Servizi di ingegneria e direzione lavori, servizi di perforazione, prestazioni professionali, servizi ICT-TLC. Valore totale stimato (Valore, IVA esclusa): € 1.557.939.330,00
Lightweight RPAS for Emissions Monitoring Lightweight RPAS for Emissions Monitoring
Lightweight RPAS services supporting pollution response and multipurpose maritime surveillance Lightweight RPAS services supporting pollution response and multipurpose maritime surveillance
Hansel is planning a procurement of charter fights with small business aircraft and large passenger aircraft for passengers and with cargo aircraft for cargo. The charter flights are to be flown in accordance with customer-specific destinations and customer-specific timetables. Flights may be regular or non-recurring. This procurement does not cover …
Con il presente avviso, diretto esclusivamente a soggetti giuridici singoli e a raggruppamenti permanenti d’imprese (es. consorzi stabili, consorzi fra società cooperative di produzione e lavoro, consorzi tra imprese artigiane) e non a raggruppamenti temporanei di imprese, Snam per le proprie attività e per quelle delle altre Società del gruppo …
Die Auftraggeberin beabsichtigt den Abschluss einer Rahmenvereinbarung für den Transport und die Verpackung von Kunstgegenständen jeder Art von und zu der Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt von und zu verschiedenen Leihgebern innerhalb von Deutschland, Europa und anderen Kontinenten. Die Rahmenvereinbarung soll eine Laufzeit von 4 Jahren haben. Die Auftraggeberin beabsichtigt den Abschluss …
RPAS Services for Multipurpose Maritime Surveillance RPAS for maritime surveillance in open sea areas with long endurance RPAS for maritime surveillance with extended coastal range and long endurance Vertical Take-off and Landing RPAS for ship-based operations
Hankinnan kohteena on syöttirokotteiden maastoon levittäminen lentolevityksenä hankinnassa määritetylle alueelle. Palvelun sisältö ja hankinnan laajuus on määritelty tarjouspyynnössä ja sen liitteissä. Hankintayksikkö valitsee kilpailutuksen perusteella yhden (1) toimittajan ja tekee voittaneen tarjoajan kanssa hankintasopimuksen. Hankintasopimusmalli on tarjouspyynnön liitteenä. Hankinnan kohteena on syöttirokotteiden maastoon levittäminen lentolevityksenä hankinnassa määritetylle alueelle. Palvelun sisältö …
This notice supplements previously published notice from Ørsted Wind Power A/S 2022/S 006-012916 (Services). This notice supplements previously published notices from Achilles Information AS regarding Ørsted Wind Power A/S’ use of the Achilles Utilities NCE qualification system that Achilles administer. This notice is published on a voluntary basis in order …