Zur Unterstützung der Aufgaben der Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung nach WaStrG soll die Geometrie von Teilen der Bundeswasserstraßen (Unterwassertopographie, Ufernahebereiche) vermessen werden. Die bei der Durchführung gewonnenen Messdaten sollen in nachfolgenden Arbeitsprozessen ausgewertet und vertragsgemäß zu Produkten verarbeitet werden. In diesem Wertschöpfungsprozess wird z. B. die eindeutige Umwandlung von sensorbezogenen Rohdaten …
TenneT TSO B.V. is appointed by the Dutch government as the offshore grid operator. In this role, in order to accommodate the offshore wind development agenda, TenneT has developed, and will continue to develop, an extensive project portfolio. TenneT is responsible for engineering, procurement, installation, construction and operation of the …
Donegal County Council in their role as a local authority seek to engage a suitably qualified Consultancy firm with expertise in dredging and dumping at sea licensing to make applications to the relevant authorities for licensing and consents for the purpose of carrying out maintenance dredging including shore based dredging, …
50Hertz and Elia intend to establish a Supplier Qualification System (“SQS”) for the procurement of Offshore Geophysical Site Investigations. The EMPLOYER is looking for the execution of geophysical route surveys, including data processing and reporting, for projects in the Baltic Sea and North Sea. The services in question include the …