Derularea contractului are în vedere furnizarea de echipamente si servicii conexe pentru realizarea unui sistem de videoconferință, licențe, aplicație pentru managementul protecției datelor cu caracter personal și servicii conexe (montaj și punere în funcțiune sistem) Se dorește îmbunătățirea serviciilor oferite de primărie, sistemul deja existent să fie completat cu soluții …
Trinity College Dublin invites tenders for the supply, implementation, maintenance, and support of a SaaS-based Enquiry Management and Case Management service. The proposed implementation must be able to meet timelines and supplier must have experience in the sector. The new platform should be available for immediate use and legacy information …
The competition concerns services for IT security monitoring (SOC) and event management (IRT). The contract includes establishment, operation and maintenance of services for security monitoring the contracting authority ́s systems, as well as assist in detecting and handling security threats to the customer's systems. Participants in the procurement: Karmøy Book …
De aanbestedingsprocedure heeft tot doel één geschikte Opdrachtnemer te contracteren voor het leveren en implementeren van SOC- en SIEM-diensten die de gemeente Lelystad ondersteunen in het voorkomen van inbreuken, schade en overlast als gevolg van ongewenste activiteiten in de ICT-infrastructuur. De geraamde waarde van de Opdracht bedraagt maximaal € 100.000,- …
De opdracht omvat het leveren en het implementeren van SOC- en SIEM-diensten. De duur van de raamovereenkomst is drie (3) jaar met tweemaal de optie te verlengen met twee (2) jaar. P1 De aanbesteding wordt uitgevoerd voor Gemeente Westland en Gemeente Midden-Delfland.
Sourcing of professional services for IT (consulting, development, operations). Sourcing of professional services for IT (consulting, development, operations).