Contract name: AGREEMENT FOR THE DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION, HOSTING AND SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF A REGIONAL NOMINATION PLATFORM RNP is used by European Interconnector customers to nominate against capacity purchased in the Long-term, Day Ahead and Intraday auctions. The 24/7 helpdesk is available to the Client, TSOs, the customers and the Power Trading Team to support if there is an issue with completing the nominations process or if there is an unplanned outage on the Interconnectors. The Client procured a new contract for the following: • Hosting and application development of RNP 2.0; • Support and maintenance; • Associated 24/7 helpdesk services. Previous notices: • FTS reference: 2024/S 000-002200 • OJEU reference: 2024/S 021-059532 A contract award notice for UK Contracting Authorities issued on FTS. Procurement led by NATIONAL GRID INTERCONNECTORS LIMITED on behalf of all Contracting Authorities. All Contracting Authorities: (1) NATIONAL GRID INTERCONNECTORS LIMITED, incorporated and registered in England and Wales under company registration number 03385525, the registered office of which is at 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH, United Kingdom; (2) NATIONAL GRID IFA 2 LIMITED, incorporated and registered in England and Wales under company registration number 09129992, the registered office of which is at 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH, United Kingdom; (3) NATIONAL GRID VIKING LINK LIMITED, incorporated and registered in England and Wales under company registration number 09075537, the registered office of which is at 1 3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH, United Kingdom; (4) NATIONAL GRID NORTH SEA LINK LIMITED, incorporated and registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08082344, the registered office of which is at 1 3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH, United Kingdom; (5) NEMO LINK LIMITED, incorporated and registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08169409, the registered office of which is at 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH, United Kingdom; (6) ENERGINET SYSTEMANSVAR A/S, registered in the Danish Central Business Register under company registration number 39314959, the registered office of which is at Tonne Kjærsvej 65, DK-7000 Fredericia, Denmark; (7) RESEAU DE TRANSPORT D’ELECTRICITE, registered in the commercial register at Nanterre under number 444 619 258, the registered office of which is at Immeuble WINDOW, 7C Place du Dôme, 92073 Paris La Défense cedex, France.