Oslo municipality, c/o the Agency for Sanitation and Recycling (REG) needs a framework agreement that shall ensure the need for special welding services, including planned and acute welding work, welding of pressurised parts, as well as monitoring wear on pipe systems and simulation. The scope concerns both repairs and replacement …
Kristiansand municipality shall renew the framework agreement for plumbing servicesKristiansand municipality and Vennesla municipality will enter into a framework agreement for the following areas: Camera inspections. Inspection of new installations and existing installations. Filming water pipes can also be relevant. Pressure testing and disinfection. Complete preparation and execution of pressure …
Troms County shall have a new framework agreement for plumbing services and the accompanying pipe parts/material. The contracts shall take care of Troms county ́s procurement of plumbing services and materials for the discipline. For pipe parts/materials, the sixth form colleges with education in these disciplines shall also be able …
Sola municipality would like to enter into a framework agreement with tenderers for pipe inspections, a suction/flushing vehicle and emptying interceptors for sludge and septic tanks. Sola municipality would like to enter into a framework agreement with tenderers for pipe inspections, a suction/flushing vehicle and emptying interceptors for sludge and …
Het uitvoeren van beheer en onderhoud, gericht op betrouwbaar en veilig functioneren, van de stoom- en condensaatdistributienetten van Groningen Seaports. Kernpunten van het beheer en onderhoud in deze opdracht zijn: - Blijvend voldoen aan wet- en regelgeving. - Borgen van functiebehoud door inspecties en preventief onderhoud. - Beschikbaarheid van opdrachtnemer …
Servizi di ingegneria e direzione lavori, servizi di perforazione, prestazioni professionali, servizi ICT-TLC. Valore totale stimato (Valore, IVA esclusa): € 1.557.939.330,00
I forbindelse med fornyelsesprojektet på Århus H skal ca. 243 meter af den eksisterende regnvandsledning i Værkmestergade, som løber parallelt med baneterrænet, udskiftes og opdimensioneres fra Ø 450 (PVC) til Ø1280 (GAP). I forbindelse med fornyelsesprojektet på Århus H skal ca. 243 meter af den eksisterende regnvandsledning i Værkmestergade, som …
Beschafft werden soll die Durchgangsprüfung, Metallverlust-, Geometrie- und Lagemessung mittels Molchungen der Nordeuropäischen Erdgasleitung (NEL) mit dem nominellen Durchmesser 56"/DN1400 und Wanddicke t ≥ 22,3 mm. Messtechnische Anforderungen: - Metallverlustdetektion in längsnahtgeschweißten geraden Stahlrohren im Rohr ab 0,5 mal t Länge und Breite und 30% von t Materialverlusttiefe bei einer …
Con il presente avviso, diretto esclusivamente a soggetti giuridici singoli e a raggruppamenti permanenti d’imprese (es. consorzi stabili, consorzi fra società cooperative di produzione e lavoro, consorzi tra imprese artigiane) e non a raggruppamenti temporanei di imprese, Snam per le proprie attività e per quelle delle altre Società del gruppo …
Magnet JQS (Joint Quaification System) is a portal for supplier qualification. Magnet JQS is used by contractors and all operators in the energy industry to search for, assess and qualify suppliers in accordance with their respective qualification and procurement requirements. Announcement of a prequalification scheme for A/S Norske Shell and …