Technical Services for the conversion of existing Dominican Church to a New Library For Drogheda. Technical Services for the conversion of existing Dominican Church to a New Library For Drogheda.
Establishment of Multiparty Frameworks for Integrated Design Team (IDT) Services for Údarás na Gaeltachta in the following Lots: - Lot 5: Architect Led IDT for County Donegal - Lot 6: Engineer (Civil and Structural) / Project Manager Led IDT for County Donegal Tender candidates will be required to form a …
St. Brigid’s National School is a primary school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. Your attention is drawn to the attached Project Brief and particularly the proposed Schedule of Accommodation and the options outlined in the Brief. In summary, the project will comprise: • 2 Classroom SEN …
Architect or Engineer Led Integrated Multidisciplinary Design Team Consultancy Services for the development of a Masterplan Development of a 10-acre site at Lisheen, Co. Tipperary and Part 8 Planning for Industrial Core building. Scope of Service Assemble and lead an integrated Design Team for the development of a Masterplan of …
Opracowanie dokumentacji projektowej dla Remontu sieci wodociągowej - osiedle Biskupin Opracowanie dokumentacji projektowej dla Remontu sieci wodociągowej - osiedle Biskupin
Multi-party framework for the provision of Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services for the delivery of Prefabricated Modular Volumetric Short to Medium Term Residential Accommodation, primarily for International Protection applicants or emergency accommodation on State Lands. Initial Contract: The framework agreement will include an initial contract, details of which cannot …
Multi-party framework for the provision of Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services for the delivery of Prefabricated Modular Volumetric Short to Medium Term Residential Accommodation, primarily for International Protection applicants or emergency accommodation on State Lands. Initial Contract: The framework agreement will include an initial contract, details of which cannot …
Storfjord municipality is implementing a competition with the aim of entering into a contract with tenderers within the disciplines of engineering design and architecture. Storfjord municipality is implementing a competition with the aim of entering into a contract with tenderers within the disciplines of engineering design and architecture.
Transport Infrastructure Ireland (the "Contracting Authority") has a requirement acting as a central purchasing body for framework agreements ( single supplier Framework Lot 1 and multi supplier framework agreement Lot 2 (each a “Framework Agreement”) for the provision of Commercial, Claims Advisor and Professional Services for the development …
Przedmiotem zamówienia jest wykonanie pełnej dokumentacji projektowej tj. projektu budowlanego, projektów wykonawczych, specyfikacji technicznych oraz przedmiarów i kosztorysów inwestorskich na podstawie analiz i badań przedprojektowych wraz z uzyskaniem branżowych opinii, uzgodnień decyzji o środowiskowych uwarunkowaniach przedsięwzięcia (w razie potrzeby i decyzji o zezwoleniu na realizację inwestycji drogowej, dla budowy: drogi …