Appel à candidature relatif à la mission de réalisation d'un diagnostic environnemental et d'un plan d'actions dans le cadre de la démarche « Ports propres » pour le Port de Commerce de Bastia. Appel à candidature relatif à la mission de réalisation d'un diagnostic environnemental et d'un plan d'actions dans …
Predmet ove koncesije je odabir operatera koji će upravljati postrojenjem za sortiranje odvojeno sakupljenog komunalnog otpada (otpadni papir, karton) i reciklabilnog otpada (otpadna plastika, metal i tekstil) s javnih površina i reciklažnih dvorišta na području JLS uključenih u „Sporazum o zajedničkom korištenju postrojenja za sortiranje odvojeno prikupljenog otpada - Sortirnica …
A programme to promote sustainable travel in Workplaces and Campuses. The programmes currently works with large employers (generally over 100 employees) and third level institutions to develop and implement Workplace travel plans, or actions to support employees and students walking, cycling, carsharing and using public transport on the commute. A …
Изготвяне на Екологична оценка и оценка за съвместимост на проектите на Плановете за управление на речните басейни за Дунавски, Черноморски, Източнобеломорски и Западнобеломорски район за басейново управление, за периода 2022-2027 г. Плановете за управление на речните басейни (ПУРБ) попадат както в обхвата на ЗООС, така и в обхвата на чл. …
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest wykonanie wariantowej koncepcji dla budowy kolektora odciążającego „A” oraz zbiorników retencyjnych „A1”, ”A2” i ”A3” w zlewni Górczynki w rejonie ul. Hetmańskiej, Dmowskiego, Drużynowej i Góreckiej w Poznaniu. Szczegółowy Opis Przedmiotu Zamówienia stanowi załącznik nr 8 do SWZ Przedmiotem zamówienia jest wykonanie wariantowej koncepcji dla budowy kolektora …
The Norwegian Environment Agency has an ongoing dynamic purchasing system (DPS) for the procurement of mapping services in accordance with Nature in the Norway system (NiN). Initially this applies to terrestrial mapping. In connection with the announcement of competition for the scheme, planned for 31 January 2025, we encourage suppliers …
Il s'agit de mettre en oeuvre différents suivis prévus dans le Programme de surveillance (PDS) de la Directive Cadre Stratégique pour le Milieu Marin (DCSMM) afin de renseigner les indicateurs d'abondance et de distribution des oiseaux marins et côtiers des façades Manche mer du Nord et Atlantique pour évaluer le …
Trondheim municipality, hereafter called the contracting authority, invites tenderers to an open competition for a contract for the gas follow-up and consultancy project Heggstadmoen. The contracting authority would like tenders from tenderers with the professional, technical and financial basis necessary for fulfilment of the contract. Furthermore, experience from equivalent work …
The Contracting Authority is seeking to form and develop a mutually beneficial Professional Services Contract with external Consultants to assist in the delivery of Transport and Road Asset Management (TRAM) programmes. The successful economic operator will be required to provide a wide spectrum of civil engineering consultancy services and associated …
The EPA is seeking ecological expertise and technical support in the areas of work and associated requirements specified below. Tenderers are required to demonstrate that they can provide the necessary skills, expertise and experience to meet the requirements in the list of tasks set out below. Each tenderer should provide …