Technical Services for the conversion of existing Dominican Church to a New Library For Drogheda. Technical Services for the conversion of existing Dominican Church to a New Library For Drogheda.
Instandhaltungsvertrag für Palletier-Roboter NGZ R3000 / R3000S an den Standorten der Deutschen Bundesbank Der Auftragnehmer übernimmt im Rahmen eines Fullservice-Vertrages die Instandhaltung von Palletier-Robotern des Typs IP4 R 3000 und IP4 R 3000S die an den Standorten des Auftraggebers eingesetzt werden. Art, Umfang und Qualität der Instandhaltung haben einen störungsarmen …
The contracting authority is the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority. Arbeidstilsynet (The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority) is a governmental agency under Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet (the Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion), focused on occupational safety and health. The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority consists of a directorate and an outer department with …
Respond are establishing multi-disciplinary Frameworks to support their ambitions of delivering high quality housing developments. As part of their remit to develop cost rental, social and affordable units throughout Ireland, Respond wish to procure the services for future projects to develop design, secure statutory approvals and procure and oversee the …
SPD5/2024/070 - Framework Contract for the Provision of Clerks for Festivals Malta SPD5/2024/070 - Framework Contract for the Provision of Clerks for Festivals Malta
Przedmiotem Umowy jest pełnienie przez Wykonawcę obowiązków inwestora zastępczego poprzez kompleksową obsługę realizacji zadania inwestycyjnego pn. „Adaptacja założenia pałacowo-parkowego w Nawrze na Muzeum Ziemiaństwa im. Rodziny Sczanieckich” w zakresie organizowania i koordynacji robót budowlanych oraz obsługi roszczeń wynikających z rękojmi i gwarancji, przez osoby o odpowiednich kwalifikacjach zawodowych i z …
Rénovation énergétique et aménagement des espaces de bureaux sur 8 niveaux occupé par le GIE SESAM-VITALE situé dans la Tour Solaire 5 boulevard Marie et Alexandre Oyon au Mans Rénovation énergétique et aménagement des espaces de bureaux sur 8 niveaux occupé par le GIE SESAM-VITALE situé dans la Tour Solaire …
Event Management Services The following Event Management Services are the subject matter of the framework agreement: - Provide advisory and consulting services on event management for in-person, sponsored, and online events. - Manage from planning to delivery several large-scale events, including inperson, hybrid and virtual events such as RawMaterials Summit …
Respond are establishing multi-disciplinary Frameworks to support their ambitions of delivering high quality housing developments. As part of their remit to develop cost rental, social and affordable units throughout Ireland, Respond wish to procure the services for future projects to develop design, secure statutory approvals and procure and oversee the …
Dublin City Council seeks to establish a Multi Party Framework Agreement with two Economic Operators for the provision of Leaflet Distribution Services. The Framework will be for a maximum period of 4 years. The Contracting Authority confirms that the period of any contracts awarded under the framework agreement may extend …