďalšie zákazky, ako sa tu opisuje : N/A

5.1.5 Hodnota

Predpokladaná hodnota bez DPH : 40 000 000 Euro

5.1.6 Všeobecné informácie

Vyhradená účasť : Účasť nie je vyhradená.
Je povinné uviesť mená a odbornú kvalifikáciu zamestnancov určených na plnenie zmluvy : Požiadavka na žiadosť o účasť
Projekt verejného obstarávania úplne alebo čiastočne financovaný z prostriedkov EÚ
Na toto verejné obstarávanie sa vzťahuje Dohoda o vládnom obstarávaní (GPA) : áno
Toto verejné obstarávanie je vhodné aj pre malé a stredné podniky (MSP)
Doplňujúce informácie : 1. At the time of the publication of the Competitive Dialogue, the Contracting Entity expects to finance this project from combination of its own resources and EU/state funds. 2. The Contracting Entity estimates the value of the tender at 40 mil. EUR excluding VAT. The estimated value is based on expert estimation based upon preliminary market consultation and preliminary scope definition. The Contracting Entity states that the estimated value is only an approximation of the true value because the goal of this Competitive Dialogue is to determine the technical specification of the Works and therefore cannot be fully estimated. 3. The Contracting Entity shall request furnishing of a Tender Security to secure the offer. The Tender Security amount shall be 30 000 EUR (in words: thirtythousand euro). 4. The method and content of the Dialogue phase, the Calls, requests, Outputs and any documentation will be set with each step. Contracting Entity shall open a dialogue with the chosen Participants the aim of which shall be to identify and define the means best suited to satisfying its needs. Contracting Entity may discuss all aspects of the project with the Participants during this phase. It allows Participants to clarify, define and develop their proposals before submitting final offers. The Contracting Entity shall continue the dialogue phase until it can identify the solution or solutions which are capable of meeting its needs. The Contracting Entity presumes 3 rounds of the Dialogue phase, which are in detail descripted further inthis Descriptive document. The Contracting Entity may determine rewards for Participants who take part in the dialogue as set by Contracting Entity in the Competitive Dialogue. 5. The Contracting Entity identified the needs and objectives of the Competitive Dialogue through the announcement of preparatory market consultations on 13th of April 2022: The Contracting Entity took into account the results of the market consultations when preparing the Call for competition and the Descriptive Document for the Competitive Dialogue. 6. The Tender will be held in the English language. All the communication in the Tender will be done in English. The Contracting Entity will accept offers submitted in English, Slovak as well as Czech languages(following the requirement by the law). If the Candidate/Participant states in the communication with the Contracting Entity their communication language as Slovak or Czech, the Contracting Entity shall lead the oral communication in Slovak as well as minutes of the meetings and reports. Written communication done by the Contracting Entity towards all of the Participants will be done in English. The rulling language of the Contract and its Annexes will be always English. If the Certificates, documents by means of which the candidate/group of candidates demonstrates compliance with the conditions of participation (art. 32 and art. 34 of the PPA) or the offer security documentation have been issued in original form in Slovak language or Czech language, the Participant may submit such documents in their original form in Slovak language or in Czech language. If the Certificates, documents by means of which the candidate/group of candidates demonstrates compliance with the conditions of participation (art. 32 and art. 34 of the PPA) have been issued in any other language than Slovak, Czech or English the Participant must provide such document in official translation to English. 7. If more than 3 Participants meet the participation conditions, the Contracting Entity will choose the invited Participants based on the following evaluation of the provided references. The chosen Participants will be ranked in the 1st instance from the highest number of all declared references meeting the participation condition and in second instance the highest total sum of installed power in all declared references meeting the participation condition. All declared references to apply for the decisive rule must be according to the Minimum Required Level of the standard set in point 3.3.1 for the participation conditions.

