“Felles Innkjøpskontor” (Joint Procurement Office) will, on behalf of the municipalities Vestby, Frogn, and Nesodden, establish a dynamic procurement arrangement for the acquisition of consulting and advisory services. This arrangement aims to cover the need for such services in the following areas: Building and real estate Urban planning services Fire …
Øyer municipality shall establish a dynamic purchasing system within consultancy engineering services to cover the municipality ́s needs in the areas; The building and property transport technique, municipal engineering, environment and nature planning assignment is limited to locations in Ringebu municipality where the municipality is responsible for the assignment. The …
Formålet med det dynamiske indkøbssystem er at konkurrenceudsætte indkøb af miljøfaglige konsulentydelser på en fleksibel måde. Nye Ansøgere, der opfylder kvalifikationskravene, kan således løbende optages i systemet.Aftalen omfatter ordregiverne Miljøstyrelsen og Miljøstyrelsens Departement.Følgende kategorier vil være gældende:1) Dataindsamling, analyser og vurderinger af plante- og dyrearter2) Udvikling og kapacitetsopbygning på vand …
Malvik Municipality would like to establish a dynamic purchasing system for consultancy services for all disciplines included in the building and construction sector. Click https://permalink.mercell.com/207270185.aspx. Here is a description of the most used services that come under the scheme, but emphasis is put on the fact that it is not …