Skatterådgivning och skatteadministration Skatterådgivning och skatteadministration
Die Medizinische Hochschule Hannover (MHH), im Weiteren AG genannt, beabsichtigt mit dieser Ausschreibung die Vergabe von Beratungsleistungen auf dem Gebiet des Steuerrechts Die Vergabe der ausgeschriebenen Leistung erfolgt nach § 119 Abs. (3) des Gesetzes gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (GWB) im offenen Verfahren zum Abschluss eines Dienstleistungsvertrags gemäß § 15 Vergabeverordnung (VgV). …
Local Enterprise Office Longford is compiling a panel of trainers, from which future training programmes, workshops and seminars for a 2 year period will be selected. Applications are invited from those with appropriate skills and experience that wish to be included in the LEO Longford training panel. Applications will be …
The Contracting Authority Atlantic Technological University (ATU) wishes to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Consultancy Services across all campuses. All applicants who provide the information in the DPS Qualification Questionnaire, contained in Appendix 1, who clearly demonstrate they operate within this service will be considered for admittance to …
Sottosistema SVZ1-ICT - SERVIZI ICT Categorie: SVZ-ICT-01 ICT Security governance SVZ-ICT-02 Digital Governance SVZ-ICT-03 Digital Architecture Sottosistema SVZ 2-CONS SERVIZI DI CONSULENZA Categorie: SVZ-CONS-01 Consulenze strategiche, direzionali e/o organizzative SVZ-CONS-02 Consulenze amministrative/fiscali/finanziarie Sottosistema SVZ3-FM - FACILITY MANAGEMENT Categorie: SVZ-FM-01 Servizi di vigilanza armata SVZ-FM-02 Portierato e Controllo accessi (video sorveglianza) …
Servizi di Consulenze articolati nelle seguenti categorie: CONS-01 Servizi di Consulenze strategiche/direzionali e/o organizzative CONS-02 Servizi di Consulenze amministrative/fiscali/finanziarie