University of Galway wishes to establish a Framework of suitably qualified and experienced Unit4 partner(s) with detailed Unit4 ERP expertise that can work within the existing University support teams, with the University and its strategic partners, supporting the business planning objectives. The Framework Members will be required to provide enhanced …
Accord-cadre à bons de commande pour la réalisation de diagnostics de performance énergétique sur le patrimoine d'Hérault Logement - Relance lot n°02 Suite à non-reconduction Réalisation de diagnostics de performance énergétique sur le patrimoine d'Hérault Logement - Agence Coeur Hérault
Accord cadre à bons de commande relatifs aux prestations de diagnostics dont DPE avec identification des isolants, constats, Etats avant ventes et locations, audit énergétique, mérule, termites, repérages amiante et plomb avant travaux de réhabilitation, de démolition, d'entretien, de maintenance et de gros entretien ponctuel, examens visuels amiante, mise à …
NATIONAL STANDARDS AUTHORITY OF IRELAND Authorisation to undertake verification for specific instrument types granted under: Section 12 of the Metrology Act, 1996Or Section 48 of the European Union (Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments) Regulations, 2018 NATIONAL STANDARDS AUTHORITY OF IRELAND Authorisation to undertake verification for specific instrument types granted under: Section 12 …
This procurement process seeks to establish a renewed Structured Dialogue with civil society in relation to cultural policy, providing the European Commission with a framework for discussions with stakeholders in this field. Structured Dialogue is an established process through which the sector and the EC can exchange views and information …
A European Expert Network on Culture (EENC) will be set up to support policy needs with respect to the cultural and creative sectors in connection with the implementation of the New European Agenda for Culture and the EU Work Plans for Culture. It will carry our research, advise and support …
Zabudowa paneli fotowoltaicznych na dachach budynków "Repty" Górnośląskie Centrum Rehabilitacji im. gen. Jerzego Ziętka w Tarnowskich Górach Zabudowa paneli fotowoltaicznych na dachach budynków "Repty" Górnośląskie Centrum Rehabilitacji im. gen. Jerzego Ziętka w Tarnowskich Górach
Gestion et coordination de contrats départementaux de transports publics réguliers de voyageurs Gestion et coordination de contrats départementaux de transports publics réguliers de voyageurs
l?assistance à maitrise d?ouvrage pour l?acquisition d?équipements clés de la plateforme technologique, ainsi que les utilités et toutes les structures de support nécessaires à leur bonne utilisation. La description détaillée des missions est indiquée dans le cahier des Clauses Techniques Particulières (C.C.T.P.). la présente consultation a pour objet l'assistance à …
Contractul are ca obiect proiectarea, execuţia lucrărilor și dotarea obiectivului de investiție: Proiectarea, execuția lucrărilor, verificarea tehnică de specialitate și dotarea obiectivului de investiție "Construcție clădire nouă inclusiv dotarea infrastructurii Spitalului Orășenesc Hârlău” Descrierea lucrărilor este disponibilă în studiul de fezabilitate din cadrul documentatiei de atribuire. Valoarea estimată a contractului …