Engagement Global führt im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung den Schulwettbewerb zur Entwicklungspolitik und seiner Begleitmaßnahme - dem Song Contest "Dein Song für EINE WELT" im Zweijahresrhythmus durch. Gegenstand der Vergabe war der Abschluss von Rahmenverträgen über Leistungen zur Unterstützung des Schulwettbewerbs und des Song Contests in …
ECDC requires media and social media monitoring covering all EU/EEA countries at national and regional levels, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and selected media in the US. An online database with regularly updated information on media clippings, spokespeople mentioned, sources, sentiment, countries where the coverage took place, and reach, amongst others, …
Public Notice of Tender for the selection, by means of an Open Competitive Procedure, of an “Implementing Body” engaged for the realisation of the Actions (activities /initiatives/costs) directed at the attainment of the objectives that are provided by the Programme that will be submitted to the European Union, according to …
Il bando di gara riguarda la selezione di un organismo di esecuzione incaricato della realizzazione delle azioni rivolte al raggiungimento degli obiettivi previsti nell'ambito del Programma di informazione e promozione che verrà presentanta a valere sul Regolamento UE n.1144/2014 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio - Call 2025 e che …
Prestations de services d'agence de presse, de conseil stratégique et d'assistance en communication du Centre Pompidou Prestations de services d'agence de presse, de conseil stratégique et d'assistance en communication du Centre Pompidou
Latvijas dalības izstādē Expo 2025 Osaka publicitātes un komunikācijas plāna izstrāde un īstenošana Latvijā Latvijas dalības izstādē Expo 2025 Osaka publicitātes un komunikācijas plāna izstrāde un īstenošana Latvijā
Il bando di gara riguarda la selezione di un organismo di esecuzione incaricato della realizzazione delle azioni rivolte al raggiungimento degli obiettivi previsti nell'ambito del Programma di informazione e promozione presentato a valere sul Regolamento UE n.1144/2014 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio Call 2024, “Autentiche opere d’arte dell’ UE” …
The communications activities for InnoEnergy are split in to corporate and regional activities. Regions include Pan-EU and Brussels (EU institutions), Iberia, France, Benelux, DACH, Scandinavia (in particular Sweden), and the US (focus East coast). The winning agency will need to support us on a corporate level to: - Advance the …
Business Finland Oy (thereinafter "Contracting Entity" or "Customer") is looking for a PR agency (thereinafter "Service Provider") for its international PR and media relations work in India and Vietnam. The object of this procurement is PR agency services (thereinafter "Service") Service is more detailed in Appendix 1 (Procurement description). PR …
Städtebauförderprogramm "Sozialer Zusammenhalt" - Umsetzung des Quartiersmanagements im Programm "Sozialer Zusammenhalt"(SHZ): Los 1 - Quartiersmanagement in der Gesamtmaßnahme SHZ "Obere Stadt" in Frankfurt (Oder) für den Zeitraum vom 01.01.2025 bis zum 31.12.2027, mit der Möglichkeit der Verlängerung für den Auftraggeber um jeweils 1 Jahr, längstens bis zum 31.12.2030. Los 1 …