Animal Health and Welfare - RVOs - cover for staff shortage Animal Health and Welfare - RVOs - cover for staff shortage
Exclusión de aves y control de fauna en el puerto de Eivissa Exclusión de aves y control de fauna en el puerto de Eivissa
Animal Health and Welfare - RVOs - cover for maternity leave Animal Health and Welfare - RVOs - cover for maternity leave
Fußläufige Fallwildsuche zur ASP-Bekämpfung Spree-Neiße Fußläufige Absuche von Fläche mit folgenden topografischen Ansprüchen ungefähre Ortsbeschreibung: JOCKSDORF, GROSZ-KÖLZIG, PRESCHEN, RADEN, JERISCHKE, EICHWEGE Das Gebiet ist wie folgt gegliedert (in ha): Ackerland 763,88 Brachland 5,48 Gehölz 129,15 Grünland 295,16 Laub- und Nadelholz 484,53 Laubholz 100,82 Nadelholz 3071,58 Sumpf 3,20 Unland, Vegetationslose Fläche …
Le présent marché a pour objet les prestations liées à l'exercice de la compétence fourrière animale qui comprend : - La capture et le transport des animaux errants, dangereux, en garde sociale, blessés ou non. - L'enlèvement des animaux morts et leur traitement - La gestion de la fourrière animale …
Ejecución, mediante categorías, de los servicios demandadas por el Ayuntamiento de forma habitual, descritas en el ANEXO, Ejecución, mediante categorías, de los servicios demandadas por el Ayuntamiento de forma habitual, descritas en el ANEXO,
The DPS covers the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1. These may include but are not limited to the provision of Locum Tenens services, Border Inspection Post services, services to support the eradication of Tuberculosis and other short-term veterinary support services that may be required by the …
The DPS covers the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1. These may include but are not limited to the provision of Locum Tenens services, Border Inspection Post services, services to support the eradication of Tuberculosis and other short-term veterinary support services that may be required by the …