The Contracting Authority invites submissions in response to the PQQ for the development and lease of a Primary Care Centre at Ennis Road, Limerick to the HSE of approximately 5,300 sq. m. excluding General Practitioner area along with a further 1,300 sq. m approximately for Tusla, together with associated car …
The Contracting Authority invites submissions in response to the PQQ for the development and lease of a Primary Care Centre at Ennisytmon, Co. Clare to the HSE of approximately 1,900 sq. m excluding General Practitioner area together with associated car parking. The Contracting Authority invites submissions in response to the …
The contracting Authority invites submissions in response to the PQQ for the development and lease of a Primary Care Centre at Headford, Co. Galway to the HSE of approximately 2,650 sqm, excluding General Practitioner area (to be negotiated directly by the developer with the GP), with associated car parking. The …
The contracting Authority invites submissions in response to the PQQ for the development and lease of a Primary Care Centre at Gort, Co. Galway to the HSE of approximately 2,600 sqm, excluding General Practitioner area (to be negotiated directly by the developer with the GP), with associated car parking. The …
1) Aanpassing bouwhoogte 2) Wijziging GBO 3) Budgetverruiming Is niet van toepassing niet van toepassing
Zemes ierīcības projektēšanas, kadastrālās uzmērīšanas un robežu ierīkošanas darbu veikšana nekustamajiem īpašumiem, kas saistīti ar Rail Baltica projekta īstenošanu Zemes ierīcības projektēšanas, kadastrālās uzmērīšanas un robežu ierīkošanas darbu veikšana nekustamajiem īpašumiem, kas saistīti ar Rail Baltica projekta īstenošanu
1) Aanpassing bouwhoogte 2) Wijziging GBO 3) Budgetverruiming Is niet van toepassing niet van toepassing
1) Aanpassing bouwhoogte 2) Wijziging GBO 3) Budgetverruiming Is niet van toepassing niet van toepassing
Development of a combined centre for both primary care services and enhanced community care services on the tenderer’s land or within the tenderers building to be leased to the Health Service Executive (“HSE”). The HSE is initiating this tender competition in order to identify an economic operator with suitable lands …
Development of a primary care centre on the tenderer’s land or within the tenderers building to be leased to the Health Service Executive (“HSE”). The HSE is initiating this tender competition in order to identify an economic operator with suitable lands or a suitable building and the capability to develop …