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Equipment Assistance Service (EAS) - Southern Europe
The overall objective of the EMSA’s Equipment Assistance Service (EAS) is the mobilisation and delivery on site, upon demand and at short notice, of oil pollution response assets, more particularly the availability on-site of specialised Oil Spill Response (OSR) equipment and dispersant to respond to oil spills in the European …
CPV: 90741200 Usługi kontroli rozlewów ropy
Equipment Assistance Service - Black Sea
The objective of EMSA’s Equipment Assistance Service (EAS) is the mobilisation and delivery on site, upon demand and at short notice, of oil pollution response assets, more particularly the availability on-site of specialised Oil Spill Response (OSR) equipment and dispersant to respond to oil spills in the European regional sea …
CPV: 90741200 Usługi kontroli rozlewów ropy
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