Suivi et animation du Plan de Sauvegarde en faveur du syndicat principal et des 4 syndicats secondaires de la copropriété Ilot du Mail à Villeneuve-la-Garenne (92390) Le marché public comprend une tranche ferme et deux tranches optionnelles, conformément aux dispositions des articles R.2113-4 à R.2113-6 du code de la commande …
Obiectul acordului cadru îl reprezintă- prestari servicii de evaluare a bunurilor imobile şi mobile sechestrate, în vederea valorificării pentru: - Lotul 2-Judetul Botosani; - Lotul 3-Judetul Iasi; - Lotul 5-Judetul Suceava; Orice operator economic interesat are dreptul, conform art.160 din Legea 98/2016, de a solicita clarificari sau informatii suplimentare in …
All the administive (non-IKT) DPS schemes are registered here. Adjustments have been made in all schemes: Analysis and evaluation, new value: NOK 100,000,000 Public Procurements, new value: 60,000,000 Organisation development, new value: 80,000,000 Project management and support, new value: 100,000,000 Strategy and Business Development, new value: NOK 100,000,000 Financial management, …
The competition is for the delivery of assignments in connection with the Research Programme Concept. There are completely separate assignments and tenderers are free to submit tenders for one or several assignments. The procurement ́s value is estimated to be above the EEA threshold, combined for all of the assignments. …
Upphandlingen avser en konsultförmedlingstjänst för konsulter inom följande Kompetensområden: -Samhällsbyggnad, samhällsutveckling, platsutveckling och trafikutveckling Trafikleverans -Fordon -Utveckling, förvaltning och drift inom digitalisering och IT -Marknadsföring och kommunikation -Försäljning -Verksamhetsledning och styrning -Verksamhetsstöd Leverantören ska presentera och erbjuda den mest lämpade konsulterna på marknaden utifrån den kravspecifikation Västtrafik lämnar i varje …
Respond are establishing multi-disciplinary Frameworks to support their ambitions of delivering high quality housing developments. As part of their remit to develop cost rental, social and affordable units throughout Ireland, Respond wish to procure the services for future projects to develop design, secure statutory approvals and procure and oversee the …
The purpose of this Call for Quotation (CfQ) is the provision of service of accounting experts to verify claims submitted by emphyteuta concerning government-owned properties in the Grand Harbour area, covering a combined total area of approximately forty-five thousand (45,000) square meters. This involves also assisting three architects in the …
The Contracting Authority is seeking to to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Procurement Consultancy Services to the Office of Public Works, Heritage Services. The Contracting Authority is seeking to to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Procurement Consultancy Services to the …
Le présent marché public a pour objet le renouvellement du Plan de Gestion de l'Espace Naturel Sensible (ENS) Bocage de Garonne, propriété du Département de la Gironde, sur les communes de Cadaujac, Isle-Saint-Georges et Ayguemorte-les-Graves Le présent marché public a pour objet le renouvellement du Plan de Gestion de l'Espace …
Iepirkuma priekšmets ir ekspertu un konsultantu pakalpojumi bezdarbniekiem Aģentūras organizētajā aktīvajā nodarbinātības pasākumā “Pasākumi komercdarbības vai pašnodarbinātības uzsākšanai” (turpmāk – Pakalpojums). Iepirkuma priekšmets ir ekspertu un konsultantu pakalpojumi bezdarbniekiem Aģentūras organizētajā aktīvajā nodarbinātības pasākumā “Pasākumi komercdarbības vai pašnodarbinātības uzsākšanai” (turpmāk – Pakalpojums). Iepirkuma priekšmets ir ekspertu un konsultantu pakalpojumi bezdarbniekiem …