Provision of travel risk management, security, medical assistance, 24/7 emergency support, and crisis management to ensure the safety and well-being of ICMPD personnel and operations. Provision of travel risk management, security, medical assistance, 24/7 emergency support, and crisis management to ensure the safety and well-being of ICMPD personnel and operations.
IVR – Erste Hilfe Ausbildungen Ein IVR Zertifiziertes und den Qualitätsansprüchen der LBA entsprechendes Ausbildungsinstitut, welches die IVR Ausbildungen 1-3 in Französisch und Deutscher Sprache an Standorten in der Deutsch- und Französischen Schweiz ausbilden kann. IAS – Cours de premiers secours Un institut de formation certifié IAS et répondant aux …
Postępowanie dotyczące świadczenia usług specjalistycznych w ramach dwóch projektów realizowanych przez M-GOPS Pełczyce, w podziale na 12 części. Zatrudnienie asystenta rodziny Indywidualna terapia pedagogiczna Indywidualne poradnictwo prawne Spotkania z psychologiem Indywidualna terapia Zajęcia w ramach szkoły rodziców Arteterapia Zajęcia rozwojowe Zajęcia z integracji sensorycznej Zajęcia z fizjoterapeutą Zajęcia z dietetykiem …
The Contracting Entity is conducting this Procurement for the purpose of procuring ‘Basic Life Support Training’ for the Dublin Dental University Hospital more particularly described in the Scope of Services. The RFT contains further information about the Procurement process, the services and evaluation questions for Tenderers to complete. Each Tenderer's …
Request for tenders for the provision of Health and Safety Training to the Irish Prison Service Request for tenders for the provision of Health and Safety Training to the Irish Prison Service
The Minister of Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform is the Contracting Authority for the Framework. The Office of Government Procurement (the “OGP”) is an office within the Department of Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery and Reform tasked with sourcing goods and services on behalf …
The subject of the contract is the provision of: - training in the areas of first-aid, occupational safety and health and tactical emergency casualty care, - TECC/TCCC Train the Trainers course, - consultancy on curriculum development, - consultancy in the process of accreditation as NAEMT training centre. The subject of …
Externe Dienst voor Preventie en Bescherming op het Werk en nauwaansluitende bijkomende dienstverlening Aanstellen van een externe dienst voor preventie en bescherming op het werk - EDPBW en nauwaansluitende bijkomende dienstverlening
UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise to understand the structure of the market and specialist competencies/capabilities available in this area of Discipline Specific, Technical, Health and Safety Training throughout the Repuplic of Ireland. UÉ is conducting a market sounding exercise to understand the structure of the market and specialist …
Prestations de formation des assistants maternels agréés du Département des Alpes-Maritimes – Relance du lot n°2 Formation gestes premiers secours (PSC1) suite à décision sans suite Prestations de formation des assistants maternels agréés du Département des Alpes-Maritimes – Relance du lot n°2 Formation gestes premiers secours (PSC1) suite à décision …