The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with testing and test management. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation. The dynamic purchasing system includes assistance with testing and test management. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation.
This scheme shall cover assistance, advice and project management within analyses and reviews. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation. This scheme shall cover assistance, advice and project management within analyses and reviews. Further details are given in the attached qualification documentation.
About the procurement Exit point for the Stimulab project, Finnmark county's commitment is Digi2030. The commitment is organised with an internal focus Digi2030 FFK – which focuses on internal digitalisation in the county and an external focus, Digi2030 Finnmark, which aims for a digitalisation lift for municipalities and businesses in …
APIA a demarat o proced de achizitie pt atribuirea unui acordcadru de Serviciinecesareimplementării cerințelorptinspecțiadecalitateIACS(SistemulIntegratdeAdministrareșiControl),conformReg.(EU)2116/2021, Art. 68, Art. 69, Art. 70-Începând cu campania 2024.În conform cucerințeleprevăz în Reg(UE)2116/2021laart68,69și70 este necesară realiz uneiverificări anuale acalității componentelor IACS(LPIS - Land Parcel Identification System-Sistemul de Identificare a Parcelelor Agricole, GSAA - Geo-Spatial Application system-Aplicațiageospațială,AMS-AreaMonitoringSystem-Sistemul …
Projekto „VMI skaitmeninė transformacija: inovatyvių elektroninių paslaugų ir mokesčių administravimo platformos sukūrimas" vykdymo techninės priežiūros paslaugos Projekto „VMI skaitmeninė transformacija: inovatyvių elektroninių paslaugų ir mokesčių administravimo platformos sukūrimas" vykdymo techninės priežiūros paslaugos
SJ AB genomför en upphandling avseende säkerhetsövervakningstjänster (Security Operations Center, SOC). SJ avser att ingå ramavtal med en leverantör för IT-säkerhetsövervakning. Leverantören utgör en resurs för företaget och arbetar proaktivt i SJs verktyg för säkerhetsövervakning (XDR) och logghantering (SIEM), hanterar incidenter och stödjer SJ i dess it-säkerhetsarbete. SJ AB genomför …
The dynamic purchasing system includes system development. Further details on roles within system development, scrum masts, test development and system development methodology are given in the attached qualification documentation. The dynamic purchasing system includes system development. Further details on roles within system development, scrum masts, test development and system development …
The Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Customer) would like to enter into a contract for a Security Operations Center (SOC) service. The service shall contribute to strengthening the security and monitoring of our IT infrastructure through proactive monitoring, identifying, analysing and handling security threats. The procurement involves a 24 hour service …
Perkamos IT sistemų vystymo ir priežiūros paslaugos Perkamos IT sistemų vystymo ir priežiūros paslaugos
Sandnes municipality, hereafter called the Contracting Authority, invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic procurement scheme (DPS scheme) for consultancy, assistance and/or project management within digitalisation and IT within concept development, technology consultancy, automation, integrations, enterprise architecture and project management. The scheme shall include …