5.1.7 Strategické verejné obstarávanie

Cieľ strategického verejného obstarávania : Žiadne strategické verejné obstarávanie

5.1.9 Kritériá výberu

Kritérium :
Typ : Technická a odborná spôsobilosť
Opis : In accordance with the provision of Section 34 par. 1 (a) of the Public Procurement Act: A list of deliveries of goods/provided services of equal or similar nature and complexity as that of the tender subject matter carried out during the preceding ten years prior to the declaration of the public procurement, with indication of two dates: start of design and completion of commissioniong, customers, contact person for the customer (incl. name, phone number, email), parameters of the project. Minimum required level of the standard: The list of deliveries of goods/provided services and information about individual references should make it clear that the Candidate within the relevant period delivered the goods/provided services of equal or similar nature to that of the tender subject matter. The Candidate shall provide minimum one reference from the past 10 years, in which the Candidate designed, manufactured and successfully commissioned a motorgenerator of equal or similar nature to that of the tender subject as defined by these technical requirements meeting both technical requirements: • Synchronous GeneratorMotor (GM) of minimal 80 MW of installed power on one machine at the hydro power-plant The Candidate shall provide minimum one reference from the past 10 years, in which the Candidate designed, manufactured and successfully commissioned a motorgenerator of equal or similar nature to that of the tender subject as defined by these technical requirements meeting both technical requirements: • Synchronous Generator/Motor with variable speed application at least 60 MW on one machine Evidence of each of the above technical requirements does not need be from a single completed project. The Candidate shall provide all applicable references meeting the above mentioned requirements, for the purpose of applying the decisive rule. When the Contracting Entity will be applying the decisive rule in case of qualification of more than 3 participants the Candidate will not be able to add any further references after the deadline for Request for participation. Ten years interval for the provided goods and services was chosen because the scale and the rare occurance of such projects. Therefore, the 3-year interval would not even cover the length of such projects.
Použitie tohto kritéria : Použité
Kritériá sa použijú na výber záujemcov, ktorí budú pozvaní do druhej fázy postupu
Kritérium :
Typ : Technická a odborná spôsobilosť
Opis : In accordance with the provision of Section 34 (1) (g) of the Public Procurement Act: Information on education and professional experience or professional qualification of managerial staff (experts) responsible for managing the services/civil works. Minimum required level of the standard: A Candidate shall prove their professional capacity to provide the required performance through a confirmation stating that the Candidate has available the below specified experts meeting the set requirements, in the required number. The below specified requirements for an expert shall be proven by the Candidate as follows: a) by presenting a professional CV containing at least the following: * first name and surname; * completed education; * current job position; * overview of professional experience relating to the performance of the tender subject matter; * signature in own hand of the expert. b) in the case that the Candidate is not the current employer of the relevant expert, by presenting a written contract entered into by and between the Candidate and the expert (pursuant to the identification below) concerning the use of professional capacity of the expert in performing the contract with the Candidate, provided that the Candidate succeeds in this public procurement. c) by presenting the original/verified copy of the requested document concerning the professional capacity d) by presenting a copy of the document on the completed education. The Candidate shall prove in the manner specified above the satisfaction of the following minimum requirements towards the experts: Expert 1: MotorGenerator Design specialist – at least 1 person meeting the following requirements: • Working experience of at least 5 years as MotorGenerator design specialist • At least one practical experience with designing motorgenerator with minimum power of 80 MW on one machine, with the project being successfully commissioned • At least one practical experience with designing variable speed motorgenerator with minimum power of 60 MW on one machine fed by full size frequency converter, with the project being successfully commissioned Expert 2: MotorGenerator supervisor - at least 1 person meeting the following requirements: • Practical experience with communication protocols IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 60870-5-101 or equivalent • At least one practical experience with supevision, during installation and successful commissioning of GM with minimal 60 MW fed by full size frequency converter A person on whose capacity a Candidate relies to prove the satisfaction of this condition must be involved in the performance of the Contract and in the Tasks during the Competitive Dialogue. Such workers shall also be indicated in the Contract.
Použitie tohto kritéria : Použité
Informácie o druhej fáze dvojfázového postupu :
Minimálny počet záujemcov, ktorí budú pozvaní do druhej fázy postupu : 3
Postup prebieha v po sebe nasledujúcich fázach. V každej fáze môžu byť niektorí účastníci vylúčení

5.1.11 Súťažné podklady

Jazyky, v ktorých sú súťažné podklady oficiálne k dispozícii : slovenčina
Ad hoc komunikačný kanál :
Názov : Eranet

