The mission of the contractor is to develop and implement measures to ensure a perfect match between the vocational training offer and the needs of companies, and more generally the needs of the job market. The services covered fall under outputs 2, 3 and 4 of the module. The tenderer is responsible for achieving the following module and output indicators: Module indicator 2: 555 companies supported by the module have taken on the training function in their own company. Module indicator 3: 2,100 apprentices out of 3,000 (70%), including 630 women (40%), who took part in cooperative vocational training found a job within six months of completing their training. Output Indicator 2.1 In all the target regions of the project, the committees set up for the selected sectors and made up of representatives of the formal vocational training system and the private sector to coordinate the local supply of cooperative vocational training have implemented multi-year work plans. Output Indicator 2.2 750 companies, including 225 companies run by women, have improved their capacity to train apprentices in-house. Output Indicator 3.2 3,000 young people, including 1,500 (50%) women, have completed their vocational training with a certificate. Output Indicator 4.1 4,000 young people, including 2,000 (50%) women and 55% youth from the northern regions, who have taken part in vocational guidance courses confirm that they feel better prepared for possible cooperative vocational training or integration into the professional occupation. Output Indicator 4.2 2,700 trainees, including 1,350 (50%) women and 55% youth from the northern regions, have successfully taken part in offers aimed at developing skills relevant to professional integration. The activities of the tenderer are structured into four work packages: Work package 1: Increasing private sector capacity and engagement in cooperative vocational training programmes (linked to Output 2) In this work package, the contractor will support the achievement of Output 2 by developing the competences of local private sector actors in charge of implementing and coordinating the cooperative training programmes. More specifically, the contractor will help strengthen the capacities of local cooperation mechanisms in regard to public-private partnerships, as well as of individual companies which participate in the cooperative training programs. Work package 2 : Support to the development and implementation of cooperative training programmes in the fields of agriculture, renewable energies, IT and other prospective sectors (linked to Output 3) The contractor will support the implementation of the cooperative training programs piloted in Output 3, specifically regarding the practical and in-company side of the trainings (Output Indicator 3.2).Based on the 11 existing training curricula and the 9 training curricula that are to be developed, the contractor will be responsible for the development, validation and distribution of teaching and learning materials as well as for the technical training of trainers in the TVET centres. Furthermore, during the implementation of the dual training programs, the contractor will be responsible for accompanying the students and companies to ensure that the dual training programs are implemented in compliance with the newly introduced standards. Work package 3: Support to career guidance and transition to labour market services (linked to Output 4) The main goal of this work package is to increase the vocational training applicants" chances for better labour market integration. Therefore, the contractor will be responsible for the development of career guidance services (Output Indicator 4.1). In the field of labour market integration, the contractor will contribute to the design and implementation of complementary training measure for graduates" job and life readiness (Output Indicator 4.2). Work package 4: Other areas of support across and beyond outputs The 4 outputs of the project are closely linked. As a result, the achievement of the work packages 1-3 for which the contractor is responsible depends on cross-cutting and general processes beyond outputs 2, 3 and 4. Under work package 4 the contractor shall support overarching processes including planning, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management and facilitating capacity development measures.