Servicio para la organización del pabellón de España en MWC Barcelona 2025 Servicio para la organización del pabellón de España en MWC Barcelona 2025
Предмета на обществената поръчка предвижда организиране и провеждане на международни събития на територията на гр. София и включва: - осигуряване на хотелско настаняване, - осигуряване на зали/подходящи помещения и техническо оборудване за обезпечаване на събитията, - осигуряване на транспорт (самолетни билети и вътрешен транспорт), - изхранване, - изработка и осигуряване …
1. Przedmiotem zamówienia jest wykonanie usługi organizacyjno-logistycznej związanej z przygotowaniem i przeprowadzeniem wydarzenia pn. Forum Edukacyjne w Krakowie. 2. W ramach zamówienia zostaną zrealizowane między innymi następujące działania: a) zapewnienie osób merytorycznych (moderator i eksperci), b) najem przestrzeni na organizację Forum, c) zapewnienie systemu elektronicznej rejestracji uczestników, d) catering (przerwa …
This action will target stakeholders who commit with pledges to support the transition pathway for the proximity and social economy industrial ecosystem by developing and facilitating matchmaking services (local, regional and/or EU component) and support actions at ecosystem level. The action will specifically contribute to the further implementation of the …
The purpose of this call for tenders is to provide the European Parliament with framework contracts covering the organisation of team events or other typologies of events in Belgium (Lot 1) , France within a 80km radius from Strasbourg (Lot 2) and Luxembourg (Lot 3). In general terms, the contractor(s) …
HRI Racecourses wish to establish a framework agreement for the provision of Cleaning Service to HRI Racecourses HRI Racecourses wish to establish a framework agreement for the provision of Cleaning Service to HRI Racecourses
In order to strengthen the Lithuanian public's understanding of the European Commission's actions and their benefits and to involve citizens, especially young people, and interested parties in the dialogue, the European Commission Representation in Lithuania plans to organize (independently or in partnership with other entities) various events, such as: NextGenerationEU …
Ajánlatkérő a jelen eljárást az alábbiakban megjelölt keretmegállapodás alapján folytatta le a közbeszerzésekről szóló 2015. évi CXLIII. törvény 105. § (1) bekezdés c) pont szerint. A keretmegállapodás tárgya: „Keretmegállapodás rendezvényszervezéshez kapcsolódó feladatok ellátására a Nemzeti Kommunikációs Hivatal jogállásáról és a kormányzati kommunikációs beszerzésekről szóló 162/2020. (IV. 30.) Korm. rendelet 2. …
This Action seeks to enable the EU to address the short and medium-term foreign policy needs and opportunities in and with Australia, Hong Kong (and Macao), New Zealand, and Singapore by deepening bilateral relations and dialogues, and by forging alliances and partnerships through public-, economic-, and cultural diplomacy tools, primarily …
The Action will aim to lead and develop a form of decentralised international urban and regional cooperation for sustainable urban development and innovation in key partner countries, regions and territories of Asia and Australasia, in line with the external dimension of the Urban Agenda for the EU, the EU Green …