5.1.12 Podmienky verejného obstarávania

Podmienky predkladania :
Elektronické predkladanie : Povinná
Jazyky, v ktorých možno predložiť ponuky alebo žiadosti o účasť : angličtina, slovenčina, čeština
Elektronický katalóg : Nie je povolená
Varianty : Nie je povolená
Opis finančnej zábezpeky : The Contracting Entity shall request furnishing of a Tender Security to secure the offer. The Tender Security amount shall be 30 000 EUR (in words: thirtythousand euro).
Lehota na prijímanie žiadostí o účasť : 31/01/2025 12:00 +01:00
Lehota, dokedy ponuka musí zostať platná : 12 Mesiac
Podmienky zmluvy :
Plnenie zmluvy sa musí vykonať v rámci programov chránených pracovísk : Nie
Podmienky týkajúce sa plnenia zmluvy : According to Fidic Yellow book 1999 and Particular conditions attached to the Descriptive document (Performance bond, Insurance)
Elektronická fakturácia : Povinná
Bude sa využívať elektronické objednávanie : nie
Bude sa využívať elektronická platba : áno
Právna forma, ktorú musí mať skupina uchádzačov, ktorej bude zadaná zákazka : A group of suppliers created for the purpose of the order subject matter supply/realization, whose offer is accepted by the Contracting Entity, shall establish a joint legal form by the date set for concluding the contract, e.g. an Agreement of Association pursuant to Section 829 and following of the Civil Code. The group members will confirm this obligation in the bid by a “Statutory Declaration on Establishment of Group”. The statutory declaration must be signed by all the group members. Any change to the constitution of the group or change of Agreement of Association participants compared to its constitution presented for the purposes of submission of documents complying with the terms for participation in the tender shall be forbidden. Failure to comply with these provisions shall lead to disqualification of the Candidate/Participant from the Tender. In such case, the Candidate/Participant shall be notified in writing of the disqualification of his Request for Participation/Offer, including the reasons for disqualification and the deadline for filing an objection.
Mechanizmus financovania : At the time of the publication of the Competitive Dialogue, the Contracting Entity expects to finance this project from combination of its own resources and EU/state funds. Milestones payment based on lump sum of the Contract.
Informácie o lehotách na preskúmanie : Lehoty na predloženie žiadosti o nápravu a/alebo námietok upravuje platný a účinný zákon o verejnom obstarávaní.

5.1.15 Techniky

Rámcová dohoda :
Žiadna rámcová dohoda
Informácie o dynamickom nákupnom systéme :
Žiadny dynamický nákupný systém
Elektronická aukcia : nie

5.1.16 Ďalšie informácie, mediácia a preskúmanie

Organizácia pre preskúmanie : Úrad pre verejné obstarávanie
Organizácia poskytujúca doplňujúce informácie o postupe verejného obstarávania : Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
Organizácia poskytujúca offline prístup k súťažným podkladom : Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
Organizácia poskytujúca ďalšie informácie o postupy preskúmania : Úrad pre verejné obstarávanie
Organizácia prijímajúca žiadosti o účasť : Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
TED eSender : Úrad pre verejné obstarávanie

8. Organizácie

8.1 ORG-0001

Úradný názov : Úrad pre verejné obstarávanie
Registračné číslo : 31797903
Registračné číslo : 2021511008
Poštová adresa : Ružová dolina 10
Mesto : Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov
PSČ : 82109
Nižšia územná jednotka krajiny (NUTS) : Bratislavský kraj ( SK010 )
Krajina : Slovensko
Telefón : +421250264111
Roly tejto organizácie :
TED eSender
Organizácia pre preskúmanie
Organizácia poskytujúca ďalšie informácie o postupy preskúmania

8.1 ORG-0002

Úradný názov : Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.
Registračné číslo : 35829052
Registračné číslo : 2020261353
Poštová adresa : Pribinova 40
Mesto : Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov
PSČ : 811 09
Nižšia územná jednotka krajiny (NUTS) : Bratislavský kraj ( SK010 )
Krajina : Slovensko
Telefón : 0910673924
Roly tejto organizácie :
Vedúci subjekt skupiny
Organizácia poskytujúca doplňujúce informácie o postupe verejného obstarávania
Organizácia poskytujúca offline prístup k súťažným podkladom
Organizácia prijímajúca žiadosti o účasť

11. Informácie o oznámení

11.1 Informácie o oznámení

Identifikátor/verzia oznámenia : f5580426-3eea-465b-be3c-ed4a28f0444f - 01
Typ formulára : Súťaž
Typ oznámenia : Oznámenie o vyhlásení verejného obstarávania alebo oznámenie o koncesii – štandardný režim
Dátum odoslania oznámenia : 12/12/2024 14:33 +01:00
Jazyky, v ktorých je toto oznámenie oficiálne k dispozícii : slovenčina

11.2 Informácie o uverejnení

Číslo uverejnenia oznámenia : 00763026-2024
Číslo vydania série S úradného vestníka : 243/2024
Dátum uverejnenia : 13/12/2024