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The Supply and Delivery of Engineering Consumables for Apprenticeship and other Non-Apprenticeship Courses in Two (2) Lots to Cork Education and Training Board
Cork Education and Training Board (Cork ETB) are seeking to establish a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Engineering Consumables for Apprenticeship and Non-Apprenticeship Courses to Cork College of FET – Bishopstown Campus and to other Cork ETB, FET Campuses as may be required for the lifetime of the …
CPV: 14622000 Stal, 42660000 Narzędzia do lutowania na miękko, lutowania na twardo, obróbki powierzchni oraz maszyny i urządzenia do natryskiwania na gorąco, 42662000 Sprzęt spawalniczy, 42662100 Elektryczny sprzęt spawalniczy, 44315100 Akcesoria spawalnicze, 44315200 Tworzywa spawalnicze, 44317000 Zawiesia żelazne lub stalowe, 44450000 Stal miękka, 44531700 Wyroby gwintowane z żelaza lub stali, 45262680 Spawanie
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