Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Sanitation and Recycling (REG) needs a framework agreement that shall ensure the need for special welding services, including planned and acute welding work, welding of pressurised parts, as well as monitoring wear on pipe systems and simulation. The scope concerns both repairs and replacement …
Special rørfittings, ventiler og regulatorer til laboratorier Special rørfittings, ventiler og regulatorer til laboratorier
Acuerdo Marco para el suministro de gases industriales, botellas y material relacionado de oxicorte para la Jefatura del Cuerpo de Bomberos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid Acuerdo Marco para el suministro de gases industriales, botellas y material relacionado de oxicorte para la Jefatura del Cuerpo de Bomberos del Ayuntamiento de Madrid